The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2024)

a 22, 1980. A brother for Rickey-Lee and son, Troy Andrew, on Friday, November Steven. Special thanks to Dr. Quarrington ALLEN -Richard and Darlene 7 are proud announce the birth Births of their lb. 12 oz.

Birth and Civic Hospital caseroom staff. BANVILLE -David and Suzanne (nee Births Turpin) are proud to announce the arrival MONTIGNY -Denise and Normand of their first child, Tammy Isabelle, weigh- proudly announce the arrival of their first ing lbs. 1 oz. Proud grandparents are child, a boy, Normand Mathieu Philippe, 7 7 Mildred and Edgar Banville and Claire and 8 on November 24, 1980. Roland Turpin.

Special thanks to Dr. Solo- Special thanks to Dr. Davies and staff at way and caseroom staff at The Civic Hos- the Grace Hospital. pital. NIKOLOYUK -Jerry and Kim (nee Scott) BERTRAND -Denis, Beverly and Gordon are pleased to announce the birth of their are pleased to announce the arrival of Ma- son, Joshua Patrick, 8 lbs.

8 on Norie-France, 6 lbs. 5 November 18, vember 14, 1980, at The Ottawa General 1980. Special thanks to Dr. Masson, Mont- Hospital. fort staff and student nurse Therese Corbeil.

NORWOOD -Twins: Ladies first, Jillian BOURDEAU -Moe, Monika and Melanie 7 born November 21, Ilene, 7 brother Jeffrey Thomas, 7 1980 at Smiths are pleased to announce the birth of Michelle Renee, 6 lbs. 13 on November Falls Community Hospital. Happy people 21, 1980. thanks Dr. P.

Smith are Janet (nee Lengyel) and Jon; George Special to and Dorothy Lengyel and Jan and Vera and staff of the Riverside Hospital. Norwood. CLEMO -Randy and Patricia (nee Fogarare -Milan and Sue CLEMO -Randy and Patricia (nee Fogarare pleased to announce the birth of their first child, a son, Tyler Jarret, weighing 8 lbs. on November 21, 1980. Mother and child doing fine.

Proud grandparents are Wib and Val Fogarty. Many thanks to Dr. Hell and caseroom staff at the Grace Hospital. CONLAN -Jinelle, first daughter of Kathleen and Glenn, was born on November 19, 1980. Much love to first grand-parents Dr.

and Mrs. L.M. Hampson. Many thanks to the caseroom and special care staff of the Ottawa Civic hospital. EDMUNDS -Robert and Maria proudly announce the birth of Paul Robert, November 23, 1980, 8 lbs 2 oz.

A brother for Marilyn. Thanks to the excellent Caseroom Staff at the Civic Hospital. GIANCOLA -Eddy and Ivy are the proud parents an 8.5 lb. baby boy, born November 21, 1980 at the Grace Hospital. A brother for Laura.

GOULET -Paul and Lauren (nee Merritt) are delighted to announce the birth of their son, Philip Paul, lbs. 1 on November 7 25, 1980, at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary. Fifth, grandchild for Frankie Goulet. First grandchild for Jose Merritt. GREENE- -Greg and Diane (nee McMahon) are pleased to announce the birth of their third child, son, Brendan Tyler, 7 lbs.

2 on November 5, 1980. A brother to Eric and Janet. Third grandchild of Mrs. Vera McMahon and George Greene. Special thanks to Dr.

W.J. Burgess and staff of the Grace General Hospital. GRIFFITH -Glen and Lise (nee Dupuis) are happy to announce the birth of their first child. Ross Arthur, 9 on November 24, 1980. Much appreciation to Dr.

Fiegel and caseroom staff at the Civic hospital. HANSON -David and Danielle (Leduc) proud to announce the birth of Eric Clifford, on November 23, 1980, at the Riverside Hospital. HANSON -David and Danielle (Leduc) happy to announce birth of their first child, a son, Eric Clifford, on November 23, 1980, 5 lbs. 7 at the Riverside Hospital. First grandchild for Mr.

Clifford S. Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leduc, all of Ottawa. JOHNSTON -Alan and Carol (nee Leyland) are pleased to announce the arrival of Blair Allison, 8 3 oz.

on November 22, 1980 at the Riverside Hospital. A sister for Kelly. Third great-grandchild for Mrs. Charles Firth, Shelburne, Ont. Third grandchild for Mrs.

Naomi Johnston, Ottawa and a fourth granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leyland, Ottawa. KEELING -Elaine and Phil are happy to announce the birth of Megan Elaine, 6 lbs. 9 November 23, 1980 at 12:15 p.m.

at North York General Hospital. First grandchild Peter and' Mary Keeling and second grandchild for Stew and Rita Rounding. Great-grandparents, Reginald Robertson, Lily Allen and Ernest and Hilda Keeling. Many thanks to all. LAMOUREUX -Claude and Linda are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, Renee, a sister for Lisa, on November 25, 1980, weighing 6 lbs.

13 czs. Thanks to Dr. S.I. Ried and staff at the Ottawa General. LUE QUI -Norman and Maggie are pleased to announce the arrival of their son, Ryan Simon, 7 lbs.

8 on November 25, 1980, at The Riverside Hospital. MACIEJEWSKI -Richard and Christine (nee Mcllvenna) are pleased to announce the safe arrival of Christopher Matthew, 8 lbs. 3 on Friday, November 21, 1980. A brother, for Richard. Special thanks to Sim W.H.

Pang, caseroom staff and maternity staff at the Riverside Hospital. Also to the neo-natal unit of Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario. Proud grandparents are Bob and Irene Mcllvenna of Ottawa and Anton and Ludmilla Maciejewski of Red Lake, Onta- rio. New Mothers! annouce your baby's birth in THE CITIZEN and get a Penaten Baby Pack This gift is yours when you insert a birth or adoption announcement in The Citizen for 3 days. Pack includes shampoo, baby oil, baby powder, baby puffs and baby cream.

Retail value exceeds $12 including coupons. dial 829-9321 A member of our staff will. help you to word your announcement and arrange for delivery of your Penaten Baby Pack. The Citizen, Ottart. Wednesday, Nov.

Classified Index and Death Notices Card Births Deaths Adoptions Cemeteries. of Thanks 10 Lodge Memorial Unveilings Obituaries. Memoriams Notices Services 68888 Announcements Lodge Meetings 44 Deaths Deaths Deaths Automotive Antique Autos. 520 CHILDS, Gilbert Lloyd LAMBERT, Elmer France SEVIGNY, Mrs. Hermine Auto Care.

521 November 25, 1980, Gilbert Childs, hus- Peacefully at the Charles Lemoyne Hospit- On Monday, November 24, 1980, in her Auto Accessories 522 al, Greenfield Park, Quebec, on Sunday, 83rd year, Hermine Brousseau; wife of the Auto Services 523 band of Gladys Crooks, Galetta, Ontario Automobiles 518 and son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Childs, November 23, 1980, age 93 years. Husband late Albert Sevigny. Beloved mother of Autos Wanted 534 Haileybury, Ontario and brother Vincent, of the late Flora Barkey and beloved father Harry, Ste.

Pierre de Wakefield; Reni, Auto Leasing Drives 528 Westbrook, Ontario. Funeral Service Wed- of Dr. Harold, Toronto, Ontario; Edward, Eugene, Andre, of Ottawa; Paul, Ste. Pierre Four Wheel 556 538. nesday in the Chapel of the Smith Funeral Quebec and Richard, Lon- de Wakefield; Mrs.

William Tighe (Pearl), Motorcycles, Etc. 548 Brossard, Rev. Garages. Parking. Home, 50 John Street, Arsprior, at 2 p.m.

don, Ontario. Also survived by 9 grandchil- Ottawa; Mrs. Marcel Perras (Lucille), St. Motor Sport Events. 524 Interment Arnprior Municipal Cemetery.

dren and 10 great-grandchildren. Resting at Catharines; Mrs. Edna Galipeau, Ottawa; Sports Cars the J.F. Wilson and Sons Funeral Home, Mrs. Leonard Armstrong (Lilly), Vanier; Trucks.

542 Vans and Customs 544 CLARKE, Mary Veronica 5784 Verdun Avenue, Verdun, Quebec. Ser- Mrs. Douglas Pepin (Helene), Ottawa; Mrs. Education In hospital on Monday, November 24, vice in the Chapel Tuesday, November 25, Lucien Champagne (Claire), Orleans. Dear Learning Exchanges 1980, Mary Veronica O'Rourke, aged 79 at 10 a.m., thence to the Dixon-Garland sister of Miss Rhea Brousseau, Ottawa.

Tuition years. Beloved wife of Charles F. Clarke of Funeral Home, Markham, Ontario, where Survived by 41 grandchildren and 31 great- Trade Schools 14 Viscount Avenue. Dear mother of Do- services will be held on Wednesday at 1 grandchildren. Also survived by several Employment nald; Gerald; Herbert; Earl; Garry; Jack; p.m.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be nieces and nephews. Predeceased by 1 son, Automotive Help 192 Baby Services 168 Marion (Mrs. Romald Helmer); Marjorie given to the Fellowship Baptist French Ernest. Visitations at Racine, Robert and Construction Help 193 (Mrs. Thomas Hughes); Doreen (Mrs.

Pet- work through Verdun-Lasalle Baptist Gauthier, Funeral Directors, 258 St. Pa- Domestic Help 202' er Guindon) and Patricia (Mrs. Michael Church, Verdun, Quebec. "To be with Chr- trick Street (at Dalhousie), as of 2 Domestics Available p.m. Employment Services.

197 Macdonald). Dear sister of Mrs. Kathryn ist is far Wednesday. Eucharistic Celebration on FriAgnes Gallagher. Also survived by 40 day at 9 a.m.

in the Basilica. Interment Hair Stylists 190 Foreign Jobs 198 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. Wanted -Milan and Sue (nee Bray) are happy to announce the birth of their first child, Brayden John Milan, 10 13 oz. on November 25, 1980 at 4:00 a.m. Many thanks to Civic Hospital Caseroom staff, Shirley Tetro of Mothercraft and Drs.

Raymond-Jones and Dudley. ROBY -Diane and Robert. God has blessed us with the birth of our first daughter, Krystal, on November 25, 1980, weighing 7 lbs. A grandaughter for Mrs. Pauline Roby and Mr.

and Mrs. Achille Perron of Navan. A special, special thankyou to Dr. D. Dudley and Judy Belcher and all those wonderful people in the caseroom.

We love you, Brian and Mark. RUTHERFORD -Kelly and Robin (nee Hanson) are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Kyle Robert, on November 20, 1980, weighing 7 lbs. 15 oz. Third grandchild for Mr. and Mrs.

Bob Hanson of Montreal and Mr. and Mrs. Jud Rutherford of Ottawa. Special thanks to staff of Riverside Hospital. SHELDRICK -Mervin and Suzanne are proud to announce the birth of their second son, Bruce Robert, brother for Jason, born November 24, 1980, weighing 7 8 oz.

Special thanks to Dr. G. Taylor and Riverside staff. SOBIENIAK -Janusz and Joan are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Ellen Vera, on Saturday November 15, 1980. Special thanks to Dr.

Dudley and the nursing staff at the Civic Hospital. TIPMAN -Vic and Judy are happy to announce the arrival of their second son, Gregory Paul, 6 lbs 3 oz, on November 23, 1980, at the Grace Hospital. A little brother for Matthew. VILLENEUVE -Michael and Louise (nee Tremblay) are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Shawn Brian, on November 22, 1980, weighing 7 lbs. 12 oz5.

Special thanks to caseroom staff Ottawa General. VODDEN -Glenn and Michelle are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, a son, Jason Kirk, born at the Grace hospital on November 19, 1980, weighing 7 Ibs. 10 oz. Many thanks to Dr. W.J.

Burgess and caseroom staff. WARRINGTON -Richard and Yim are proud to announce the birth of their second son, Christopher Richard, November 24, 1980, 6 lbs. 10 oz. A twin brother for Stephen and older brother Jeffrey. Thanks to Doctors Ivey Grundman and maternity staff of the Civic Hospital.

WARRINGTON -Richard and Yim are delighted to announce the birth of their third son, Stephen Charles, November 24, 1980, 6 lbs. 4 a twin brother for Christopher and older brother Jeffrey. Mother and children doing well, father recovering. WOODSWORTH -Andy and Nelly are very happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Stephanie Sylvia Anne, born November 22, 1980 at the New Ottawa General. A sister to Sarah and Thomas.

Our thanks to Dr. Barwin for his continuing encouragement and support. YONG -Congratulations to Damm and Vanna on the birth of a daughter, November 22, 1980. Best wishes from their sponsors. Adoptions CARRUTHERS -Al and Shirley wish to announce the arrival of their new son, Brian Arnold, who arrived home November 19, 1980: Deepest appreciation to Mrs.

Doirin and the Children's Aid Society. Deaths BLACK, Elgin In hospital, on Tuesday, November 25, 1980, Elgin Black, of Winchester, in his 81st year; beloved husband of Wilhelmina Strader and father of Genevieve (Mrs. Donald Giles) and Arden Black, both of Williamsburg. Loved by grandchildren, Terry Giles of Niagara Falls and Larry Giles of Williamsburg; Evan; Ardeth; Coral and Cristal Black, all of Williamsburg; brother of Hilda (Mrs. John Barrett) of Winchester.

Resting at The Vice and Craig Funeral Home 505 Church Winchester, where friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., Wednesday. Funeral Service will be held on Thursday, November 27, at 2 p.m. Interment Maple Ridge Cemetery. CARPENTIER, Mrs. Leonida On Wednesday, November 26, 1980, at the age of 77 of Mance Street, Hull; wife of the late Eugene Carpentier; daughter of the late Alfred Parent and the late Dianora Sauve; mother of Angelo of Vanier, Guy (husband of Rita Charlebois) of Hull, Jacques of Aylmer, Claude (husband of Claudette Perron) of Hull, Andre (husband of Lucille Poulin) of Hull, Mrs.

Donald Wagner (Marthe) of Hull, and Mrs. Charies Groulx (Huguette) of Hull; sister of Gaston Parent of Ottawa and Mrs. Aldea Lavigne of Ottawa; grandmother of 20 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Resting at the Beauchamp Funeral Home 77 Montclair Hull, for funeral Friday, November 28 for service at Sacred Heart Church. Burial Notre Dame Cemetery, Hull.

For more information please call 770-1300. CARSWELL, Robert Suddenly on Monday, November 24, 1980, in hospital, Shawville, Quebec, in his 72nd year, beloved husband of Elizabeth Anne Donnelly; predeceased by daughter Ruth Anne. Dear father of Glenn, Ottawa; father-in-law of Jane (Gauthier), Ottawa; grandfather of Anne Marie, Ottawa; brother of Grace (Mrs. Manson Horner), Oshawa, Edna (Mrs. James Garrow), Sault Ste.

Marie, Betty (Mrs. James Damon), Camlachie, Ontario, Iva (Mrs. Don Tulley), Vancouver, Fern (Mrs. Wayne Roberts), Sarnia, Ontario, James, Sooke, B.C., Grant, Sarnia, Ontario, William, Beechgrove, Quebec. Resting at W.J.

Hayes Sons, Shawville, Quebec. Funeral service in the Chapel Thursday, November 27, at 1:30 p.m. Interment Bryson United Cemetery. 26, 1980, Page 49 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. Friends may call at the Kelly Funeral Home, 585 Somerset Street (centre town), 2 to 9 p.m.

Tuesday and Wednesday. Funeral Thursday to St. Elizabeth's Church for Mass at 10 a.m. Interment Notre Dame Cemetery. Donations to Action Life Ottawa, 1313 Wellington Street, preferred.

COOK, Albertha Edna At Carleton Place Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, November 25, 1980, Albertha Edna Jordan; beloved wife of the late Charies Edwin Cook, in her 88th year. Veteran member of Rosemount Rebecca Lodge and Order of Eastern Star. Loving mother of Mrs. K.E. Eaton (Margaret) of Chester Basin, Nova Scotia; J.

Jordan Cook, Smiths Falls, Ontario; and Arthur E. Cook, Pembroke, Ontario. Also survived by 8 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Sister of Mrs. H.R.

Munroe (Laura) of Ottawa and Mrs. A.M. Fairbrother (Lily), Honolulu, Hawaii. Predeceased by Mrs. William Summers (Myrtle) and Mrs.

M.F. Armstrong (Ella). Resting at Hulse and Playfair, Central Chapel, 315 McLeod Street, Wednesday 7 to 9, Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Service in the Chapel on Friday at 2 p.m. Interment Pinecrest Cemetery.

Donations to Perley Hospital thankfully received. DUGA, Stefan (Steve) In hospital on Monday, November 24, 1980, Steve Duga, age 49, of Kanata; beloved husband of Beverley Bryan; dear father of Lynn, Stefan George and Robert Gordon, all at home. Dear son of Anna and Stefan Duga of Bradford, Ontario; dear brother of Anna (Mrs. John Sliz) of Toronto. Friends may call at the Tubman Funeral Home, 403 Richmond Rd.

(between Island Park Dr. and Woodroffe on Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral Service will be held in the Chapel on Thursday at 11 a.m., with Pastor Lawrence Eifert officiating. Interment Maplegrove Cemetery. FABRICIUS, Walter In hospital, on Monday, November 24, 1980, Walter Fabricius, beloved husband of Willa Priebe: brother of Mrs.

C. Tiffany (Martha), Woodhaven, N.Y. and Mrs. Howard Tepker (Rose), Fort Wayne, Indiana. Resting at Hulse Playfair, Central Chapel, 315 McLeod Street.

Service in the Chapel on Thursday at 1 p.m. Interment Beechwood Cemetery. FORTIN, Yves In local hospital on Monday, November 24, 1980, at the age of 96, Yves Fortin, husband of the late Albertine Moreau of Pte. Gatineau. Dear father of Rene; Raymond, of Pre.

Gatineau; Herve; Yvon and Yvanhoe of Hull. Brother of Hector of Lucerne; Mrs. Berthe Lamoureux and Mrs. Irene Hudon of Hull. Brother-in-law of Mrs.

Jeanne Fortin of Hull. Grandfather of 22 grandchildren, 42 great-grandchildren and 4 great-great-grandchildren. Former Superintendent of Production for the Government Printing Office for over 46 years. Resting at the Beauchamp Funeral Home 105 Greber Pte. Gatineau.

Funeral Thursday, November 27 for Service at St. Francois de Sales Church at 10 a.m. Burial Parish Cemetery. Visiting hours Tuesday and Wednesday from 1 to 5 and 7 to 10. HEWITT, Harvey Thomas Suddenly at his residence, Stittsville, Ontario, on Monday, November 24, 1980, in his 78th year, Harvey Thomas Hewitt, beloved husband of Elva Graham and dear father of Sterling, Graham and Daina (Mrs.

John Bradley) and Leonard. Predeceased by daughter Joan. Dear brother of Mabel (Mrs. Walter Wilson). Predeceased by sisters, Alma, Edna, Gertie and Mildred and brothers, George and Howard.

Also survived by 10 grandchildren and 3 greatgrandchildren. Resting at the Tubman Funeral Home, 403 Richmond (between Island Park Drive and Woodroffe) where friends may call on Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. Service will be conducted in the Chapel on Thursday at 2:30 p.m., by Rev. Walter LeGrow. Interment Presbyterian Cemetery, 3rd Line of Huntley.

HOGAN, Patricia In hospital on Tuesday, November 25, 1980, Patricia Craig, age 30. Dearly loved wife of Michael Hogan. Dear mother of Sarah and Bridget. Beloved daughter of Cecil and Margaret Craig. Dear sister of Betty (Mrs.

Eric Brennan); Mrs. Charlotte Lariviere and David. Friends may call at the Kelly Funeral Home, 2313 Carling Ave. (west of Woodroffe) after 7 p.m. Wednesday.

Funeral arrangements to be completed. HUME, J.R. At Toronto, Ontario, on. Saturday, November 22, 1980, J.R. (Scotty) Hume, in his 64th year, husband of Gladys Tye and father of Mrs.

Ken McQuade (Sharon) of Renfrew; Mrs. Barry Rogers (Pat) of Alberta; Heather and Murray of Ottawa. Brother of James of Toronto: Charles and Mrs. Sam Hunter (Mary) of St. Thomas.

Resting at the Cochrane-Anderson Funeral Home, Renfrew. Visitations on Wednesday, November 26, 7 to 9 p.m. Private family Service in the Chapel, Thursday, November 27. Interment Rosebank Cemetery. JONES, John James At his residence, R.R.

4, Kemptville, Ontario, on Monday, November 24, 1980, Jim Jones, husband of the late Muriel Victoria Newell and son of Ruby Ellen Helmer and the late William Joseph Jones. Dear father of Mrs. R. Lalonde (Arleen); Ralph and Gordon. Brother of Miss Elizabeth Jones; Ray; Kenneth and Herbert.

Grandfather of David. Resting at Veitch Draper Limited, 453 Parkdale Avenue. Service in the Chapel, Thursday at 1 p.m. Interment Pinecrest Cemetery. KIDD, Arnold (Wally) In hospital, Vancouver, on Monday, November 24, 1980, Wally Kidd, age 54, dear son of Viola Kidd and the late John Kidd, Ottawa.

Beloved husband of Susanne Provost; father of Judy, Wade, Cindy and Wesley, all of Vancouver and John, London, Ontario. Dear grandfather of Robbie, Vancouver. Dear brother of Kenneth, Eddie, Malcolm, Marylyn (Mrs. L. Champagne), Mavis (Mrs.

J. O'Neil), Sylvia (Mrs. S. Brouillard) and Gregg of Ottawa; Marjorie (Mrs. J.

Hamel) and Vernon, Trenton, Ontario. Also survived by several nieces and nephews. Funeral Thursday, November 27, at 2:30 p.m., at Harron Brothers Funeral Home. Vancouver, B.C. Interment Vancouver, LAURIN, Eugene In an Ottawa hospital on Wednesday, November 26, 1980, age 75 years.

Beloved husband of Beatrice Huot. Dear father of Mrs. James Tidman (Madeline), Ottawa; Hector of Smiths Falls. Loving grandfather of Larry Tidman; Elizabeth Dicarlo. Visitation at Racine, Robert and Gauthier Funeral Directors, 300 Olmstead Street, Vanier.

Arrangements to be completed. For information call 237-3680. LENTHALL, Corinne In hospital on Monday, November 24, 1980, in her 76th year, Corinne Soucy; beloved wife of Hamilton James Lenthall. Dearest mother of Dorothy (Mrs. D.E.

Thivierge) of Ottawa. Cherished grandmother of Helen, Robert and Karen Thivierge. Sister of Alphonse Soucy and Nini Aspiros of Chandler, Quebec. Sister-in-law of Mrs. Mervyth Hovey of Vancouver, British Columbia, Mrs.

Beryl Phillips of Calgary, Mrs. Eva Lenthall of Detroit, Michigan, and Mrs. August Soucy of Gaspe, Quebec. Friends may call at Hulse and Playfair, Central Chapel, 315 McLeod Street, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday.

Funeral in the Chapel on Wednesday at 11 a.m., Father Brian O'Laughlin officiating. Interment Capital Memorial Gardens. MAINVILLE, Mr. Clovis At his residence, November 1980, at the age of 103 years and 6 months. ceased by his father Georges Mainville; mother Mary Edward Coombs; his wife Ada Trottier.

Dear father of Wilfrid, husband of Louise Beauchamp, Aylmer; Gertrude and May at home. 3 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Will be resting at Lionel Emond and Son 47 Centre Street, Aylmer. Service Thursday, November 27 at 2 p.m. at St.

Paul's Church. Interment in St. Paul's Cemetery. McNAMEE, James Vincent In hospital, Belleville, on Sunday, November 23, 1980, James Vincent McNamee, in his 68th year. Beloved husband of Norma Whitcomb.

Dear father of Joanne (Mrs. Brian McManus) of Vancouver and Sgt. James McNamee of Camp Borden. Dear brother of Sylvester, Maurice and Nick of Perth; Mary (Mrs. Ray Burns), Smiths Falls; Miss Rita McNamee, Ottawa; and Margaret (Mrs.

Harold Bailey) of Scely's Bay. Friends may call at the Blair Son Funeral Home, 15 West Gore Perth, from 7 p.m. Wednesday. The Libera Service will be held in St. Bridget's Church, Stanleyville, on Thursday, November 27, at 10 a.m.

Interment St. Bridget's Cemetery. In remembrance donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. MORGAN, Marion On Monday, November 24, 1980, aged 81. Mother of Richard Morgan.

Grandmother of Mrs. Michael Campeau (Kathy): Carole and Richard. Great grandmother of Amy and Jessica. Resting Hulse and Playfair, Central Chapel, 315 McLeod St. Service on Wednesday at p.m.

Interment Capital Memorial Gardens. ROBILLARD, Victoria May In an Ottawa hospital Monday, November 24, 1980, age 60 years, Victoria May Boissonneault; beloved wife of the late Frank Robillard. Dear mother of Douglas of Kanata. Visitation at Racine, Robert and Gauthier, Funeral Directors, 7 Fairmont Avenue (at Wellington), Ottawa, after 2 p.m. on Wednesday.

Funeral service on Friday, November 28, at the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Church at 11 a.m. Interment Notre Dame Cemetery, Ottawa. ROSS, Evelyn On Tuesday, November 25, 1980, Evelyn Baker, age 72, North Gower, R.R. 2, beloved wife of Orville Ross. Dear mother of Mrs.

David Ballantyne (Alberta), Brockville, Mrs. Lorne Dickson (Beatrice), Spencerville, R.R. 2. Sister of Mrs. Harvey Phillips (Maudie), Brockville; step-sister of Herbert Wilson, Kars; 7 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren also survive.

Resting Rolston Funeral Home, Kemptville, on Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Service in the Chapel Friday at 1:30 p.m. Interment Burritt's Rapids. Julie Tubman, Funeral Director What do I say? When you come to the funeral home, don't worry about what to say to the family.

Your very presence tells them of your concern. A simple and sincere statement of sympathy gives comfort when it's most needed. By being a good listener you assure the bereaved they are not alone in their grief. The booklet "The Gift of your Presence" is available by calling 722-6559. Tubman Funeral Homes Ottawa North Gower Carp Telephone: 722-6559 Notre Dame Cemetery, Ottawa.

SIMPSON, Isabel Malissa In hospital at Ottawa, on Tuesday, November 25, 1980, in her 79th year, Isabel Graham, beloved wife of Adam Elmer Simpson. Dear mother of Doreen (Mrs. Stan Watson) of Burritt's Rapids, Keith of Manotick and Garnet of North Gower. Survived by 9 grandchilren and a great-granddaughter. Sister of Mrs.

Verna Green of Stittsville, Mabel (Mrs. Elmer Thompson) of Burritt's Rapids, Laura (Mrs. Harold Fisher), Marguerite (Mrs. Wilber Saunders), Mrs. Eileen Neil and Oliver Graham, all of Manotick.

Pre-deceased by brothers Melvin and Wilfred. Friends may call at the Tubman Funeral Home, 403 Richmond Rd. (between Island Park Dr. and Woodroffe on Wednesday from 7 to 9 and Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. Funeral service will be held at St.

John the Devine Anglican Church, Slack on Friday at 11 a.m. Rev. A. Meakin officiating. Interment Capital Memorial Gardens.

STRONG, Reginald (Reg) In Toronto hospital on Monday, November 24, 1980, Reg Strong of Willowdale, Ontario; beloved husband of the late Dawn Lyon. Father of Douglas, Newmarket, Ontario. Grandfather of Kevin and Christopher. Brother of Mrs. M.

Craig, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. Resting Hulse and Playfair, Central Chapel, 315 McLeod Street, on Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. Service in the Chapel on Thursday at 11 a.m. Cremation. TESSIER, Mr.

Stanislas Suddenly at Madonna Rest Home, Orleans, on November 25, 1980, at the age of 94 years. Predeceased by his father and mother, Christophe Tessier and Zelia Primeau. Also predeceased by his 3 wives, Therese Lanctot, Marie Anna Pilon and Marie Laure Latrimoulle. Survived by 3 sons, Reverend Father Laurent Tessier, Ottawa, Robert and Leo Tessier, Hull; 3 daughters, Mrs. Aime Sauve (Yvette), Montreal, Mrs.

Marcel Nadeau (Laonne), Hull, Mrs. Rene D'Avignon (Lucille), Montreal; sisters, Noemie Belisle, Montreal, and Anna Hanelin, Hull. Also survived by 23 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren. Predeceased by 2 sons, Maurice and Jean-Lys. Will be resting at Lionel Emond and Son 271 St.

Joseph Hull, after 1 p.m. Thursday. Visitation 1 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Service Saturday, November 29, at 10 a.m., at St.

Sabastien Church, 1000 Francis Street, Ottawa. Interment Notre Dame Cemetery, Hull. THOMAS, Janet Victoria In hospital, Campbellford, Tuesday, November 25, 1980; Janet Thomas of Campbellford and formerly of Fitzroy Harbour, in her 84th year; widow of Harvey Thomas; daughter of the late William Edward Hodgins and Elizabeth Clarke; beloved mother of Wilbert, Marion (Mrs. Ed Reitsma), both of Campbellford, Clayton, Erma (Mrs. Earl Lytle), both of Arnprior, Eleanor Wilson, Lola (Mrs.

Bill Holiday), both of Ottawa and Doris Wilson of Fitzroy Harbour; dear sister of Edith (Mrs. Art Thomas) of Bristol, Myrtle Harvey of Hamilton; also survived by 22 grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren. Resting at the Boyce Funeral Home, Arnprior, after 2 p.m. Wednesday, with funeral and committal service to be held in the Chapel Thursday, November 27, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Fitzroy Harbour Anglican Cemetery.

No procession to the cemetery. Those desiring may donate to the Diabetic Association. TROWSSE, Gordon P. In hospital on Tuesday, November 25, 1980, Gordon P. Trowsse of 1400 Appleton Drive, age 65 years; beloved husband of Emily Raymond.

Dear father of Mrs. Barbara Labelle of Camp Borden, Ontario; Mrs. Sharon Lischenski; Mrs. Wendy Drouin; Mrs. Donna McDonald; Glen, Bruce and Mrs.

Marilyn Daviau, all of Ottawa. Brother of Edward Trowsse of Ottawa. Also survived by 13 grandchildren. Resting Hulse and Playfair, Central Chapel, 315 McLeod Street. Service Thursday at 2 p.m.

Cremation Beechwood. TURNER, Mrs. Bridget In Barry's Bay Hospital on Monday, November 24, 1980, Bridget Turner, nee Gallagher, aged 84 of Killaloe. Beloved wife of the late William Turner. Loving mother of Harold of Killaloe; Raymond of Renfrew; Lorne of Vancouver, B.C.

Dear sister of Mrs. Catherine O'Neill and Mrs. Josephine May, both of Kingston. Dear grandmother of Larry Turner, Toronto and Maureen Turner of Renfrew. Predeceased by son Gregory, sisters Mrs.

Annie Dupuis and Mrs. Margaret Robertson, brothers John and Hugh Gallagher. Friends may call at the Zummach Funeral Home, Killaloe, Tuesday from 7 to 9:30 p.m. and Wednesday from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9:30 p.m.

Funeral Thursday to St. Andrew's Church, Killaloe, for Mass at 11 a.m. Interment St. Andrew's Cemetery. WILLARD, Rose In hospital on Sunday, November 23, 1980, Rose Ashdown, age 84; widow of James Willard.

Dear mother of Clifford, Bonville, Ontario; Mrs. Florence Lavine, Ottawa; Dorothy (Mrs. Howard Burgess), Peterborough; Fred, Carleton Place and Mrs. Doris Taylor, Ottawa. Also survived by 7 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and great-great-granddaughter.

Resting Hulse and Playfair, Central Chapel, 315 McLeod Street. Service on Wednesday at 10 a.m. Interment Gravel Hill Cemetery. Lodge Notices ROSEMOUNT REBEKAH LODGE NU. 164 Officers and members are requested to attend a funeral service for their late Sister, Bertha Cook, at Hulse and Playfair, Central Chapel, Thursday, November 27, at 7:30.

Sister lodges invited. -Hazel Telford, N.G. -Hilda Lumsden, Recording Secretary. HULSE PLAYFAIR, LIMITED COOK, Albertha Edna FABRICIUS, Walter LENTHALL. Corinne MORGAN, Marion STRONG, Reginald (Reg) TROWSSE, Gordon P.

WILLARD, Rose West Chapel 728-1761 Central Chapel 233-1143 Wanted Help Hospital Help 200 Hotel Help Wanted 188 Jobs Wanted 228 Musical Talent Office Help. Professional Help. 196 Restaurant Help 486 Sales Help Wanted 184 Teachers Wanted 2141 Technical Help 194" Temporary and Part-time Help 183 Merchandise 910 Air Conditioners 253 Antiques, Fine Art 258 Articles For Sale. 248 Aviation 278 Barter-Exchange 257 Bicycles, Repairs. 246 Boats and Motors 268 Building Supplies 282 CB Handles, Values 254 Cameras, Supplies.

249 Camping Corner Cemetery Memorials Dogs and Pets 340 Fireplaces, Stoves 302 Firewood and Fuel 300 Florists Food Shopper Furniture, Etc. 251 Furs and Fashions 247 Garage Sale Home Appliances 252 Horses, Livestock 346 Machinery, Equip. 280 Motor 514 Office Equipment 260 Pianos, Music. Etc 250 Restaurant Equip. 259 Snowblowers 272 Ski Corner 26 Snowmobiles 274 TV.

Radio. Stereo 256 Travel Trailers 515 Wanted Misc. 320 Miscellaneous Beauty Parlors Business Opps Day Care Centres Fishing, Hunting. Florida, Islands 443 Insurance Services 654 Overweight, Fitness 382 Money Loaned 706 Money Wanted Personals. 400 Companions 404 Rest Homes, Etc.

Seasonal Resorts. Service and Repair Guide 905 Ski Chalets 440 Stamps and Coins 420 Summer Camps 444 Notices Found. 122 Legal Notices 878 Lost Service Stations 110 Sunday Druggists Superb Dining Out. 163 878 Transportation Where To Go Real Estate Sales Commercial Property 726 Condominiums, Sale 572 Cottage Lots, Sale 666 Cottages for Sale 664 Cottages Wanted 668 Florida, Islands 443 Houses for Sale 640 Houses Wanted to Buy Industrial Property Investment Property 716 Mobile Homes. 638 Out-of-Town Property 684 Property Exchange 692 Property for Sale Property Wanted 682 Real Estate Service 650 Real Estate Rentals Apts.

to Rent 562 Apts. Services. 570 Apartment Sublets Apts. Wanted. 568 Cottages to Rent 650 Duplexes to Rent.

Farms, Sale, Rent Florida, Islands 443 Furnished Apts. 564 Furnished Houses, Rent 882 Houses to Rent 630 Houses Wanted to Rent 634 Mini Office Rentals Offices to Rent. 744 Offices Wanted 4742 Property to Rent 688 Room and Board. 608 Rooms to Rent 606 Rooms Wanted. 674 Share Etc.

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The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.