The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

ALL The Arizona Republic 32 Tuesday, Sept. 12, 1967 Births NORTHWEST HOSPITAL CRAIO, Charles and Victory, 4469 Grand, Glendale, boy, Sept, 6. GARZA, Rodolfo Kimiyo, 3938 W. Lynn MELENDEZ. Abel and Mary, 6605 54th Glendale, girl, Sept.

ROMERO, Filip and Sulema, 5749 W. Bethany Home Road, Glendale VASQUEZ, Leonard and Esther, 3628 Polk, girl, Sept. 9. 12. at 3401 North 671h Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona.

Published: Arizona Republic, September 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, (1967). CITY OF PHOENIX, ARIZONA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF ENGINEERING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING with The the City of Phoenix, in cooperation Arizona Highway Department, proposes improve the following streets: 7th Street Railroad Overpass Project No. US 224 (11), City of Phoenix No. (GT) Proposed improvements consist of all necessary rights of way, railroad overpass, roadway grading, draining surfacing. and all other items necessary to build this section of road to Federal Aid Standards.

In accordance with Federal Aid Highway Act og 1956, Section 116 (C) and Fed. eral Aid Highway Act of 1962, Section 133, as amended to provide for relocation advisory assistance, a public hearing will be held if requested for these improvements. Your request for public hearing should be addressed and sent to the City Engineer, Room 700, Municipal Building, 251 West Washington, Phoenix, Arizona 85003. This request must be submitted in writing within 14 days after this announcement is first advertised. ROBERT COOP, City Manager FRED GLENDENING, P.E.

Legal Advertising NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice. is here-by given that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Trustees of Cartwright School District No. Arizona 83, 3401 North 67th Avenue, Phoenix, for. intercommunication, interphone and fire alarm system. Specifications to which this bid call must conform are available to licensed contractors at the Cartwright District Office, 3401 North 67th Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona.

Sealed bids are to be filed with L. L. Foley on or before 4:00 P.M., September 12.1967 will above address. opened and publicly read aloud at 8:00 P.M. Tuesday, September Public Works Director Published: Arizona Republic, September 5.

12, 1967. ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS US 226(2) 44TH STREET (WASHINGTON STREET McDOWELL ROAD) ITEM NO. 681, AFE 924 (CITY OF PHOENIX PROJECT) BIDS OPENED: SEPTEMBER 22, 1967. Sealed Bids will be received until 11:00 A.M.. Naval Observatory Time by Western 'Union, on the above date, and then publicly opened and read at the office of the Arizona State Highway Commission, Phoenix, Arizona.

No bids will be received after the time specified. Proposals for more than one project may be set for opening at the time indicated above. The proiect order of opening and reading proposals will be determined at the time of opening, and there will be a pause between project openings to allow a bidder the opportunity to submit a written request to withdraw his opened bid. The location of the proposed work is in the City of Phoenix, beginning at Washington Street and extending northerly over Forty-Fourth Street to McDowell Road, a distance of approximately 1.3 miles. The proposed work consists of widening the roadway and includes grading and draining; furnishing and placing Select Material, Aggregate Base, Asphaltic Concrete and Asphaltic Concrete for Finishing Course; the construction of sidewalk, curb and gutter; the construction of storm drains; and other incidental work.

The work is to be completed on or before JULY 15, 1968. PRINCIPAL ITEMS AND APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES 75,600 Sq. Yd. Grading Roadway for Pavement; 23,000 Ton Select Material; 15,400 Ton Aggregate Base; 842 Ton Asphalt; 14,200 Ton a.sphaltic Concrete; Lin. Ft.

Reinf. Conc. Pipe: 52-12" and Lin. Ft. Reinf.

Conc. Pipe (Rubber Gasketed): 100-24" Ft. Non-reinforced Concrete" Pipe (Extra Strength): and Lin Ft. Pipe Culvert: Bit. Coated Type A or 12" Class Til, Bit.

Coated Type A or 15 Class 343'-24 Bit. Coated Type A or 18" Class Ill, 248'-33" BIt. Coated Type or 27" Class Ill, 752-39 Bit Coated Type or 30 Class 111: Bit. Coated Type or 33" Class 111, Bit. Coated Type or 36" Class 538 -51" Bit.

Coated Type or 42" Class Ill and 144-15" Bit. Coatcd Type A or 12" Non-reinf. Extra Strength; each Conc. Catch Basin; 4,900 L. Single Curb; 16,200 L.

Ft. Comb. Curb and Gutter: 7,300 Sq. Ft. Conc.

Sidewalk; 15 Each Manhole: 14,600 Sq. Ft. Conc. Driveway 13,500 Sq. Ft.

Conc. Median Island; L. Sum Watering System for Med. Island; 1,480 L. Et.

Elect Conduit AND OTHER INCIDENTAL ITEMS. No contractor shall be eligible to submit a bid until his certified statements of Financial Resources, Construction Experience and Equipment, made on forms supplied by the Arizona Highway Department, have been approved. Prequalification shall be filed not later than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of opening bids. The lowest qualified bidder shall be duly, licensed as a Contractor in the State Arizona prior to the award of contract. Plans and Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Arizona Highway Department, 206 South 17th Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona.

The total cost of plans and specifications for this project (exclusive of Standard Specifications and Standard Drawings) will be $15.00 pay. able by check ONLY, drawn to the Arizona Highway Department. No refund will be allowed for plans and specifications returned to this Department. Proposal pamphlets are not transferable and, when used to submit a bid, must be returned in the envelope provided by the State for that purpose. A Proposal Guaranty on an unendorsed Certified or Cashier's Check made payable to the State Treasurer of Arizona for not less than five (5) per cent of the gross amount of the bid is required to accompany the proposal, subject to forfeiture on failure of bidder to enter into contract.

The right is reserved to reiect any and all bids, as provided in the Standard Specifications. All labor employed on this contract shall be paid in accordance with the Prevailing Rates of Wages shown in the contract. A list showing the Prevailing Rates of Wages is on file in the office of the State Highway Engineer and may be obtained at all reasonable times. The State Highway Department, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252) and the Regulations of the Department of Commerce (15 C.F.R., Part 8), issued pursuant to such Act, hereby, notifies all that bidders the that it will affirmatively insure contract entered into pursuant to this advertisem*nt will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on the ground of race, color, or national origin.

WM. N. PRICE State Highway Engineer Phoenix, Arizona- -August 30, 1967 Published: Arizona Republic, September -5, 12. 1967. ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS Notice Is Hereby Given, that the Arizona State Board of Directors for the Maricopa County Junior.

College District will receive bids for the furnishing of all labor, material, transportation and services for additions to Central Air Conditioning plant at Phoenix College, 1202 West Thomas Road, Phoenix, Arizona. Each bid must be submitted on the with drawings and specifications on file "Form of Proposal" and. in accordance at the Office of the Maricopa County Junior College District and available at the office of HAVER, NUNN JENSEN, Architects, 1133-J East Missouri, Phoenix, Arizona, upon deposit of Fifty and dollars ($50.00) for each set of drawings and specifications. The deposit will be refunded upon return of the drawings and specifications in good condition within 7 calendar days after bid date, The general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft, type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the Contract, as ascertained from the Industrial Commission of Arizona and on file therewith for the locality of this Contract, is herewith incorporated by reference and made a part hereof, and such rates shall be mandatory minimum rate of wages paid by the Contractor and any subcontractor under him to all laborers, workmen and mechanics employed by them in the execution of the Contract. Each bid shall, be made out on the Form of Proposal bound in the specifications, and shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check or bid bond for five per cent of the total amount of the bid made payable to the order of the Maricopa County Junior College District.

Such check or bid bond will be given as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the Contract if awarded to him, and provide a satisfactory performance bond, and shall be declared forfeited as. liquidated damage if the successful bidder refuses to enter into the said Contract after being requested to do so by the Maricopa County Junior College District Governing Board. Such check or bid bond will be returned to the respective unsuccessful bidders upon the award of the Contract to the successful bidder, and will be returned to the successful bidder upon the execution and delivery of a satisfactory surety company bond, and construction contract. Bids will be sealed and filed with Mr. A.

W. Flowers, Vice-President of Business Services, Maricopa County Junior College District Offices, 300 East Camelback Phoenix, Arizona, on or before 4:00 P.M. September 25, 1967. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at the above office immediately after the hour of bid closing. The Arizona State Board of Directors for Junior Colleges and the Maricopa County Junior College District reserves the right to or all bids or waive any informality.

in any bid. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening thereof and each bidder shall be an Arizona licensed contractor. Dated this September 7, 1967. W. VAN FLOWERS LOO, Secretary Maricopa County Jr.

College District Governing Board Published: Arizona September 12. 13, 14, 15, 1967; Phoenix Gazette -September 13. 14, 15, 16. 18. 1967.

Births GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL BARNETT, David and Sharon, 13231 N. 31 Drive, boy. BROWN, Donald and Jean, 1526 W. Glenrosa, girl. CARMEN, Bernard and Mollie, 1806 W.

Latham, girl. DEDGE, Keith and Linda, 548 W. San Juan, girl. JACOBY, Edward and Betty, 6849 Camelback, girl. NICHOLS, Nick and Elizabeth, 1309 N.

First boy. SIBELL, Sheldon and Harriet, 3001 N. 46th Drive, girl. SPARKES, Michael and Terry, 1921 E. Moreland, boy, WEBSTER, James and Jean, 2202 N.

37th Drive, girl. YAZZIE, David and Gall, 1411 E. Clarendon girl, September BORUNDA, Alex and Olga, 1454 E. Flower girl. CORNELIUS, Lloyd and Delora, 5255 S.

20th girl, GASKIN, John and Jean, 120 E. Royal Palm Road, girl. GRATCHNER, John and Frances, 4618 Calle Ventura, boy. KOSTELNY, Edward and Violet, 2538 E. Sweetwater, boy.

LOGSTON, Eston and Betty, 321 E. Desert Drive, boy. PETERSON, Lee and Maureen, 2516 Jen Tilly Lane, Tempe, girl. ROUSE, David and Mary, 7812 W. SAENZ, Rudolph and Sylvia, 8 Mitchell Drive, boy.

E. SHEHI, Albert and Sandra, 5113 N. Greenway, girl. Julian and Laine, 1514 N. 28th Drive, girl.

10th girl. VERDUZCO, "Baldomero and AngeTita, 606 W. Jones, boy. and Lucinda, WILLIAMSON, Howard 2331 W. Alice boy, Republic and Gazette Phone 271-8000 Phoenix Newspapers, Inc.

120 E. Van Buren St. Mail Address: P.O. Box Phoenix, Arizona 1950 Circulation Service 271-8381 Branch Offices and Representatives Service Phone Alo 387-7845. Apache Junction 964-5649 Avondale 935-9521 Bisbee 432-5154 Buckeye 935-9521 Casa Grande 836-5723 Chandler 964-5649 Clifton 864-4255 Coolidge 723-3822 Cottonwood 634-5701 Flagstaff 774-7472 Gilbert 964-5649 Globe 425-2002 Goodyear 935-9521 Kingman 753-5694 Luke Field 271-8381 Mesa 58 W.

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to 1 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAY Telephones Open Sunday 1 to 5 P.M. To Place Want Ads Phone 271-8711 LOCAL RATES For weekday publication in both the Republic Gazette of the, same day; or Sunday publication in the Republic alone. Agate type set solid: 7 or more consecutive days 10c per word per day; 3,4,5,6 consecutive days 11c per word per day; 1 or 2 days or skip day orders, 12c per word per day. Display style copy using larger type, centered lines or white space, entire ad charged by the line rate: or more.

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Phone 271-8766. OUT OF STATE RATES Copy received from outside the boundaries of the State of Arizona charged at $1.00 per line per day. Minimum Charge $2.00 A service charge of $1.00 per week additional for, use of Republic Gazette "Blind Box" address. DEADLINES Ads received before 5 p.m. weekdays and before 1 p.m.

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PHONE 271-8711 1-Meeting Notices ORIENTAL Lodge No. 20 F. A. 25 South Center Street Mesa. Constitution Observance 7:30 p.m.

Potluck, for Masons, families and friends. Floyd E. Bailey W.M. El Zaribah Shrine Temple Sept. 13 Diniter 7 p.m.

Meeting 8 p.m. Visiting Shriners Invited John R. W. Richter, Harmon, Potentate Recorder Arizona Lodge No. 2, F.

A. M. 4th Ave. Monroe. Second Degree 7:15 P.M.

Visiting Masons welcome. Refreshments. Daniel R. Mace, W.M. LAUREL CHAPTER NO.

3 O.E.S. MEMBER'S NIGHT 345 W. MONROE 8 P.M. Cecile Harrison W.M. 2-Funeral Announcements ANTEL, Anna M.

Survived by husband, John. Son, lester. Daughter, Ethel all of Phoenix. Mother Anna Gedeon. Brothers, Harry and Leo Gedeon, all of Cleveland, Chio.

Emery, Phoenix, Sisters, Hildegard Schuster, Cleveland, Ohio. Elsie Bruening, Sacramento, Calif. grandchildren. Rosary tonight 7:30 p.m. Messinger Mortuary Chapel, Scottsdale.

Requiem Mass Wednesday 10:30 a.m. St Agnes Catholic Church, 1954 N. 24th St. Interment St. Francis.

ARROWOOD, Willa Dean, 1810 E. Yuma. Passed away Mon. rangments pending, A. Moore and Sons.

BAKER, Dora L. 5619 N. 11th St. Service and interment Belleville, III. Arrangements by Camelback Sunset Chapel.

BAUR, Albert Services 2. p.m. Wednesday, Camelback Sunset Chapel, Dr. Charles Severns sisted by Masonic Funeral Committee ofifciating. Private cremation, BEMEL, Max, 1702 W.

Tuckey Lane, Apt. No. 16. Services and interment in Minneapolis, Minn. Local arrangements Grimshaw's Bethany 7th Ave.

and W. Bethany Home Rd." BERNAL, Manuel. Rosary 8 p.m. this evening in the Chapel of the Roses, Larry Melcher Mortuary; Requiem Mass 10 a.m. St.

Anne's Church, Gilbert. Burial Mesa Cemetery. CHAPMAN, Gladys. 1302 E. Cocapah.

Wife of Norman. Mother of Mrs. Stella Wright Burns: Phx. Mrs. Lois Marshall; Glendale.

Sister of Mrs. Gracie Townsend Mrs. Peggy Nebbergall; Salinas, Callf. Passed away Sun. 5 grandchildren great-grandchildren also survive.

Services conducted by Mr. Lew C. Burns 11:30 AM Wed. in Chapel of Memories, A. L.

Moore Sons. Interment Greenwood. Friends may call after noon today. 2- Funeral Announcements Paradise Robert L. Chapel Arrangements and.

FUneral A'ome. Ralph L. Sage, Direcpending. for. BROWN, Mable, survived by husband Leroy, of Taylor, grandchildren.

10 sisters, brothers. Services Wed. 11: a.m. Webber Sons Chapel. James Covington, officiating, burial after at Greenwood.

Visitation today 2: p.m. BURRIS, James Argus. "Gus." Services today 2 p.m.. Alo Ward LDS Church. Aio, Arizona.

Bishop Irvan W. Fleming officiating. Interment Alo Cemetery, Friends may call p.m. today, Relief Society Room, Alo, Ward Chapel. Gibbons Garden Chapel, 33 N.

Sirrine, conducted by Dr. Bert Lewis, 10 CHRISTOPHER, Thelma J. Services AM today In Chapel of Memories, L. Moore Sens. Cremation.

CIEGELSKY Ralph J. Survived by wife Julia, son Charles, both of Phoenix, 4 sisters Mrs. Florence Rayner Mrs. Mary Kuliesh, Mrs. Helen Bouchard, all of Danbury, Conn.

Mrs. Doris Faulkner, Mills Mother Mrs. Eva Ciegelsky of Danbury, Conn. Rosary 7:30 p.m. Wed.

Sunnyslope Chapel of Hansen Mortuary. Mass a.m. Thurs. Most Holy Trinity. Interment St.

Francis cemetery. DEVINE. Jimmy. Services today 10 a.m. Universal Memorial Center.

Burial Starkville, Mississippi, DOWELL, Lawrence C. (Larry), Services 2 Tuesday Melcher Chapel of the Roses. Larry J. Mertuary. Rev.

Jack Troutman, Grace Methodist Church officiating. Mountainview Memorial Gardens. Friends may call FREESE, Martin Dr. Services 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Chapel of the Roses Larry J.

Melcher Mortuary. Gardens. Burial Friends, may call this Green Acres Memorial afternoon evening. GILBERT, Cell R. Private, services will be held today at Lundberg Chapel of the Chimes, 5852 West Glenn Drive.

Interment Resthaven Cemetery. GREEN, Blondie B. Survived by brothers, William, Las Vegas, B.B., Santa Monica, Calif. Services 10 today, Paradise Chapel and Funeral Home. Interment Greenwood.

Ralph L. Sage. Director. HALL, Donald E. Services will be conducted by Dr.

James R. Jacobson, 10 a.m. today, Chapel in the Garden, Mercer Mortuary, Interment Greenwood. HALL, Ira W. Services 3 p.m.

today Grimshaw's Bethany Chapel, 7th Ave. W. Bethany Home Rd. Entombment Memory Lawn Mausoleum. HIGHTOWER, Wiley, survived by wife Lilly.

Belle, services today 2: p.m. Webber Sons Chapel. Rev. James A. Covington, officiating.

Burial at Double Butte. ILLIGE, Denis J. 3231 E. Mariposa. Husband of Mary.

Mass of Requiem 5:15 p.m. today in St. Thomas the Apostle Church. Graveside services 9 a.m. Wednesday in St.

Francis. Cemetery. Friends call at Whitney Murphy from 12 noon to 4 p.m. today. Family prefers offerings to St.

Thomas the Apostle Parish Library. HIMES, Ruth L. Services conducted by Dr. William Boice 2 p.m. today in Memory Chapel, A.

L. Moore Sons. Interment Greenwood. JOLLY, Walter Wayne. Services conducted by Rev.

Theodore L. Mendenhall; 10 A.M. Wed. in Messiah Lutheran Church, 2942 West Camelback. Friends may call until 10 P.M.

today, A. L. Moore Sons. KALKBRENNER. Walter N.

Services today 10:30 a.m. St. Christopher's Episcopal Church. Lundberg's Golden Door Chapel, Youngtown. LANG, Edna L.

Friends may call 5 to 9 p.m. this evening; Services 10 a.m. Paradise Chapel and Funeral Home. Interment East Resthaven, Ralph L. Sage, Director.

LESLIE, Philip A. 1939 E. Palm Lane. Son of Mrs. Mary Leslie, Phx.

Brother of Walter Mrs. Mary Marks in Pa. Myron, Cincinnati. Rosary 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Whitney Murphy Chapel.

Mass of Requiem 9 a.m. Thursday in Church of St. Agnes. Interment Francis. Friends may call at Whitney Murphy after 12 noon Wednesday.

MENDOZA, Requiem Mass 10 a.m. today, Queen of Peace Church. Burial Mountain View Memorial Gardens. Larry J. Melcher Mortuary.

MILLER, Russell H. Services conducted by Dr. James R. Jacobson 11:30 a.m. today in Chapel of Memories, A.

L. Moore Sons. Interment Memory Lawn. MINSHALL, May 3317 W. Hadley, Wife of Jeff R.

Minshall; visitation 9. a.m. to 12. noon, today, in the Arizona Funeral Home Chapel. She will be sent to Lewellen, Nebraska.

Henry T. Forman director. MOORE, Bonnie, 0. Beloved wife of Archie of Mesa. Beloved mother of Mrs.

Willie Ball of Buena Park, California. Mrs. Johnnie Nelson of Hollywood, California. Three grandchildren. One greatgrandchild.

Arrangements pending. Desert View Chapel, M. Gibbons Mortuary, 9702 East Apache Trail, Mesa. PEARSON, Odell, Sr. Services Universal Memorial Center.

Burial Magnolia, Arkansas. PICKERING, Frances Delores. Services conducted by Rev. Sam Hochstatter 3:30 p.m. today in Chapel of Memories, A.

L. Moore Sons. Interment Greenwood. Hochstatter 3:30 p.m. today in Chapel of Memories, A.

L. Moore Sons. Interment Greenwood. SCHWEITZER, Rosann Marie. Survived by parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Schweitzer; 2 brothers, Robert Joseph a sister, ail of Mesa; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincenzo Provenzano, Gary, Ind. Rosary 8 p.m.

Wednesday in the of the Roses, Larry J. Melcher Mortuary: Requiem mass 10 a.m. Queen of Peace Church. Burial Mountain View Memorial Gardens. Family prefers spiritual bouquet.

VEGA, Raul D. Requiem mass 8 a.m. today, St. Catherine's Church. Mortensen-Kings Funeral Center.

VICKERS, Elmer F. Survived by wife Ida May, daughter Mrs. Marshall Hodgson, Lancaster, son Elmer Miami, sisters Mrs. Dorothy Bryant, Florence, Mrs. Gertrude Jones, Edna, Mrs.

Carol Young, Houston, Mrs. Myrtle DeChaumes, Palestine. brother Emmett Port Arthur, Tex. Also 7 grandchildren 6. greatgrandchildren.

Services will be conducted by Rev. LeRoy. D. Thomas, 2 p.m. Wednesday, Chapel in the Garden, Mercer Mortuary.

Cremation Friends may call after 2 p.m. today. WAITE, Fred Albert, "Jerry." Mesa. Beloved husband of Donna E. Services Thursday 10 a.m.

Mesa 5th Ward Chapel, LDS Church, 15 W. 1st Mesa. Bishop Weston Thacker officiating. Interment Mesa Cemetery, Friends may call Wednesday afternoon and evening at Gibbons Garden Chapel, 33 N. Sirrine, Mesa.

WINN, Elsie E. Funeral services conducted by Bishop Jos. Lindblom 10 a.m. Wed. in the Meldrum Mortuary Chapel where friends may call today 4-8 p.m.

Interment Mesa Cemetery. YOUNG, Nellie. Survived by husband John Phoenix: 2 sisters in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Reqviem High Mass 9 a.m. Wed. at the Church of St.

Agnes, 1954 N. 24th St. Interment St. Francis. Friends may call at Mercer Mortuary from 2 until 10 p.m.

today. ZEIGLER, Andy L. Services interment will be Pulaski, Tenn. Arrangements by Mercer Mortuary. 3-Cards of Thanks THE family of Pfc.

Frank M. Leyva, wish to express heartfelt thanks to all who sent flowers or otherwise expressed their sympathy in the loss of our son and brother. 5-Funeral Directors MERCER MORTUARY THOMAS RD. AT 16TH Phone 266-4473 Private Parking FORMAN'S Ariz. Funeral Home 376 N.

3rd Ave. AL 3-2332 CANNON FUNERAL HOME "Serving the Westside" 935-4231 Charles R. Whitney 939-9473 BRAZILL-WHITNEY BLOOM'S So. Phoenix Mortuary 3800 S. Central Ave.

BR 6-2171 TEMPE MORTUARY 405 E. Southern, Tempe 967-1643 PARADISE CHAPEL RALPH L. SAGE, DIRECTOR 3934 E. Indian School 955-1600 Green Acres Mortuaries 2 LOCATIONS 401. N.

Hayden Scottsdale 5830 W. Missouri Glendale A. L. MOORE SONS Services Today CHRISTOPHER, Thelma 10:00 AM MILLER, Russell HIMES. Ruth PICKERING, Frances Adams At Fourth Avenue 6-Florists DONOFRIO FLORAL CO.

Finest Flowers Since 1905 254-6761 Flowers express your thoughts manner that always pleases. SEE YOUR NEAREST MEMBER Allied Florist's Assoc. Lots and 7-Cemetery Services ONE lot, center section. East Resthaven, $150. 957-1293.

Deer Valley Memorial Gardens Non-sectarial Endowmen Care 10-Lost BILLFOLD, Payson area. Delbert Myers. 943-9740. Reward. 10-Lost METAL gray file box, containing personal papers, belonging to Barowsky.

If found return to 3002 West Northern Avenue Reward. PINSCHER, Miniature red male. $50 reward. Call 943-9738. CAT, Siamese, Sealpoint, female.

Answers to. Simone. Very thin, mother of eight. Family pet. Four children miss her.

Reward. 254-4588. 2019 North 3rd Street. KITTEN, white and Vicinity 5130 North 10th Place. Child's pet, surgery.

277-7131. DACHSHUND, black miniature, temale. 18th Street-Oregon. 277-8317. MINIATURE male Schnauzer, collar and tags.

$50 reward. 964-5725. CAT, large blue eyes, racoon tall. Answers to Blue collar. 35th Miguel.

937-7528. WEIMARANER, black, white chest, white front feet. Choker collar with tags. Vicinity 7th Street Maryland. Reward.

6316 North 7th 274-4259. CHAIN saw, Homelike Black Canyon Home Road, reward. Hensley. 967-0987. $50 REWARD Very big German Shepherd, tan black, tan collar, tag.

Answers to "Mike" 947-4526. PURSE Reward for personal, contents, car keys, etc. Nelson, 276-6720. SIAMESE, male Sealpoint, vicinity Granite Reef, McDowell. 945-5020.

DOG, half poodle. Named "Ringo." Vicinity 36th Street-Osborn. Reward. 956-1162. MINIATURE poodle, chocolate brown male.

Vicinity Main, Alma School Road, Mesa. Reward. 969-2462 SIAMESE, female declawed. Vicinity 3rd Avenue, Palm Lane. Reward.

258-3175. WATER ski, Lake Pleasant, Saturday. 947-6163. 11-Found RABBIT, vicinity Freeway Northern. 944-3927 after 6 p.m.

13-Auctions SCOTTSALE AUCTION. WH 5-0741. Phoenix Auction Center AUCTION THURS 7 P.M. Buy for cash or consign 2633 E. Ind.

Sch. Rd. 274-8241 SOUTH CENTER AUCTION 969-4293 WARE'S AUCTION 4025 N. 38TH AVENUE 2 SALES EVERY WEEK MON FRI 7 P.M. We buy outright or sell on commission.

272-5918, 278-0489 Al Downard Sale Yard Big Auction Every Sat. 3000 S. Cent, "BOOTS" A-1 AUCTION 2949 W. McDowell 278-7068 TUESDAY 7 P.M. Hey, are you looking? This Tuesday night we will sell at auction some of the finest furniture that can be bought anywhere.

Such as beautiful Mediterranean bedroom set drawer triple dresser, 2 mirrors, 2 commode night stands, originally sold for over $1100, white gold Fernch provincial barra set, lust beautiful. Also several other good bedroom sets. We will also have a Norge bronzetone stove, both late models. Also several other late model stoves, refrigerators washers. We have a Westinghouse AM-FM stereo combination.

Good selection of console portable TVs. New used box springs mattress, roll-a-way beds, 100's of things too numerous to mention. If it's for your home, you can find it at this auction. Whatever you do, don't miss this, sale, Tuesday at 7 p.m. "Boots" Blanton: auctioneer.

STALCUP AUCTION 5144 W. GLENDALE 934-5392 EVERY TUESDAY DAY SALE 9 A.M. NIGHT SALE 7 P.M. We buy outright or sell on comm'sn DEAN'S AUCTION 9 A.M. 7 P.M.

THURSDAY 2946 E. McDowell 275-5831 AAA AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY, 7 P.M. We buy outright or sell on consignment or quick cash. 5102 N. 27th Avenue Call 277-3812 "BOOT'S" A-1 AUCTION 2949 W.

McDOWELL RD. 278-7068 We buy outright for cash Or sell commission SALE EVERY TUES. 7 P.M. AUCTION CITY We Buy or Sell For You 1708 E. MOHAVE AUCTION AUCTION WED 9 AM 7.

PM 4001 NORTH 7TH ST. NIGHT SALE 7 P.M. Bdrm furn. Big selection of fine bdrm suites, 5 piece French Prov. white gold.

Mahogany. Walnut. Maple. Several sets to choose from. Lots of bedding.

Dining rm suites in Spanish, etc. New used liv rm sets, liv rm chairs, rockers, occas chairs, chrome wood dinettes. Chests, dressers, wardrobes, rollaway beds. Rugs, sweepers, TV's, lamps, living rm tables. Small antiques.

Hundreds of fine pieces too numerous to mention. Appliances, several refrs, at full size ranges. Automatic wringer washers. Chest type freezers. DAY SALE 9 A.M.

Usual run of medium grade furn appliances. CONSIGNMENTS CLOSE 6 P.M. OPEN TO INSPECT TILL 8 JOHN BRUNK SONS, Inc AUCTIONEERS 264-3204 AUCTION NOTICE STALCUP AUCTION 5144 W. GLENDALE AVE. 934-5392 Across from Arrowhead car lot at 52nd Avenue TUES.

SEPT. 12 NIGHT SALE 7 P.M. Beautiful bedroom. living room suites, maple droplear dining room suites, like new king sized Maple bed-box, sprina 4 pc. sectionals, Hideabeds, beautiful new lamps, TV's, new used box spring mattresses.

Odd dressers, chests, rugs, coffee step tables, dinettes, club chairs, refrigerators, stoves, washers, DAY SALE 9 A.M. 2 wheel trailer, Coleman gas furnaces, Butane tanks, electric sanders, tents, pool table, living room suites, water cans, sinks, toilet stools metal door frames, refrigerators, washers Lots of Miscellaneous. Come and inspect 8 A.M. 'til 5:30 p.m. Consign your furniture through this auction.

LLOYD STALCUP, Auction'r SOUTH CENTER AUCTION SEPTEMBER 12, 7:00 P.M. Fine selection of new choice used living room furniture. Lots of dining room dinette sets. Some office equipment including 1 Clary 10 key 1 Tower 10 key elec. adding machine.

1 elect. 1 gas range with eve level oven rotisserie. Several beautiful refrigerators with cross top full bottom freezers. Bedroom sets, odd pieces of misc. furniture, all choice merchandise too numerous to list, lots of small misc.

items in bullpen. Bring the kids out to Kiddies corner let's all habe a ball. 915 S. Center In Mesa, 969-4293 for info. Homes 20-Phoenix For Sale NEW 3 bedroom, slump block home.

Family room with fireplace. 8731 East Sandlewood, Scottsdale. $19,500. AS IS bargain. Five bedroom with pool.

Needs paint, carpet, etc. 8435 South 16th Street. $22,500. Western American Mortgage Company. Call Dave Worthington, 258-7911.

Evenings, weekends, 955-0623 MUST SELL 39 E. RIVERSIDE-2 BR, $70 mo. zoned "R-4" for additional 24 units. One acre. Home reconditioned like new.

Lots of storage. 31 E. ILLINI-3 BR, acre, $65 mo. zoned Additional 24 units. Closing costs only NO down on qualified credit.

UNIVERSAL HOMES 266-8463 OWNER. One bedroom frame, $4950. $800 down. $47 month. Four bedroom brick.

253-8192. "CASA MARBELA" MODEL HOME 4515 No. 35th Street (Enter off Campbell Ave.) OPEN DAILY Shake roofed 4 bedroom and family room home with sep. dining rm, "push button" kitchen; fireplace, cathedral beamed ceiling, covered patio and every most wanted feature, custom crafted by Tradition al Development priced as low AS a $31,500. Others as low as $28,500 with financing available.

Sales by ED POST REALTY, 277-1444. TRY $500 DOWN Dandy 3. br. modern kitchen, only $9,000 EZ terms. ALOHA Rity 956-1000 or 947-9632 2, 3 4 Bedroom Homes For Sale From $12,100.

272-7973 20-Phoenix For Homes Sale PARK CENTRAL Refrigerated, 325 West ROOMY Two bedroom, carport, and garage, fenced yard, near school, 220 line. 220 West Sunland Avenue, FHA ACQUIRED SHEA REALTY, 944-9661 is authorized to sell. Gov't acquired homes In the Paradise Valley area. Low dn payment no closina costs. Limited number, now avallable.

Call for list. E. Shea Blvd. 6623 W. READE Block N.

of Camelback. Clean 3. BR, den, elec. R80, fenced. FHA $15,625.

PAT FARRELL REALTY 277-6168 THE BEST $40,000 HOME ON THE MARKET TODAYI 326 W. LAMAR You compare ludge maids, absolutely perfect. Builder own er-Agent. 943-7208. Eves.

266-7350. BY OWNER. Tempe Townhouse, near ASU, 265-8185. MUST SELL CLOSING COSTS ONLY NO DOWN PAYMENT On Qualified Credit All Homes Reconditioned Like New! 1427 W. COVE-3 70 2010 DIAMOND 4.

BR. $120 31 ILLINI-3 BR-1 AS 65 3805 W. CYPRESS-3 BR 85 1412 W. 7th PL-4 BR- 5235 S. 1ST AVE.

2 BR $80 3510 POLK-2 BR $90 2736 W. GLENROSA-2 BR $98 39 E. RIVERSIDE-2 BR. $70 MOVE IN NOW WE HAVE OTHERS TRADE IN YOUR HOMEI Office Open Eves to 8 p.m. UNIVERSAL HOMES 4033 N.


FRANCIS AREA, 3 2 baths, Fireplace. Refrig'd. Tile roof. Dbl. garage.

$1000 no qualifying. Will trade. JACK V. LEE REALTY 264-4426 Eves. 274-0847 FOR GOOD HOME BUYS APOLLO REALTY 279-8844 CAPTIVATING! from its entrance hall to well landscaped yard trees.

In between you'll find 3 barms, sep din rm, kitch birch cabinets, rear liv rm, carpets DRAPES THRUOUT. Refrigerated just TOM FANNIN REALTY 277-7471 NEWLY DECORATED $98 MO. 3 bdrm fam-rm or 4th bdrm carpeted draped. $11,275, $375 dn. No cicosts 258-8051 Johnson Johnson 266-9744 JR.

EXECUTIVE An excellent opportunity to purchase a custom built home in prestige area. 3 lg bdrms, 134 baths. Fam rm, firepl. Shake roof. 34 acre lot with heated swimming pool.

Priced at FHA appraisal in low 30's. VACANT AVAILABLE 3049 W. SWEETWATER 3 Bdrm, 2 bath. 9021 NORTH 18TH DRIVE 3 BDRM, 2 ba, fam rm, enclosed garage, covd patio. $14,000 4412 N.

34TH DRIVE 3 bdrm, 2 bath fenced yard, new $11,900 FLEXIBLE TERMS NOBLE LEE REALTY 5800 NORTH 19TH AVE 274-3696 Member Multiple Listing Service HERE'S A BEAUTY! 3 br, deluxe kitchen, all built-ins, charming fam-rm with beamed ceilings. Spacious lanai, custom B-B-Q pit, DIVING POOL dbl. garage. Ideal family home for entertaining! Mid 20's. Xint terms.

DON HEIPLE ASSOC. 4821 N. CENTRAL 264-4841 DO THIS FAST! $11,500 Owner is anxious on this 3 bedroom beauty near Good Sam. Lovely area, just 500. DROESCH, Real Estate 1141 E.

CAMELBACK ROAD 274-5436 DAILY SUN. 3 BEDRM JUST $11,500 WALK TO CHRIS- TOWN It's clean and has large rooms. Ige fenced yard with big trees. Just $350 down or Vets no down-call Anthony Realty 277-4431 Evenings call 937-6925 HOUSES FOR ARE YOU Personal service is our specialty. US TODAY! ROBERTA'S REAL ESTATE 4521 Sch.

Rd. 272-2688 WILL LEASE WITH OPTION OR SELL. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, ref. home. FHA $570 down.

Open 1-4. 9044. N. 17th DRIVE. Call RAY.

REALTY EXECUTI 264-0605; eves, 265-6707. FOUR bedroom, family room, $425 down FHA- -Balance like rent-3214 East Willetta. Owner-Agent-275-8046; 943-1667. BEST HOME POOL BUY Here is one of the best a 5 ton refrigerated 3 BR home. Large paneled kitchen with dining area.

Covered 12'x30' patio with beautiful landscaped yard. Gorgeous 19'x38' pool with new filter new slide. Nice family rm with built-ins, large utility rm separate space for laundry. Large corner lot. Here's the big surprise it can be yours for only $23,500 with good terms.

Tony RIMSZA Realty 6517 N. 7th STREET 264-1881 IT IS CUTE! Distinctive Spanish with tile roof. 2 Bdrm, hardwood floors, beamed ceiling, formal dining rm, double garage. Exceptionally good buy at $9850. Carl Mosier Bill Herman 264-3403 REALTORS MOSIER RLTY.


CALL BILL BADGLEY REALTY 279-9280 CLOSE IN JUST OFF CENTRAL 3 bdrm 2 bath newly decorated new roof over 1500 sq ft carpets, drapes no cl costs. $13,500, $400 dn. 258-8051 Johnson Johnson 939-2476 "NEEDS NOTHING" ONLY $18,000, but it has "the works." 3 bedroom family rm electric kitchen refrigeration cooling 2 car port. New carpts fine custom walled drapes. yard.

Covered FHA patios, BUD MELCHER ASSOCIATES 264-6767 5114 NORTH 7TH STREET Lge. comfortable home, Lovely carDRIVE, BY 3024 W. McLELLAN pets. drapes. Huge kitchen.

Great workshop or hobby rm. Beautiful area. Must be seen to appreciate. Under $19,000. FIRST.

PHOENIX REALTY 655 Indian Sch. 264-0657 PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOR. See this beautiful 3 BR home that can be bought for thousands less than it's worth. Over 2000 sa. ft.

with fireplace. The view through the glass doors to the outside orange trees, palm trees shrubs galore. Big dbl garage, dishwasher, etc.etc. Was asking $27,500, now askina $23,000 only $2000 dn. Call Broker.

253-7981, Eve. 273-1919. A REAL BUY 3 BR. 1 BA Den dining rm. Fenced.

Room for 4 more units if desired. $1750 CTM $80 mo, or FHA terms. Tot. $8750. KERR REALTY 279-3561 NO QUALIFYING refrig'd.

3 bdrm. Ige, cheery kitchen, dishwasher, peted, draped, West High. $15,500, assume loan, DON BIRNEY REALTY 279-3581 OUT OF STATE OWNER Must sell 2 Br-i-den, close to Most Holy Trinity Desert View. $800 for equity move in. HOWARD RLTY 944-2688 RENT or buy-4 bedroom.

carpet, built ins, garage, 2 blocks to school. Owner-Agent, 939-9173. VACANT, refrigerated two bedrooms, 356 East Windsor. 277-8939. set-up, built to suit.

complete. Have model to show. Ask Bob, 944-9679 (Knights Realty). GE-Sperry 4 BR. ba.

Vacant ready. Desert Gold Realty, 4124 w. Ind. Sch. 272-7977.

IRS, Lien means Hi. real Faces buy! Encanto Ref, 3 Br. Walk Realtor 254-6161 20-Phoenix For Homes Sale PICK YOUR AREA FHA- VA reconditioned homes. down No. closing pymt Nov.

1st 1967. Stop for free list. HAROLD HARRIS RUTY. 4515 W. Ind.

Sch. Rd, 272-7905 Open Sunday -Dally $150 Down-No Qualifying Nice 2 BR, built-in storage rm, large fenced yard. move in cost only 4 Down-No Qual Roomy BR carpets. drapes, built-ins Realty patio, 4108 N. 271h Ave fenced 264-1005 CUSTOM BUILT REFRIGERATED Large three bedroom.

Family Formal dining room. Disposal. washer. Range. Carpeting.

Draperies. St. Gregory, West or Central Lovely home. $22,500. Will smaller home.

Seely Realty. SELL or lease, furnished or unfurnished, three bedroom, two bath. carport. Excellent neighborhood, extremely convenient to schools, including St. Gregory's.

Near Shopping, central business areas on bus line. 2221 West Osborn. PARK CENTRAL CONVENIENCE LARGE, LUXURIOUS, REFRIGERATED. 265-1224. 464 WEST FLOWER.

QUALITY SELECT AREAS HUGH WATSON REF 3 BR-LOW TAXES Family. rm, carpet, drapes, range, dishwasher, refrigeration. GrandView Central Hi. Only $700 dn. HEINEMANN REALTY AM 4-9080 OPEN 'TIL 8 P.M.

664 W. CAMELBACK RD. LOVELY 3 BR, deluxe cpt dros. Sep. garage.

Convenient NE loca. Low price low down. ARISTATE Rity 264-1828. Ev. 934-2766 DESERT LOVERS PARADISE DEER VALLEYS MO For lovely spotless 3 2 ba build-ins Arcadia doors.

2. TERRIFIC HILLSIDE VIEW From this modernistic 3 with fireplace, cov. patio, etc. Just $12,500 3. FENCED 4.

BR-2 BA. Shea 32nd St. area. Loaded goodies. dn.

4. DESERT OASIS Delightfully modernistic 4 2 ba. loaded incl. 2 palm trees. Handy to freeway.

dn. 5. HIGHLY APPEALING FULLY CARPETED REFRIGERATED 4 2 A real find at $17,500. Inland Western 264-6231; After, 5:30 266-0587; 937-3517; 3-1378 $83 MONTH $300 DOWN "A REAL DOLL HOUSE" COMPLETELY FURNISHED FULL PRICE A HOUSEFUL OF QUALITY FURNITURE, PLUS AUTOMATIC WASHER, RANGE, REFRIGERATOR GARDEN TOOLS A spotless 3 Bedroom inside out with fine carpeting in room drapes thruout. On 60x130 fenced irrigated lot.

Block construction on an alley with mature shade. ADD $200 FURN. Joe McGarry RIty 265-3878 or 265-2595; 1419 W. Ind Sch Rd. 4 BEDROOM BATH Built-in kitchen, family cellent neighborhood, close to schools shopping etc.

Vacant. No qualifying, move right in. $495 dn. 5443 W. Flower, 272-7300.

Citrus, Olives, Nuts These you'll pick from the trees on the grounds of this spacious, well kept, carpeted and draped 3 bedroom, family room, 2 bath home situated on a terraced lot in a prestige, Madison School section. You'll have all the "nicities" you've looked for at a price in "mid-twenties" with terms to suit your requirements. ED POST REALTY 277-1444 5060 N. CENTRAL REALTOR OFFICE OPEN 'TIL 8:30 P.M. MURRAY THOMAS-Eves 274-3929 2 BEDROOM brick.

Reasonable. Sunnyslope 936-3125. JUST OFF N. CENTRAL Right in the middle of the most exclusive area of homes. This appealing moderne home will provide much enjoyment for a large family Four BRms, 3 baths, formal living rm dining rm.

All built-ins in spacious kitchen. The best terms available. Eves. call Bill Foster, 959-5626. MADISON 4 BRMS This Is the best listing in this area AS OF NOW.

Bedrooms are arranged to provide privacy to all. Three, baths, living rm, sep. family rm a large kitchen. FHA has appraised this home in the lowest 20's and owner will consider taking the appraisal. Only one block to school on practically traffic free street.

Eves. call T. D. Lynch, 279-4335. RUSS LYON REALTY CO.

279-4401 5133 N. Central Ave. OFFICE OPEN TILL 8 P.M. BETTER THAN DUPLEX 2 Large homes, 2 BR 1 BR. Good NE area.

Only $1500 dn. Call CARL'S RItY, 252-7551 Eve. 274-1267. WASHINGTON HIGH Very castle clean 3 Bdrm, bath Newhome, carpet drapes thruout. Arcadia door leading to cov.

patio. Large fenced yd. Orangewood Grade Sch. Small down low pymts. Eves.

939-0039. 3517 W. Bethany Hm. 934-5244 HALLCRAFT REALTY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2419 WEST DIANA Royal Palm School Refrig'd 3 br, fam rm, playrm, carpeted, draped, avail fur. New FHA $600 dn 1301 W.

MORELAND Kenilworth West High 3 br, sep din, Ige fam rm, garage, on corner lot. Low teens your terms. 2247 Beat WEST inflation CORTEZ with Te this $90 mo. work pymt. 3 br, ba.

bit-ins, Ige shop, fenced yd. will decor. ate to suit buyer. 1830 WEST HADLEY br Retirement special. Only, $5900 for CON zoned home for rental.

refg. bit-in. Garage, E. MR. REAL ESTATE OF ARIZ.

510 Thomas 264-5361 CAMELBACK HIGH 20x12' living room 2 large bdrms, lot lovely 85'x300' hardwood floors, in this clean home while zoned R-3. Live you to build 8 units on property. Close thing. shopping, post office, everyPriced in low teens, call US for app't. JUST MOVE IN Pay $900 take over $76 per mo real payments 2 on $8777 mortgage.

A cozy bdrm home on a dead end St. Longview school lo tax area. NOBLE LEE REALTY 3206 E. INDIAN SCHOOL 956-2350 Member Multiple Listing Service COMPLETELY FURN'D 2 BR w-extra room. Clean neat Near 15th $8950 A.

D. McCLAIN REALTY 266-2417 FABULOUS SPANISH New 4 bedroom, 3 bath. courtayrd entry with spectacular view of city lights. 50 feet of covered patio two fireplaces separate formal dining room huge master suite. See it today Hi 30's.

Ask About Our Exchange-A-Plan 959-1850 HENDERSON REALTY 4225 E. Camelback Road SPACE GALORE in this charming Early American 4 barm home on ac lot. Deluxe kitchen, separate fam-rm oodles of storage. $32,900 and readily financed. DON HEIPLE ASSOC.

4821 N. CENTRAL 264-4841 CLOSE-IN AREA CLOSE-OUT PRICE $13,500. 2-Br. beauty. Cloudsoft carpet lovely drapes, close-in location.

Easy FHAVA terms. Don't wait on this. DROESCH, Real Estate CAMELBACK RD. 274-5436 DAILY SUN. TWO HOUSES FOR $6500 They are old frame, but livable on R-5 zoned lot, good investment.

Just $1000 down $65 mo. Call ANTHONY REALTY 277-4431 Evenings call 277-1556 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MORTGAGE LOW DOWN REFRIGERATED BUILT-INS Priced In Teens 1319 W. MISSOURI 20-Phoenix For Homes Sale CUSTOM HOME- OPEN DAILY 4. BR. 3.

315 E. Sahuaro Dr. KACHINE Const. Co. 943-9439 THREE bedroom, bath.

$800 down, assume 276-5361 GOOD POTENTIAL The best location near shops, transportation and offer an tractive, duplex, 2 one side and BR on ether alde. grated. Carpeted and Both units well furnished. SprinkThis system front. rear awner price and terms desired.

Open 10 A.M, to 8 P.M. GARDENVIEW MANOR 5542 N. 10TH ST. ST. FRANCIS DUPLEX Located lust off N.

Central Ave. Within walking distance of Up town Plaza shopping and. St. Francis Church, quiet private street, 2 Bdrm. each apartment.

Mid-teen price and good existing mortgage. Shown by appointment only, DANA NICHOLS REALTY 1100 E. Missouri 277-1471 M. LESLIE HANSEN 264-2284 REALTOR FOR FINE HOMES CARL ERICKSON Assoc. 264-7093 NEAR GLENDALE 7TH AVE.

Refrig 3 Br, family, dark rms. fenced shaded lot. Vacant. down, $106 per month. Jesse F.

McClain Realtor 956-0905 THE HOME ON THE NICEST STREET Located at 1104 E. Glenn and very near to Madison-Simis School. 3 paneled. fam. baths, lovely carpeting draperles.

Nice citrus lof. Priced right at 900. You be the ludge. ED PIERCE REALTY 264-7059 5252 N. Central PARK CENTRAL AREA Near 7th Ave.

Oxborn. See this 3 2 bath home with family room, Immaculate condition. Nice corner lot with underground sprinklers. Mid teens. FHA terms available.

CLEMENTS REALTY 279-2337 5029 N. 7th Ave, call 24 hours daily CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN Spacious Bdrm home rm, excellent carpets drapes, Ige fenced yard, unusual patio. A very livable floor plan. Transferred owner is anxious. Priced in mid 20's with low cash 10 mtge or new financing available.

TRADE FOR MOBILE HOME Or a smaller house. This large duplex is ideal, for a two family residence. Located close in NE Phoenix. Each unit has 2 large Barms. Colse to bus line shopping, PRICED IN MID TEENS.

GE SPERRY Only 5 minutes to GE or Sperry 3 Bdrm, family, rm, Ige kitchen living rm, Ige patio. House shows like a model. Under 000. ED THIRKHILL REALTY 24 Hr. Serv.

Ph: 264-4933 NEAR GE SPERRY Refrig 3 br, 2, ba, fam rm with thruout. Xtra storage, 6' bik, fence around nice corner lot trees. $18,250 call today. 277-7471 TOM FANNIN, REALTOR 5508 N. 7th Ave.

OFFICE OPEN 'TIL 0 P.M. $350 DOWN-3 BEDROOM We have 2 similar houses Same neighborhood. Screened patio, large lot, fenced, carpet, drapes, lots of trees. Near school. One is One is $11,000.

943-7275 8839 N. 7th Street TOWNHOME FOR SALE Located In Dell Trailor's BEAUTIFUL BEEKMAN PLACE 26th STREET E. OSBORN ROAD This elegant townhome, Lot Plan C. Three Bedroom, bath, separate dining room, magnificent two story living room. $42,900.

CONTACT MR. ED GROSE SALES MANAGER Home 946-0810 Bus. 279-6206 Dell Trailor Construction Co. PHONE 279-6206 1 P. WOMACK W.

SHOWDOWN AT MELROSE GARDENS NW 35th Peoria Ave. Phoenix 3 4 Bedroom (Ranch Spanish Architecture) From $16,790 to $19,890 PHONES 938-1280 Open Daily 10-9; Sun 11-9 ENCANTO AREA-3 bedrooms, 2 baths, refrigerated, Spanish style. carpeted 2-car garage TASTIER THAN WINE This king-sized home has 15'x 15' master bedroom plus 2 others almost as large. A fireplace to snooze by, and a formal dining room for entertaining. Large corner lot with grape arbor and covered patio.

JEFFRYES, REALTORS 252-6736 1125 E. MISSION LANE Refrigerated Sunnyslope jewel! Featuring BR fam. baths, garage, extra parking. Only or low cash to mtge mo. REFRIG'D $13,800 Close in like new 3.

BR, 2 ba. CUStomized thruout. Big walk-in closets, Heat pump. Only $119 moFHA terms. PAUL HUND REALTY 3509 N.

19th Ave. 277-5709 SUNNYSLOPE SPECIAL Widow must sell custom 2-Bdrm, 1100 sq ft living area. $9500 total. $88 month. Large lot.

Low taxes. J-Z REALTY, 264-0251. ves. 942-4095 OVERLOOKS VALLEY Beautiful BEDROOMS. Spanish Modern-FOUR Located on acre desert lot north of Lincoln.

Very anxious owner has reduced to $45,000 which is far below fair market value. Eves call Lynn Baker 266-8743. WALT BROWN REALTY 955-4300 3240 E. CAMELBACK RD Older Home Large Lot Approximately 1 acre near 7th Ave. Glendale with a roomy home that has never been completed.

A little work an active imagination could make this Into a fine home. Owner transferred must sell. Call for details. EARL STOWE REALTY 279-9325 Res. 277-2108 5136 N.

CENTRAL How Lucky Can You Get? 1. REFRIG 3 $75 mo. This you're bound to love at only total move in cost. 2. FENCED-4 BR.

MO. $100 TOTAL MOVE IN COST-builtins, carport, etc. Inland Western 264-6231; After 5:30 937-3517; WI 3-1378; 266-0587 PSST! SEE THIS! Low rambling CONTEMPORARY3 BR'S baths- fireplace in living room. Air the goodies too! Unique in every way! Mid teens. CLEVENGER REALTY NW Corner Thomas 279-5505 20-Phoenix For Homes Sale W.

BORM Roma. WOMACK HOME 1326 Neat clean. Priced $10,750, $300 Anxious seller. 258-8051 Johnson Johnson 212-6160 PRICED TO SELL Large 3-bdrm. 2-bath, formal dining room, 30x20 game room.

covered patio, fireplace, carpets drapes throughout. One block North of club house. COLONIAL REALTY 258-3539 942-6185 "PRESTIGE area for Yes! North Park Central, swimming pool, frigerated. bedroom, terms, family Raydell Realty. 244-3501 Eveninas 944-0193.

BEST 4 BEDROOM BUY Are you looking for a good, buy? Then don't miss seeing this attractive home has large huge living rm with cenhall, deluxe kitchen with bullt-In oven range, family rm, new carpeting thruout. 2 garage, acre fenced yard. This, home is priced to sell Immediately at only $18,950 with good terms. Tony RIMSZA Realty (917 N. 7th STREET 264-1881 3 BDRM WOMACK HOME Nr Indian School 15th Av Garage Neat priced right.

$10,750, $350 dn. 258-8051 Johnson Johnson 939-2476 "EXECUTIVE SUITE" that is perfectly charming home quaranteed to please a discriminating couple or small family. Handsome buff exterior iS crowned heavy shake roof. It's on a bia lot in fine neighborhood lust off North Central. 3 bdrms (or, 2 den) most attractive living rm a the wall of glass overlookina patio SWIMMING POOL.

Built-in stereo TV. Custom carpets drapes. 2 car enclosed garage. Transferred owner has just re duced the price to $31,500. BUD MELCHER ASSOCIATES 264-6767 5114 NORTH 7TH STREET Vacant-Urgent Cortez Hi, Refrig'd 4 Bdrm On a pretty corner.

Big, big family room. 2 baths 2 car garage. Block wall. Carpeted draped. Low down.

Surrarrer-Burk, Realtors 277-5757 400 W. Camelback Call 24 hours daily "SHADY LADY" A home with heart-4BRs, built baths family rm with ins. Kitchen has all pantry. On pretty 90x100' lot with citrus pecans. Water softener, house wired for stereo.

Owner must sell building new home. Priced in 20's Eves call 943.9570. OFF-CENTRAL PARK Great location with a parklike lawn to enhance this BR home. baths, formal dining rm. a gest BR.

home. baths, formal dining rm. a est BR. adaptable for den, with outside door. Big family kitchen brkf, area.

2 large linen closets many more Grade, features Mad Meadows in low 30's Central Hi. Priced Eves. call 937-6424 TOM JACKSON ASSOC. Real 600 Estate NORTH Investments 16TH STREET 279-1671 BR PLUS DEN OR 5 BR Move in for as low as $200. Bit-ins.

baths, fenced. Big family house. Call now Plaza Realty 4766 N. Central 264-6731 2 BR Doll House. Vacant, move in now.

$95 mo. Desert Gold 272-7977, 4124 W. Ind. Sch. Rd.

OWNER TRANSFERRED 3 Large bedrooms, large family room, breakfast bar, electric range oven, disposer, dishwasher, lovely carpeting huge fenced yard. Low down paymt. Monthly payment $131. KNIGHTS RLTY, 944-9679 KENILWORTH SCHOOL WEST Hi 3 bdrm ba carpet. drapes.

Central heating cooling, garage, storage. $10,750, $350 down. 258-8051 Johnson Johnson 944-3011 ACREAGE HOMES CITY NEW HOMES LOTS ON WITH 2 OR ACRE STREETS, IRRIGATION HORSE PRIVILEGES. NEW PRICES INCLUDING LOT START AT $22,700. SUNBURST FARMS PHONE 942-1410 3rd Avenue Thunderbird Road (Models Open Dally) ANDY WOMACK'S Stardust Skies Homes PAYMENTS INCLUDE ALL TAXES BEDROOMS 2, BATHS $450 DN.

$13,450 Only $115 Mo. 4 BEDROOMS 2 1 BATHS $470 DN. 35th AVE. JUST N. OF NORTHERN 10 a.m.

to! p.m. Phone 939-2007 V.A. F.H.A. HOME SEEKERS If you seeking one of the limited number of choice Government owned and newly conditioned homes in the Valley, call us for full information regarding these properties. A LIMITED NUMBER ARE STILL AVAILABLE WITH LOW DOWN PAYMENTS CALL OUR OFFICE FOR 24 HOUR SERVICE AND UP TO DATE LIST KNIGHTS RLTY, 944-9679 WINDSOR Square, 2.

and den or 3 bedroom, 3 baths, fireplace, formal dining area, car garage, mature $19,500. Keith Thompson Realty, 265-2607, 274-2551. FOUR bedroom, two bath, plus guest house, near St. Francis. 265-5448.

1 BLK TO BETH-EL 13TH AVENUE GLENDALE 3 BR, 18x22' family rm, total electric, refrigerated home. Redecorated inside out! Nr. schools on quiet street. Bit-in $400 dn, $108 per mo.seller pays closing costs! TOM FANNIN, REALTOR 277-7471 2 BEDROOM BARGAIN Don't miss seeing this, clean home. located in the Chris-Town area-it has large living rm, carpeting, coZy kitchen with range refrigerator, separate fenced workshop, well landscaped yard.

Here's the best news yet-it can be yours for only $10,750 with FHA terms. Tony RIMSZA Realty 6517 N. 7th STREET 264-1881 CUTE 2 BDRM CLOSE TO TOWN $300 carpets hdwd firs garage Brick 258-8051 dn la cute home only $9750. Johnson Johnson 956-1034 BR PLUS FINISHED GARAGE ba. fenced, bit-ins, schis shopping close by.

Low dn. $115 mo. Plaza Realty 4766 N. Central 264-6731 22-Phoenix For Homes Sale Northeast Area (N. of McDowell, E.

of Central) POOL-SCTSDLE AREA 3 barm, 2 refrigerated. Beautiful new carpeting. Lge. fam. rm.

is Range, fenced. oven. Pool is fenced, yard Nice desert landscaping on corner lot. Only $19,350. STATE REALTY 956-3260 NORTH CENTRAL LOCATION Only beautiful 10.

N. estate size lots left in this Central location. Luxurious custom and semi-custom homes in a grove of mature citrus trees. Beautifully furnished model open for your inspection. Homes ready for immediate occupancy or bulld to your specification.

For lasting value and magnificent location you must see NORTH CENTRAL TERRACE 8500 NORTH CENTRAL (5 blocks north of Northern) MODEL OPEN 12-6 P.M. GOLDEN HERITAGE HOMES MINT condition, 14th Street, north of Northern. Three bedroom. bath, large kitchen, built-in oven, lots of cupboard space. Garage, nice large redwood stake fenced back yard gives privacy.

mortage. Full price $14,000. Hugh S. Ainscough, Broker, 258-0573. SUNNYSLOPE.

Six. Offers. 944-7466 3710 E. Sunnyside 2 Br. MODEL Carpets, drapes retria.

Nr. school park. Terms. $14,500. 948-0381.

only $7000. Low down, month REAL homey two bedroom, fenced, PITI. Owner 3849 North 17th Street. THREE bedroom, bath, pool. 265-5448.

TWO bedroom and den. wood floors, central heat, near North High. $9500, terms. Bartholomew Realty 943-9348, 997-1072. Lovely 3 bedrm, 3 ba.

home, on Ige lot with pool. Gold wall to wall carpet. Large rooms, BBQ. Finest 36th Campbell area. $39,000 total.

Good terms. FLINTRIDGE CORP. 2024 E. Thomas REFRIG'D. Firepl.

barm. dishwasher, carper Son location. Hew Pioneer,.

The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.