Lavaca County, Texas Obituaries – B (2024)

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The people memorialized below either lived in Lavaca County or are buried here. Please contact thevolunteer coordinator to contribute obituaries, death notices, and/or photographs from your research. Most of the linked contributors will be happy to share information from their family files. Please note that obituaries with a transcriber's name are not related to the transcriber's personal research. Obituaries without a contributor's or transcriber's name were provided by the volunteer coordinator.


Hallettsville Herald
14 Nov 1889, page 4

Another old land-mark gone. Frederick Bahs [sic.], an old and highly respected citizen of Lavaca county, died at his home near the Pagel settlement yesterday. Mr. Bahs was in the 60th year of his age and many years ago did all the surveying for this county. He leaves a wife and a large family of children. He was the first settler in the community known as the Pagel settlement.

Friedrich Baass, 9 Dec 1821-13 Nov 1889, is buried in the Baass Cemetery. Contributed by Rox Ann Johnson.


Shiner Gazette, 23 Jun 1897


Louise Baca Kills Herself.

A few minutes after 7 o’clock last Wednesday morning, George Baca rode furiously into town and reining up in front of Hahnke & Eschenburg’s store announced in grief stricken tones that his sister, Louise, had just killed herself by shooting herself in the forehead with a 32-calibre pistol. In a very few minutes the news had spread over town and friends of the family left at once for the scene of the tragedy. At the Baca home a heart rending scene presented itself. The other members of the family were gathering around the dead girl screaming and wailing. A tiny hole in the forehead just above the left eye showed where the fatal bullet had entered. The lips of the dead girl were parted and her face wore a peaceful expression as though she was sleeping. In life a beautiful girl – in the pallor of death she was fairer yet.

Justice Blohm soon arrived on the scene and proceeded to hold an inquest of the body. A letter which Miss Baca had written a few minutes before her death was found. It was written in Bohemian, and left directions for her burial and stated that she wanted her share of the property divided among the other children. She said she wished to be dressed in white and buried in the family burying ground. She was twenty years old the day before her death.

It would be best if the GAZETTE could stop here and not speak of the causes that led up to this sad act, but it is due the dead that wrong impressions and reports be corrected. A paper in this county in speaking of the suicide last week stated that the cause was “Unrequitted [sic] Love.” This was not true. Tuesday night, June 15, the Baca family was terrorized by the threats of a rejected suitor for Miss Louise’s hand, and at daylight she sought relief in death. This is the truth. On arising Wednesday morning Miss Baca had formed her fatal determination. Hastily writing the letter she laid it where it would be found, picked up the pistol, co*cked it and seating herself on the side of the bed, placed the muzzle to her brow and pulled the trigger. At the report she fell back with the pistol clutched in her hand and never moved or spoke. The other members of the family had just seated themselves at the breakfast table when the shot was fired, and George ran in and caught up the pistol and threw it under the house.

Iqnaz [Ignaz] Baca died last fall, and Mrs. Baca, the mother, died several years ago. Since then the children have been running the farm. Amelia is the eldest, and the second daughter is Mrs. John Kaspar. Louisa was the third daughter. There is one still young, Ella. The boys are George, grown, and August and Henry, both young.

The funeral took place Thursday evening at the old family burying ground [Baca Cemetery].

Weimar Mercury, 19 Jun 1897, page 8

Shiner, Texas, June 16.—Miss Louisa Baca, a beautiful young lady, 18 years of age, living one mile west of here, committed suicide by shooting herself through the head with a pistol at 6:30 this morning.

She left a note requesting to be buried near her father and mother at the family burying ground. She also stated what disposition to make of her share of the estate, but assigned no cause for her rash act.

She was a niece of Judge Haidusek of LaGrange.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Moulton News, 25 Nov 1896

Passed Away.

Ignaz Baca died at his home a few miles from Shiner Wednesday evening at 3 o’clock of consumption. He had been in poor health for a long time and his death was not unexpected. His wife died two years ago. The deceased left seven children; three boys and four girls. His eldest daughter is Mrs. John Kaspar. Mr. Baca was 48 years of age. He moved to this country in 1866 and settled in Fayette county. From there he moved here about eight years ago and bought one hundred acres of land. This he improved until now it is a valuable place.

Mr. Baca was a man of thorough integrity and he was highly respected by all who knew him.

Shiner Gazette, 20 Jan 1897, page 1

Judge Haidusek was here from LaGrange last week probating the will of his deceased brother-in-law, Mr. Baca, of Shiner vicinity.

Ignac Baca is buried in the Baca Cemetery. Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 8 Nov 1894


Mrs. Ignaz Baca died Wednesday morning after an illness of three weeks. The interment will take place today on Mr. Baca’s farm. Deceased was in her forty-fourth year and leaves a husband and several children.

Mrs. Baca was buried in the Baca Cemetery. Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 27 Jul 1893

Suicide of Fritz Baedicker.

The towns of Moulton and Shiner were shocked Thursday, morning, to hear the Fritz Baedicker an industrious young farmer, living a couple of miles from Moulton; had committed suicide. The editor of the GAZETTE is indebted to Coroner T. F. Jackson of Moulton for assistance in gaining the details of the sad affair. Mr. Baedicker was in Shiner Tuesday and Wednesday and bought a heavy bill of lumber of the new lumber firm, Flato and Green. He intended building a house upon his land southeast of Shiner and was busy, Wednesday, hauling the lumber. Wednesday, eve he returned home and complained of feeling unwell and was unable to eat any supper. Thursday morning he still complained of feeling very unwell and Mrs. Baedicker with difficulty induced him to drink a little coffee. While out at the barn milking, she was started [sic] by the report of a gun and her little girl came running out crying, “O! Mamma,” Papa has killed himself.” On hastening to the house Mrs. Baediker was horrified to find her husband laying across the cot dead, with the walls and ceiling of the room splashed and spotted with his blood. He had placed the muzzel [sic] of a short gun, just under his ear and, forced the trigger with his foot, literally blowing the whole top of his head off. The room presented a dreadful spectacle, blood and brains were scattered every where and Mr. Baedicker’s features were so disfigured as to be unrecognizable. Coroner Jackson held an inquest, Thursday morning and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts. Mr. Baedicker was held in light-esteen [sic] where ever he was known and his friends are unable to assign any reasonable cause for his rash act. They are inclined that he was laboring under a temporary abevration [sic] of mind at the time, caused by ill health and long continued exposure to the sun on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Baedicker was about thirty years old and leaves a wife and four small children.

Friedrich Bädecker, 8 Mai 1864 – 20 Jul 1893, was buried in the Witting Cemetery. Contributed by Matt Cross

BAGBY Infant

Shiner Gazette, 13 Sep 1905, Halletsville column

We are sorry to chronicle the death of the girl baby born to Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bagby, Jr., Friday. The remains were taken to Yoakum Saturday for interment. Mrs. Bagby is in a critical condition and we hope for her a speedy recovery.

The Bagby infant daughter, 8 Sep 1905 – 8 Sep 1905, was buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery. Contributed by Matt Cross


Colorado Citizen, Dec 18, 1879, page 2

Died, in Halletsville, Lavaca county, Texas, December 6th, 1879, Hester Lee, youngest child of Arthur P. and Frances T. Bagby, aged one year and ten months.—Herald.

Mrs. A. P. BAGBY

Weimar Mercury, 10 Nov 1916

Wife of Prominent Texan Is Dead

Halletsville, Tex., Nov. 5. – After an illness of several weeks, Mrs. A. P. Bagby, wife of General A. P. Bagby, died at her home here last night. She was 76 years of age and had been a resident of this place for many years. She is survived by her husband, two sons, W. T. Bagby, representative to the legislature from this county, and A. P. Bagby, Jr., state tax commissioner, and five daughters, Mrs. S. L. Bennett and Misses Mattie and Sallie Bagby of this place; Mrs. Dr. Gillette of Cuero, and Mrs. J. M. Cummings of Seymour. Interment took place this afternoon in the city cemetery.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Eagle Lake Headlight, 3 May 1930


The body of W. T. Bagby, prominent for many years in courtrooms and on the political forum of South Texas, was brought to his home at Hallettsville on Thursday of last week for burial. Mr. Bagby died at Houston Wednesday night. Although he was only 55 years of age, Mr. Bagby had been in poor health for several years.

Bill Bagby as he had been know [sic] to two generations of State officials, who saw him first as a man of 30 with a voice that was full of music and deep-toned, stand on the floor of the House of Representatives and in the vigor of debate win the sobriquet, “the Lion of Lavaca.” Mr. Bagby was a member of the Thirty-Second House of Representatives and continued in the Legislature through the Thirty-Fifth, when James E. Ferguson was impeached while Governor. He was one of the leaders among those friendly to the Governor and took a principal’s role in the debate.

While Mr. Bagby was in the Legislature the 9:30 o’clock closing law was enacted and he was in a defending role against ultraprohibitionists, who would have made it more drastic. Although Governor O. B. Colquitt was an antiprohibitionist, he had agreed to the enactment of an early closing law and his supporters, including Mr. Bagby, were favorable to it.

In the Thirty-Third Legislature, which elected United States Senator Morris Sheppard for both the long term and a few-month tenure from which Joseph Weldon Bailey had resigned, Mr. Bagby was among those who made a spectacular and losing fight for election of Col. R. M. Johnston of Houston, who had been appointed to the place by Governor Colquitt.

In the last decade Mr. Bagby had served as member of the State Democratic executive committee sometimes as proxy, but always there was a demand for a debate that would bring his eloquence to play and his foes were great admirers of his powers of speech, as were his colleagues. The debates between Dwight Lewelling of Dallas and Mr. Bagby over questions involving prohibition were outstanding features of the Thirty-Third Legislature.

Among the survivors are his wife and a daughter, Mrs. Sam Duvall of Hallettsville; a brother, A. P. Bagby, of Austin, and a niece, Mrs. Fred J. Proctor of Dallas.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, 18 Sep 1969, page 12A

Mrs. Bailey

HALLETTSVILLE – Mrs. Katherine Ann Bailey, 52 of Corpus Christi died at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in a Houston hospital following a long illness. She was a native a Hallettsville and had resided in Corpus Christi for the past 20 years.

Mrs. Bailey was born June 13, 1917 in Praha.

Funeral services will be held from the Kubena Funeral Home Chapel at 9:15 a.m. Thursday and at Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 9:30 with the Rev. Stanley Petru as celebrant. Burial will follow in Sacred Heart Cemetery.

Survivors include her mother, Mrs. Julia Nesrsta of Cuero; a son, Raymond J. Rivera of Corpus Christi; a daughter, Mrs. Ann Greer of Corpus Christi; a brother, Julius Nesrsta of Cuero; four sisters, Mrs. Justine Osterlon of Cuero; Mrs. Ruben Pakebusch of Victoria; Mrs. Emerich Tajchman of Corpus Christi and Mrs. Emil Kopecky of Houston and seven grandchildren.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Weimar Mercury, 10 Sep 1898, page 8

Post Special: Halletsville, Texas, September 5:—A little 3-year-old boy of Dr. W. C. Baird died here this morning from diptheria. His home has now been quarantined and every effort will be made to prevent the spreading of the disease.

Much uneasiness is felt, however, on account of the fact that other children of his yesterday were permitted to attend Sunday school.

For some time an occasional case of diphtheria has been developing in the Witting neighborhood, ten miles above here, but this is the first case here in nearly two years.

Weimar Mercury, 17 Sep 1898, page 7

As soon as it became known there was a case of diptheria in town County health Physician Newbury went to work with a vim to prevent its spread, and he will no doubt succeed. The Baird premises have been thoroughly quarantined.

Judge Paulus appointed Dr. A. A. Ledbetter special health officer to take charge of the case, he having already been called in consultation, and he is handling the matter satisfactorily. All the physicians of the city agree that the case that proved fatal was genuine dipththera. Since writing the above Dr. Baird's baby has been attacked with diphtheria and Dr. Ledbetter says it is a genuine case. We are assured, however, that there need be no alarm, as there is little chance for the disease to go any further.—Halletsville Herald.


Colorado Citizen, March 12, 1885


Died, near Sublime, at 9 a.m., 5th inst., Mrs. Austin Higgins Baker, aged 17 years, 2 months and 14 days. She was a loving and devoted wife, an affectionate daughter and sister, and kind neighbor. She leaves a husband, father mother, brother and many friends to mourn her loss. Her body was consigned to its last resting place in the Bock family grave yard last Friday. Our heartfelt sympathies are tendered the bereaved husband and family.

Contributed by Dorothy Albrecht


Colorado Citizen, 24 Dec 1891, page 3


A feeling of deep sorrow came over many citizens of Weimar who on last Sunday morning met Mr. Wm. Ballard, formerly of Sublime, at the depot with the corpse of his baby girl. Mr. Ballard moved from Sublime sometime last September with an invalid wife and several children to San Antonio, in hope of regaining health for his wife, but of no avail. She grew worse and died in May. He was then left alone in a great city without friends and very little money with two boys and two girls, all too young to be any assistance to him and it was hard to make ends meet, when a few days ago he was stricken with another blow by his youngest girl taking sick and although all was done that could have been done she died. He determined to return to his his home in Sublime and brought the reamins of his daughter with him. Mr. B. secured a hack and left with the corpse and his three chidlren and will bury the deceased near Sublime and will make that place his future home.


Shiner Gazette, 3 Aug 1904

Death of Mrs. Alice Ballard.

Mrs. Alice Ballard, wife of Judge James Ballard, of Halletsville, died on Sunday July 24th, after a few weeks’ illness. Mrs. Ballard was 60 years old and has been living in Texas since 1852. She leaves a husband and five children to mourn her demise.

If she is buried in Lavaca County, Alice Ballard does not appear to have a marked grave. Contributed by Matt Cross


Weimar Mercury
27 Aug 1898

Hallettsville, Tex., Aug. 23—County Judge Paulus was yesterday telephoned from Oakland that a man by the name of Ballard, who resided near Oakland, but in Lavaca county, was suffering from hydrophobia and needed attention. He at once sent Deputy Sheriff Rees to attend him, but was later telephoned that Ballard had died in great agony, and that the county would have to bury him.

Several week since Ballard, who farmed on the place of B. Miller, had a terrible fight with a dog, which attacked and severely bit him before he could kill it with an axe. he then said he was afraid he would go mad and requested to be killed as soon as hydorphobia developed. After he became sick, people in the neighborhood were afraid of him, and yesterday requested the county authorities to take charge of him.

Since Ballard was bitten several other people, including four small children, in almost the same neighborhood, were bitten, and although a madstone was procured and used by them, much uneasiness is now felt on their account.


John W. Ballard, a workman on Ben Miller's farm two miles south of here, in Lavaca county, died from hydrophobia Monday night. He was bitten by a mad dog six weeks ago, and suffered intense agonies during his last few hours.

Weimar Mercury, 3 Sep 1898, page 6


Halletsville, Texas, August 25. John W. Ballard, the man who died from hydrophobia in the upper part of this country, was a stranger and nothing of his previous life is known. He was woring on the farm of B. Miller as a day-laborer and lived in a cabin on the place, cooking for himself. He was about 37 years of age and a big, healthy man; he had tattooed on his left arm a Texas star with saber struck through a heart and on his right arm a United States flag, ship and anchor.

Among his effects was found a certificate showing that he had joined the Woodmen of the World order in Yoakum last January.

While cooking his breakfast in the yard nine weeks ago he was attacked and severely bitten by a strange dog, which he caught and held until a neighbor came and killed it.

Last Thursday he began to complain, but said he had chills and fever. A physician was called to see him and he was up and about his cabin until Monday, when he began to have spasms. A negro woman, who was waiting on him was told by him to leave the place, but she waited until he in a spasm grabbed her and tore fom her most of her clothes. Several people went near the house, but feared to go to him. He in his spasm broke up and threw out of the house most of its contents in the last spasm he fell out of the house and rolled some hundred yards into an ant-bed, where he died. Just before having the last spasm he wrote a note, which he waved at the parties who were watching near the house. The note said: "Goodbye, darling Mollie; meet me in heaven."

same issue on page 7:

Horrible Hydrophobia.

John Ballard was an industrious farmer of the County Line or Wellersburg neighborhood. One day about two months ago while he was working in a field a stray dog came by and attacked him, biting him severely. Ballard caught the savage dog and held it, and the animal lacerated on of his hands fearfully. A man near by heard Ballard's cry for help and he killed the dog with an ax. The dog was promptly killed (a grave mistake) and Ballard's wounds healed rapidly. No evil results were apprehended, and the man resumed his work. Monday afternoon Ballard was picking cotton in the old Miller place north of Sublime, when suddenly those near him noticed he was acting strangely. He looked vicious and gave utterance to a sound that was like the growl of a dog. Without saying a word he started on a run across the field, and after running several hundred yards he fell dead, his features showing all horrible convulsions of hydrophgobia. The dog belonged to Will Dillard. Gus Miller killed the animal. This is another solemn warning to those who persist in having a lot of worthless dogs on their premises. —Halletsville Herald.

on same page:

Hallettsville, Texas, Aug. 24.

. . . Ballard, the man who died from hydrophobia, was yesterday buried by the county. No one knows anything about him or his relatives. Among his effects was a certificate of membership in the Woodmen of the World, showing that he joined said order in Yoakum last January.


Shiner Gazette, 18 Mar 1909, Three Head Items column

The eleven-month-old child of Mr. and Mrs. F. Balusek of Sweet Home died on Wednesday night, February 24, and was laid to rest on Friday the 26th in the Bohemian cemetery near Michna school house.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 26 Dec 1895

An infant of Mr and Mrs Frank Balusek died last Thursday.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Weimar Mercury, 13 Oct 1921, page 3.

Old Settler of Sublime Section is Dead

Mr. Frank Balusek Sr., one of the oldest residents of our section, died last Monday, Sept. 26, and was buried Tuesday, the 27th, at 2 p. m. in the Vsetin cemetery, John Mocek officiated. He was born in Meheren, Austria, and came to the United State, in 1851, settling in Washington county, Texas. In 1871 he came to Lavaca County to the Vsetin section. Mr. Balusek has been in ill health for several weeks and due to his old age he became very weak and death resulted. At the time of his death he was aged 87 years. He was twice married, his first wife (nee Miss Maria Hutka), preceding him in death some 27 years; also one son Thomas died about 3 years ago. In 1894 he was married to Miss Annie Blaha, and besides his griefstricken wife he leaves to mourn his death six sons and four daughters.— Sublime cor. Hallettsville New Era.

Transcribed by Sharon Sutton


Brethren Journal, October 2003

Joseph Bennett Balusek, age 71 and a member of the Vsetin CMB Church, died August 15, 2003 in Moulton, Texas.

He was born on January 12, 1932 in Lavaca County, Texas, and married Lillie Belicek on June 16, 1956.

He was a lifelong and faithful member of the Vsetin Church, and is survived by his wife, one son, one daughter, six grandchildren, and four step grandchildren.

Services were on August 19, 2003 from the Vsetin Church with burial in that church's cemetery. Ministers: Henry Beseda and Albert Flathmann.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung, Sunday, March 10, 1996

Joyce L. Balusek, born Sept. 20, 1935 in Odem, TX, passed away March 7, 1996.

She was a graduate of Del Mar College and worked in several Corpus Christi hospitals, as well as in other surrounding areas' hospitals as a Registered Nurse.

Her interests included arts and crafts and growing various flowers and plants. She and her husband of 45 years, Ervin Balusek Sr., moved from Corpus Christi to New Braunfels two years ago.

She is survived by her husband, two daughters: Katherine A. (Charlie) McCrley of Odem, Texas and Cheryl L. (Brian) Jansen of San Antonio; one son, Ervin Balusek, Jr. of Abilene, Texas; five grandchildren: Jennifer Funderburk, Michael Funderburk of Corpus Christi, Chad Newman of Bedford, Texas, Kristen R. Jansen and Austin Jansen, both of San Antonio; one sister, Mozelle Emanuel of Corpus Christi; a brother, Frank T. Wilson, Jr. of Orange Grove and numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives.

Visitation will be held from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday, March 10 at Cage-Mills Funeral Home, Downtown Chapel.

Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, March 11, at the St. John's Lutheran Church on Hwy. 77. Final Committal services will follow Funeral Services at 3 p.m. on Monday, March 11 at the Czech Moravian Brethren Church near Hallettsville.

Interment will immediately follow in Vsetin Cemetery.

Pallbearers: LeRoy Crozier, Bob McKinley, Joe Payne, Richard Perrin, Jim Stephens and Billy E. Turner.

Cage-Mills Funeral Directors

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Weimar Mercury, 7 Jan 1988

Louis Balusek Funeral Held, Vsetin Church

Funeral services for Louis P. Balusek, 83, of Hallettsville were held Thursday, Dec. 31, at the Czech Moravian Brethren Church in Vsetin, with burial in the Vsetin Cemetery. Rev. Henry Beseda officiated.

Balusek died Tuesday, Dec. 29, in Colorado-Fayette Medical Center.

Born Jan. 5, 1904, in Lavaca County, he was a son of Frank and Annie Lee Balusek. He was a member of the Czech Moravian Brethren Church.

Surviving are his wife, Hermina Balusek of Hallettsville; a son, Eugene Balusek of Weimar; a sister, Mary Fojt of Hallettsville; and one grandchild.

Two daughters and a grandson preceded him in death.

Serviving as pallbearers were Marvin Fojt, Delmar Fojt, Joe Balusek, Erwin Holy, Alton Sevcik and Clifton Sevcik.


Victoria Advocate, May 31, 1999


SAN ANTONIO—Richard Charles Balusek, 70, of San Antonio and formerly of Hallettsville, died Saturday, May 29, 1999.

He was born May 20, 1929, in Hallettsville, to the late Charles and Annie Sevcik Balusek. He was a member of VFW and Veteran Korean Conflict.

Survivors: sisters, Gladys Prochazka of Deer Park and Margie Guthrie of Corpus Christi; and brothers, Ervin Balusek of New Braunfels, Lester Balusek of Corpus Christi and Carl Balusek of Cypress.

Preceded in death by: brother, Donald Balusek.

Services will be 11 a.m. today at Czech Moravian Brethren Church in Vsetin, the Revs. Henry Beseda and Albert Flathmann officiating.

Burial will be at Vsetin Cemetery. Kubena Funeral Home, Hallettsville

Contributed by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, Tuesday, April 29, 1969

Meningitis Said Cause Of Death

Advocate News Service
SHINER—The death of Mrs. Emil Balusek, Jr., 35, who died Sunday in a Shiner hospital, was reportedly due to meningitis, although definite confirmation could not be obtained Monday night.

The attending physician would not comment on the cause of death.

The body will lie in state Tuesday at Buffington Funeral Home until 3 p.m., at which time it will be taken to United Dr. Martin Luther church for funeral services at 4 p.m.

Burial will be in Shiner City Cemetery.

Survivors, in addition to her husband, include a daughter, Beverly Ann Balusek; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fric; a grandmother, Mrs. Martin Fric, all of Shiner; three brothers, Alfred and Paul Fric, both of Houston, and Jimmy Fric of Port Lavaca; and a sister, Mrs. Dorothy Aschenbeck of Cuero.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, Thursday, November 12, 1970

HALLETTSVILLE -- Joseph A. Banek, Jr., 81, died at 1:45 a.m. Wednesday in a Hallettsville hospital.

Mr. Banek was born June 2, 1889 in Lavaca County and had been a former employee of the City of Victoria where he worked for 13 years before retirement. He was also a member of the St. Isidor Society.

Funeral services will be held Thursday at 10 a.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church with the Rev. Stanley Petru officiating. The body will lie in state at the Kubena Funeral Home Chapel until 9 a.m. when it will be taken to the church.

Burial will be in Sacred Heart Cemetery.

Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Anndella Banek of Hallettsville; two sisters, Mrs. Lucas Cerny of Flatonia and Mrs. Charles J. Okruelik of Hungerford.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


The Shiner Gazette, Thursday, April 27, 1939

Anton Bannert

Anton Bannert, aged 81 years, 1 month and 17 days, passed away Thursday, April 20, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Anna Drozd in Agua Dulce, Texas.

He lived in Shiner for about 35 years, moving to Agua Dulce 4 years ago where he made his home.

Funeral services were held in Agua Dulce in the Catholic Church and burial took place in Bishop.

Mr. Bannert is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Anna Drozd of Agua Dulce, two sons, Adolph of El Campo and Joe of Rowena, 18 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.

Those who attended the funeral from Shiner were: Mrs. Herman Weitzel, Mrs. Henry Weitzel and children, Louis Bannert and family, Mrs. and Mrs. Frank Bannert, and Mr. August Lindberger.

Submitted by Sandra Long Anders


The Shiner Gazette, April 17, 1941


Our hearts go out in sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bannert in the loss of their darling little baby son, Eddie Lee, who passed out of this world last Thursday, April 10, at 9:30 a.m.

The little boy was 1 month and 13 days old, having been in this world just long enough to endear himself to his parents, brothers and sisters. His little soul has gone to live with its Maker, forever spared of the trials and sorrows which await everyone in this Vale of Tears.

The funeral was held Friday, at 2 p.m. from the Eschberger Funeral Parlor, Rev. Schuetze officiating. The Lutheran Choir sang beautifully. Interment was made in the Shiner City Cemetery.

Eddie Lee is survived by his parents, three sisters and one brother, Laverne June, Willie Hazel, Eileen and Louis Jr., also his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Linbrugger of Moulton and Mr. and Mrs. H. Weitzel of Shiner.

We extend our heartfelt sympathy to those grieved by the loss of their little darling. May the good Lord comfort them.

Submitted by Sandra Long Anders


The Shiner Gazette, Thursday, September 25, 1941


Funeral services for Louis A. Bannert, who met accidental death, on Thursday, September 18, at 1:20 a.m., were held at the Eschenburg Funeral Parlor, Friday, Sept. 19 at 3 p.m. Rev. R. Schuetze was in charge of the religious rites. The Lutheran Choir rendered hymns at the funeral home and the Shiner City Cemetery where interment was made.

Pall bearers were: Fred Cook, Walter Paul, Gus Seim, Otto Turek, Wm. Goetz and Ike McElroy.

Louis A. Bannert was born near Weimar and at the time of his passing had attained the age of 35 years and 5 days. At the age of 3 years his parents moved to Moulton, where they remained for 7 years and since then have made their home in Shiner. He attended the convent school at Moulton and at Shiner.

On Sept. 12, 1928 he was united in marriage to Miss Elsie Linbrugger at Moulton. Five children blessed their home, one son, Eddie Lee, aged 1 month and 13 days passed away 5 months ago. Surviving children are: Willie Hazel, Laverne June, Eileen Lois and Louis A. Jr. Other survivors besides his wife and children are: his mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Weitzel, his sister, Mrs. Henry Weitzel, one half-sister, Bernice Weitzel and one step-brother, Henry Weitzel, all of Shiner; one brother, Frank Bannert of Victoria and one step-sister, Mrs. J. W. Sconyers of Nordheim.

A large concourse of relatives and friends accompanied the remains to the grave, where a beautiful blanket of floral tributes covered his last resting place.

Deceased was a man of genial disposition, a hard worker, devoted to his family and his death will be keenly felt.

We extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved. May God comfort them in their sorrow.

Among the out-of-town who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bannert and children, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Drozd and children, Agua Dulce; Mrs. Frank Futschik, Mr. Julius Futschik, Rosebud; Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Bannert, Mrs. Elizabeth Rossmussen El Campo; Mrs. Emil Kainer, Miss Mary Louis Bludau, Mr. Alfred Rabbe, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Otto and children, Mr. Julius Haas and daughters Miss Helen and Marie, Weimar; Mr. J. W. Sconyers, Mr. B. Meinert, Nordheim; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Linbrugger, Mr. August Linbrugger Jr., Houston; Mrs. L. J. F. Meyer, Galveston; Mr. and Mrs. Gus Zeimer, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Sauermilch, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Zaiontz, Yorktown; Mrs. Annie Neimeyer and Ada, Mr. Louis Neimeyer, New Braunfels, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman, Cuero; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kuhn, Yoakum; Mr. and Mrs. August Linbrugger, Moulton; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Havemann, Mrs. Hattie Bartos, Mr. Frank Friebel, Orange Grove, Texas; Mrs. Louis Schulenburg and son, Kenedy, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Wotipka, Flatonia, Texas.

Weimar Mercury, October 3, 1941, page 3

Borden News

We read in the last issue of the Mercury the sad news of the death of Louis Bannert, who was killed near Port Lavaca. Louis, if we are not mistaken, was born here, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Bannert. At that time his father was a section foreman here. His mother was formerly Miss Emily Haas, sister of Mr. Julius Haas, who is still one of our citizens. Mr. and Mrs. Bannert and children, Louis and Annie, moved to other points, where Mr. Bannert, Louis’ father, lost his life when hit by a train some years ago in almost the same way Louis did. His mother, now Mrs. Herman Weitzel of Shiner, wife, and children, and one sister survive. They have our most heartfelt sympathy in their sadness.

Submitted by Sandra Long Anders


Weimar Mercury
3 May 1918


The little son of Mrs. Bannert died last Saturday night after a short illness, aged only two years. The little one was laid to rest Sunday evening in the Catholic Cemetery, the burial service being performed by Rev. Father Wolf. A goodly number of relatives and friends were present to witness the last sad rites. We extend sympathy to the bereaved family.—Shiner Gazette.


Victoria Advocate, July 18, 1979

Mrs. Barborha (sic)
Advocate News Service

MOULTON – Mrs.ClotildaBarborha, 68, of Moulton, died Monday in a Victoria hospital.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Moulton Catholic Cemetery under the direction of Smith Funeral Home.

Surviving are her husband, VictorBarborha, and a daughter, Mrs. VivianKalich, both of Moulton; four sons, DennisBarborhaof Austin, ArthurBarborhaof Alvin, FranklinBarborhaof New Jersey and JamesBarborhaof North Carolina; five sisters, Mrs. AnnieBarborhaof Moulton, Mrs. Sophie Schaefer of Yoakum, Mrs. KathrynTrojcakof Victoria, Mrs.Vlasta Barborhaof San Antonio and MissHerminiaMotalof Indiana, and seven grandchildren.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


San Antonio Express, Sunday, July 6, 1952

Hallettsville Lists First Polio Death

HALLETTSVILLE, July 6.—Irene Barborak, 21, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Barborak, Route 1, Moulton, became the first polio death here this year. The woman died Friday night in Renger Hospital.

She was the fourth death for Lavaca County.

Willie Barborak, 6, and Georgie Barborak, brother and sister of the polio fatality, had recovered sufficiently from polio to be released from Renger Hospital last week.

Funeral services for Miss Barborak were held Saturday afternoon at Moravia Catholic Church. Burial took place at the Moravia Catholic Cemetery.

Survivors included the parents, and brothers, Bennie and Willie, and sisters, Annette and Georgie.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, Sunday, November 7, 1971

HALLETTSVILLE -- Adolph F. Barcak, 48, died at 3 p.m. Saturday at his home in Hallettsville.

He was born Nov. 6, 1922, in Lavaca County and was a veteran of World War II.

Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Patsy Barcak of Hallettsville; three brothers, John Barcak of Houston; Joe Barcak of Hallettsville and Laddie Barcak of Praha; three sisters, Mrs. Frank Holik of Hallettsville; Mrs. Milner Smith of Yoakum and Mrs. Helen Stasa of Hallettsville.

Rosary was recited at the Kubena Funeral Home at 7:45 p.m. Saturda

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, Tuesday, June 30, 1970

HALLETTSVILLE—Charlie Barcak, 60, of Hallettsville, died Sunday in a local hospital.

Mr. Barcak was born Aug. 13, 1909 in Fayette County, and was a veteran of World War II.

The body will lie in state at Kubena Funeral Home until 9 a.m. Tuesday, at which time it will be taken to Sacred Heart Catholic Church for funeral services at 10 a.m.

The Rev. Thoms McQuade will officiate, with burial in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery.

Survivors include four brothers, John of Houston, Joe of Breslau, Ladik of Braha and Adolph of Hallettsville; and three sisters, Mrs. Frank Holik of Hallettsville, Mrs. Helen Stasa of Robstown and Mrs. Adella Smith of Yoakum.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, Feb. 12, 1997

SHINER – Flora MaeBarcak, 73, of Shiner, died Tuesday, Feb. 11, 1997.

She was born Sept. 10, 1923, in Shiner to the late Adolph and MaryKneifelBlaschke.She was a homemaker and a member ofSts. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church, KJZT and American Legion Auxiliary.

Survivors: daughter, Rosalie Siegel of Shiner; sisters, MargaretPavlica, HattieCaka, FriedaRenkenand TillieVancura, all of Shiner, and LeonaBrzozowskiof Jacksonville, Fla.; and one grandson.

Preceded in death by: husband, BennieBarcak; and brothers, ErvinBlaschkeand BenBlaschke.

A rosary/wake will be held at 7 p.m. today at Buffington Funeral Home chapel and a KJZT rosary will be recited at 9:30 a.m. Thursday atSts. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church.

Services will be 10 a.m. Thursday, at the church, the Rev. GerryCernochofficiating.

Burial will be at Shiner Catholic Cemetery, Buffington Funeral Home, Shiner.

Memorials: donor’s choice.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, Monday, October 3, 1977

HALLETTSVILLE—Michael "Mike" Barecky, 87, formerly of Hallettsville, died at 5:10 p.m. Saturday in an El Campo nursing home.

Funeral services have been tentatively set for Tuesday morning at the Catholic Church in Moravia, with burial in Moravia Catholic Cemetery under direction of Kubena Funeral Home.

Mr. Barecky was born Nov. 21, 1889 in Austria. A retired farmer, he was a member of SPJST lodge.

He was married to the former Anna Vesely on Sept. 30, 1913 at Praha. She died Dec. 6, 1962.

Survivors include a son, George M. of El Campo; three daughters, Mrs. Jerome Hrncir of Victoria, Mrs. Albert laha [Blaha?] of Bellaire, and Mrs. Paul Krenek Jr. of East Bernard; 14 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

Rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Monday at Kubena Funeral Home.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Shiner Gazette, 6 Aug 1902

Joe Baresh, Jr., who recently moved to Shiner, and who is occupying the house formerly occupied by Mr. F. Thoelke, lost a little babe last Saturday. The interment took place in the Catholic cemetery.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 18 Sep 1901

Death of Mrs. Bargman.

Mrs. Bargman, mother of Mr. A. Bargman and Mrs. C. Buesing, died last Thursday and was buried Friday in the O. D. H. S. cemetery. Mrs. Bargman was 94 years old and came to this country from Oldenburg, Germany, upwards of 40 years ago. She has resided principally in Fayette and Lavaca counties.

Mrs. Bargman's grave appears to be unmarked. Contributed by Matt Cross


Schulenburg Sticker, 18 May 1899

DIED. – Another old citizen of this vicinity departed this life last week. Mrs. M. M. Barkley, who has been a resident of Gleckler for the last 15 years, died last Wednesday, aged 77 years.

Malinda M. Barkley, 13 Jul 1822 - 10 May 1899, was buried at Andrews' Chapel Cemetery. Contributed by Matt Cross


Weimar Mercury, 11 Apr 1891, page 2

Died, at the residence of W. P. Ballard, in Halletsville, at 2:15 o'clock a. m., Saturday, April 4, 1891, Mrs. Permelia Jane Barnett, aged 64 years. The burial services were held at the Methodist church at 4 o'clock Saturday evening. The interment took place at the city cemetery. Mrs. Barnett had been seriously ill for some time back, suffering with general debility. The news of the tragic death of her son Thomas was announced to her the day before her death. The New Era extends sympathy to the bereaved relatives.—New Era.


Victoria Advocate, January 4, 1999


YOAKUM—Albina M. Baros, 91, of Yoakum, died Saturday, Jan. 2, 1999.

She was born Feb. 10, 1907, in Fayetteville, to the late Anton and Agnes Brenner Spann. She was a dry cleaner with Baros Dry Cleaners and a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church. She was also a member of Catholic Daughters of America and Yoakum Hospital Auxiliary.

Survivors: son, Robert L. Baros of San Marcos; sister, Sophie Baros of Shiner.

Preceded in death by: husband, Rudy J. Baros; sister, Lillian Baros; brothers, Mike Spann, Jim Spann, Joe Spann, Frank Spann and Anton Spann Jr.

A rosary will be recited 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at St. Joseph Catholic Church.

Services will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at the church, the Rev. Gary Janak officiating.

Burial will be at Shiner Catholic Cemetery. Buffington Funeral Home, Yoakum, 293-2333.
Memorials: American Heart Association

Contributed by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, 12 Mar 1972, page 6A

Mrs. Baros

Advocate News Service

YOAKUM -- Mrs. Annie Baros, 84, of Route 3, Yoakum died at 4:35 p.m. Saturday in the local hospital.

Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Sunday at Buffington Funeral Home Chapel.

Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday from St. Ann's Catholic Church with the Rev. Michael O'Shaughnessy officiating.

Burial will be in St. Ann's Catholic Cemetery.

Survivors include the husband, Englehard Baros of Yoakum; three sons, George Baros of Poteet, Gerharde and Richard Baros of Yoakum; six sisters, Mrs. Charles Stasny of Houston, Mrs. George Suhr Mrs. Alfred Schroeder and Mrs. Mihilda Wendel of Yoakum, Mrs. Gladney Hariell and Mrs. Richard Zerr of San Antonio; and a brother Charles Brosch of San Antonio.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, Monday, August 28, 1967

Mrs. Joe Baros

Advocate News Service
SHINER -- Funeral services for Mrs. Joe Baros, 73, who died Friday in a San Antonio hospital, will be held at 10 a.m. Monday at Buffington Funeral Home Chapel, with a Requiem Mass to be sung at 10:15 a.m. at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church in Shiner.

The Rev. John J. Hanacek will officiate, with burial in Shiner Catholic Cemetery.

Mrs. Baros was born in Yoakum. Her husband died in 1960.

Survivors include two sons, Marvine [as printed] of Abilene and Valentine Baros of Keesler AFB, Miss.; three daughters, Mrs. Louis Taubert and Mrs. Dan Lamprecht, both of San Antonio, and Miss Lorraine Baros of Fort Worth; two step-sons, Philip of Temple and Ed of Blessing; a step-daughter, Mrs. Otto Uhbrock of Edinburg; a brother, Raymond Pargac of Roswell, N.M., and a sister, Mrs. Ed Armis of Fort Worth.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, 25 Jan 1997, page 14A


YOAKUM - Bernice E. Baros, 76, of Yoakum died Friday, Jan. 24, 1997.

She was born Dec. 30, 1920, in DeWitt County to the late John J. and Alma Eschenburg Till. She was a homemaker and a retired sales clerk of Marek Cleaners and Dwight Cleaners. She was a member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church.

Survivor: husband, Gerharde J. Baros.

Services will be 3 p.m. Sunday at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, the Rev. Tim Van Antwerp officiating.

Burial will be at Oak Grove Cemetery. Buffington Funeral Home, Yoakum, 293-2333.

Memorials: Holy Cross Lutheran Church or donor's choice.
Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, Saturday, December 6, 1975

Advocate News Service

SHINER – Emil F.Baros, 85, a former resident of Shiner, died Thursday in aHilljenursing home.

A retired farmer and ranchman, he was a veteran of World War I.

Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Shiner Catholic Church.Burial will be in the Shiner Catholic Cemetery, with Buffington Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs.BarosofHillje; two brothers, Adolph of San Antonio and Ed ofPlacedo; and three sisters, Mrs. AlbinaVrazelof Shiner, Mrs. ChristineVrazelof Corpus Christi and Mrs. EmmaBarkmeyerof San Antonio.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, Friday, March 4, 1977

SHINER -- Mrs. Emilie Baros, 86, of Shiner, died Wednesday in a local hospital.

Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Buffington Funeral chapel with burial in SPJST Cemetery here.

Surviving are four sons, W. J. of Victoria, Anton of Seabrook, Victor of San Diego, Calif., and Adolph of Houston; two daughters, Mrs. Albert Heersen (?) of Shiner and Mrs. Erwin Mcnu*tt of Corpus Christi; a sister, Mrs. Louise Havel of Shiner; 14 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Cuero Record, Monday, November 18, 1968

YOAKUM -- Mrs. Bennie Baros, 37, of San Antonio, former resident of the Yoakum area, died early Sunday morning in a San Antonio hospital.

Rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Monday at Buffington Funeral Home Chapel.

Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday at the funeral home and at 9:15 a.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, with the Rt. Rev. John Matocha officiating. Burial will be in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery.

Surviving are her husband and two sons, Bennie Ray and Gary W., all of San Antonio; three daughters, Lynette, Carol and Donna, all of San Antonio; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weissner [as written]of Concrete; two sisters, Mrs. Robert Peckar of Japan, and Mrs. Joe Darilek of Edna; and a brother, Ray Leissner[as written]of Concrete.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, 23 Apr 1998, page 12A


YOAKUM - Geharde J. Baros, 83, of Yoakum, died Tuesday, April 21, 1998.

He was born Oct. 6, 1914, in DeWitt County, to the late Englehart and Annie Brosch Baros. He served in the U.S. Army in World War II. He was a grocery store clerk for Boysens, Wittes, and Elo's stores and was a member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church.

Survivor: brother, Richard Baros of Yoakum.

Preceded in death by: wife, Bernice E. Till Baros; infant sister, Gladys Baros; and brother, George Baros.

Services will be 10 a.m. today at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, the Rev. Tim Van Antwerp officiating.

Burial will be at Oak Grove Cemetery. Buffington Funeral Home, Yoakum, 293-2333.

Pallbearers: Alfred Baros, Wayne Ramert, Larry Jirkovksy, J.T. Byrnes, Dwight Byrnes and Alan Jirkovsky.

Contributed by Matt Cross


The Shiner Gazette, Oct 27, 1983

Mrs. Grace Baros Rites Held

Mrs. Grace Baros of Gonzales died at 12:02 p.m. Tuesday, October 18, 1983 in the Shiner Hospital at the age of 87 years, 9 months and 22 days.

Funeral services were held Thursday, Oct 20, at 3 p.m. at Buffington Funeral Home Chapel in Shiner. The Rev. Warren Hornung officiated.

Burial followed in the Shiner City Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were Jake Turk, George Herder, Harry Meyer, Roger Dreyer, John Michalec and Buddy Lindeman.

Mrs. Baros was born on December 26, 1895, to George and Sadie Ella (Cole) Turk. She was reared on the family homestead farm in the Dreyer community and attended the Dreyer School.

On Nov. 4, 1919, she was married to John Baros at Gonzales and the couple first made their home in the Dreyer area. In 1929 they moved to Moulton where they resided continuously with the exception of a few years in Gonzales. her husband, a retired rancher, died 22 years ago on Oct 14, 1961.

She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. C.J. (Ethel) Logan of San Antonio; four sons, Clyde and Bob Baros of Gonzales, Dr. James A. Baros of San Antonio, Gordon W. Baros of Shiner; one sister, Mrs. Ida Wendel of Shiner; 11 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Besides her husband, she was preceded in death by her father, Oct. 8, 1918; her mother, May 2, 1947; two sisters Mrs. Walter (Gertrude) Wendel, June 13, 1969; Mrs. Walter (Eva B.) Herder, Mar 17, 1980; four brothers, Frank Turk, Sept. 23, 1943; James Turk, Jan 29, 1969; and Johnnie E. Turk, Jan 13, 1976; and Sam F. Turk, July 29, 1983.

Contributed by Rebecca Herder


Victoria Advocate, January 8, 1999


LULING—Irene Baros, 81, of Luling and formerly of Shiner, died Thursday, Jan. 7, 1999.

She was born Jan. 4, 1918, in Lavaca County, to the late Henry and Annie Koenning Hauschild. She was a homemaker and was a Catholic.

Survivors: sons, David Baros of Shiner and Edmund Baros Jr., and Richard Baros, both of Luling; sister, Vera Olisen of Plum; eight grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.

Preceded in death by: husband, Edmund Baros; sons, Michael Baros and Kenneth Ray Baros; sisters, Erna Riely, Nollie Muenich and Nelda Fritenburg; and brother, Monroe Hauschild.

A rosary/wake will be 7 p.m. Saturday at Buffington Funeral Home chapel.

Services will be 2 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home, the Rev. Gerry Cernoch officiating.

Burial will be at Shiner Catholic Cemetery. Buffington Funeral Home, Shiner

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, Wednesday, July 23, 1975

SHINER -- JoVictoria Advocate, Wednesday, July 23, 1975hn J. Baros, 86, of Shiner, died Monday in a Victoria hospital.

Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Wedneday at Buffington Funeral Home chapel in Shiner. Burial will be in the SPJST cemetery here.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. John Baros of Shiner; four sons, Anton of Seabrook, Victor of San Diego, Calif., Bill of Victoria and Adolph of Houston; two daughters, Mrs. Albert Heersen of Shiner and Mrs. Erwin McNatt of Corpus Christi; three brothers, Otto of Telferner, Gus and Bill, both of Westhoff; two sisters, Mrs. Ed Lukas of Westhoff and Mrs. Leon Danish of Yorktown; 14 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Thiele-Cooper Funeral Home

john JosephBaros, age 66, passed away on Monday, February 17, 2014. He was born on May 31, 1947 in Lavaca County to Otto and AgnesVeselyBaros. He worked at Circle Y and served in the U.S. Army.

Survivors: sisters, MaryKnippaand husband Kenneth and Jane Williams and husband Donald all of Yoakum; brother, WilliamBarosand wife Judy of New Braunfels. Preceded in death by his parents.

Visitation from 6-7:30 p.m. on Friday, February 21, 2014 at Thiele-Cooper Funeral Home.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, July 3, 1974

CUERO -- Laddie Baros, 47, of Cuero, died Sunday evening in a Cuero hospital.

He was born Aug. 23, 1926, at Shiner.

The body wil lie in state at Oak Memorial Funeral Home until 8 a.m. Tuesday, when it will be taken to Triska Funeral Home at El Campo for funeral services and burial.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Sandra Aleman of Victoria and Miss Janice Baros of Cuero; two brothers, Jim Baros of El Campo and Frank Baros Jr. of San Antonio; three sisters, Mrs. Valesta Jurica of Sweet Home, Mrs. Mary Nervaca of San Antonio, and Mrs. Emily Ramey of Fort Worth; and one grandchild.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, Tuesday, March 17, 1970

Advocate News Service

YOAKUM—Funeral services for Rudy J.Baros, 67, of Yoakum, who died Saturday afternoon In a Houston hospital, will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at St. Joseph Catholic Church, with the Rev. MichaelO'Shaunessyofficiating.

Burial will be in Shiner Catholic Cemetery.

Mr.Baroswas born Jan. 23, 1903 atKokernot, near Shiner.

Survivors Include his wife,Albina, of Yoakum; a son, Robert LeeBaros, of Austin; three brothers, Emil of Shiner, Adolph of San Antonio, and EdBarosofPlacedo; five sisters, Mrs. EmmaBarkmeyerof San Antonio, Mrs. ChristinaVrazelof Corpus Christi, Mrs. PaulineJaksofHouston, and Mrs.AlvinaVrazeland Mrs. FrancesJurek, both of Shiner.

Pallbearers will be FrankieBaros, Jimmie Spann, Raymond Spann, Adolph Spann, Bill Harris, ClarenceBohuslav, Edward Simper and JimmieVrazel.

Contributed by Matt Cross


San Antonio Express, Tuesday, July 13, 1965

Mrs. AnnaBenysof 1019 El Monte passed away Monday, July 12.Born in 187?,Zvala, Czechoslovakia.

Religious services 9:30 a.m. Thursday St. Joseph Church, Yoakum, Texas.Interment in St. Joseph cemetery, Yoakum.

Survived by 4 daughters:MiladayPechacek, Chillicothe, Texas, EmilieBenysof Kerrville, Mrs. Annie Leveque, and Mrs. LillianPechacek, both of San Antonio.Arrangements by Buffington Funeral Home, Yoakum, Texas.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, Tuesday, July 13, 1965

Mrs. Joseph Benys

Advocate News Service

YOAKUM – Mrs. Joseph (Anna)Benys, a resident of Yoakum area since from 1889 until about six years ago when she moved to San Antonio, died about 6 a.m. Monday at the home of a daughter there.She was 76 years of age.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 9:15 a.m. from Buffington Funeral Home Chapel and at 9:30 a.m. from St. Joseph’s Catholic Church with the Rev. JohnMatochaofficiating.Burial will be in St. Joseph’s Cemetery.

Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. MiladyPechacekof New York, Miss EmilyBenysof Kerrville, Mrs. Annie Leveque (?) and Mrs. LillianPechacekof San Antonio; a brother, MauriceHanysof Cuero; six grandchildren and 40 great grandchildren.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, Thursday, December 26, 1968

Mrs. Sophie Baros

Advocate News Service
YOAKUM—Mrs. Sophie Baros, 85, died at 9:15 a.m. Wednesday at a Flatonia nursing home.

Mrs. Baros was born Sept. 16, 1883 in Czechoslovakia and had lived most of her life in Yoakum.

A rosary will be recited Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Buffington Funeral Home Chapel.

Funeral services will be held Friday at 9 a.m. from the funeral home and at 9:15 a.m. from St. Joseph's Catholic Church with the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Matocha officiating.

Burial will be in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery.

Survivors include a son, C. R. Baros of Yoakum; two brothers, Jim Mauric of Shiner and Frank Mauric of Ohio; one grandson and five great-grandchildren.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Shiner Gazette, 13 Aug 1908, Three Head Items column

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. Barosh, who had been sick for some time, died last Saturday and was buried Sunday in the Catholic cemetery. We extend our sympathy.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 30 Mar 1911, page 1, Yoakum News – Route 1 column

A sad death occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barre. The three-year-daughter, Freida, died Saturday after an illness of about two weeks. We offer sincere sympathy in this, their hour of sorrow.

Frieda Barre, 21 Oct 1907 – 25 Mar 1911, daughter of Bernhard Barre, was buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery. Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 25 Jul 1985, page 5B

Albin J. Barta Funeral Services

HALLETTSVILLE – Albin J. Barta of Hallettsville, died at 5:45 a.m. Friday, July 18, 1985 in Stevens Convalescent Center in Hallettsville at the age of 86 years, 6 months and 1 day.

Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, July 21 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church with the Rev. Ed Kelly officiating.

Burial followed at Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery in Hallettsville under the direction of Kubena Funeral Home.

Serving as pallbearers were his grandsons, Adam Brunkenhoefer Jr., Kenneth Grahmann, both of Hallettsville, George Brunkenhoefer of Pasadena, Henry Gene Kubecka of Houston, Robert Barta of East Bernard and Frankie Simper of Moulton.

The body lay in state at the funeral home until 1:30 p.m. Sunday when it was taken to the church for services.

Rosary was recited at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, July 20 at Kubena Funeral Home and at 2 p.m. Sunday at the church.

Mr. Barta, one of 11 children, was born Jan. 18, 1899 at Praha, son of Frank and Frances (Vlasek) Barta. He was reared on the family farm and attended the nearly [sic] rural school.

On Oct. 25, 1921, he was married to Julia Drozd in Sacred Heart Catholic Church. The couple made their home on a farm at Breslau, where they have since resided.

A farmer and rancher, Mr. Barta was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Julia Barta of Hallettsville (at Breslau); two sons, Eugene Barta of Komensky and Alvin Barta of East Bernard; four sisters, Mrs. Vladik (Janie) Culak and Mrs. Julius (Agnes) Kalisek, both of Moulton, Mrs. Marshall (Sophie) Deal of Houston, Miss Carrie Barta of Austin; a brother, Frank Barta of Moulton; 13 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his parents; four brothers, Theodore Barta, May 17, 1971, Bohumil Barta, June 3, 1965, George Barta, May 25, 1967, Alfons Barta; and one sister, Mrs. Frank V. (Hermina) Kubenka, Sept. 9, 1978.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, April 19, 1999


MOULTON—Annie B. Barta, 96, of Moulton, died Sunday, April 18, 1999.

She was born June 27, 1902, in Moulton, to the late Jacob and Frances Sandera Steinocher. She was a homemaker, farmer and a member of the Catholic church. She was also involved in the Altar Society, Catholic Daughters, Confraternity of Christian Mothers, VFW Auxiliary and the American Legion Auxiliary.

Survivors: sons, Lee R. Barta of Cuero and Larry Barta of San Angelo; sister, Emma Wind of Schulenburg; brother, Bill Steinocher of Flatonia; six grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, 2 step-grandchildren and 4 step-great-grandchildren.

Preceded in death by: husband, Bohumil Barta; sisters, Rosie Kubenka, Cecilia Lidiak, Bessie Kelso and Sophie Baker; sons, Frank Steinocher, Vladike Steinocher, Rudy Steinocher, Eddie Steinocher and Emil Steinocher; one grandchild and one great-grandchild.

Visitation will be 10:30 a.m. today at Smith Funeral Home chapel.

A rosary will be recited 7 p.m. tonight at the funeral home chapel.

Services will be 3 p.m. Tuesday at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, the Rev. Gabriel Maison officiating.

Burial will be at St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery. Smith Funeral Home, Moulton, 596-4631.
Memorials: donor's choice.

Contributed by Rosemary Ermis


Weimar Mercury, November 16, 1896, pg 4

Mr. Anton Barta, aged about 19 years, brother of our Mr. John Barta, jr., died at Hackberry, Lavaca county, and Monday night after a brief illness of typhoid fever. His remains were brought to Weimar Tuesday afternoon and laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery, Father Bruklen performing the burial services. Our sincere sympathy is extended the bereaved relatives in the loss they have sustained.
Transcribed by Sharon Sutton


Victoria Advocate, August 21, 2000


MOULTON—Eugene H. Barta, 74, of Moulton, died Saturday, Aug. 19, 2000.

He was born Nov. 12, 1925, in Moulton, to the late Albin and Julia Drozd Barta. He was a machinist at Prototype in Flatonia and a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Moulton. He was a farmer, rancher, carpenter and saddle maker at Circle Y and a member of VFW and Hermann Sons. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, having achieved the rank of shipfitter third class and received the Asiatic-Pacific and World War II Victory Medals.

Survivors: wife, Dorothy Rose Breitschoph Barta; daughters, Doris Ann Simper and Linda Pilat, both of Moulton; sisters, Viola Grahmann and Dorothy Brunkenhoefer, both of Hallettsville; brother, Alvin Barta of East Bernard; five grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and one step-great-grandchild.

Preceded in death by: parents; one grandchild.
Visitation will begin 8 a.m. today at Smith Funeral Home chapel.

A rosary will be recited 7 tonight at the funeral home chapel.

Services will be 10 a.m. Tuesday at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Moulton, the Rev. Gabriel Mason officiating.

Burial will be at St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery in Moulton. Smith Funeral Home, Moulton, (361) 596-4631.

Memorials: donor's choice.

Contributed by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, October 5, 2001


James F. Barta, 70, of Lytle and formerly of Natalia, passed away Thursday, October 04, 2001 in San Antonio.

His wife, Gloria Jean Barta, preceded him in death on March 4, 2001.

He is survived by his daughters and sons-in-law: Martha and Douglas Fellers of New Braunfels, Karen and A.L. Wood, Jr. of Dickinson, Sharon and Allen McHenry of Houston; brothers and sisters-in-law: Oscar and Rene Barta of Hallettsville, Clarence and Mary Rose Barta of Shiner: grandchildren: Adam and Jared Fellers of New Braunfels, Sarah Wood of Dickinson, Allen and Jeremy McHenry of Houston.

Family has requested memorials be made to the American Heart Association, South Texas Region, PO Box 29306, San Antonio, TX 78229.

Rosary will be recited at 7:00 p.m. Friday, October 5 in the Chapel of the Hurley Funeral Home, Devine. Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, October 6 at St. John Bosco Catholic Church, Natalia. Interment will be at 3:00PM at Sacred Heart Cemetery, Hallettsville, TX.

Arrangements under the direction of HURLEY FUNERAL HOME, 303 College Ave., Devine, TX

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, 2 Feb 2003

Flatonia - Mayme Faltisek Barta, 91, of Flatonia, died Friday, Jan. 31, 2003.

She was born Aug. 13, 1911, in Moulton, to the late Frank and Mary Brosch Faltisek. She was a seamstress and a Catholic.

Survivors: daughter, Earlene Cushman of Muldoon; son, Harvey Barta of Pinehurst; sister, Evelyn Antrich of Houston; brother, Jerry Faltisek of Flatonia; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Preceded in death by: parents; sisters, Lillie Greive and Viola Bonorden; and brother, Ted Faltisek.

Visitation will be noon today at Smith Funeral Home chapel in Flatonia.

A rosary will be recited 7 p.m. Monday at the funeral home chapel.

Services will be 10 a.m. Tuesday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, the Rev. Charles Carolan officiating.

Burial will be at Moulton Catholic Cemetery in Moulton. Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, 361-865-3311.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 10 Jun 1971


Moulton. – Theodore Henry Barta passed away at the Renger Memorial Hospital, Hallettsville, Monday, May 17, 1971 after becoming suddenly ill at his home near Moulton. He attained the age of 62 years and 1 month.

Funeral services were held Wednesday, May 19, at 10:00 a.m. at the St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Moulton, with Father Emmett Kolodzie officiating. The body lay in state at the Smith Funeral Home, Moulton, until 9 a.m. when it was conveyed to the church. Interment was in the Moulton Catholic Cemetery.

Rosary was recited Tuesday at 8:00 p.m.

Serving as pallbearers were Dennis Barta, Alex Hrncir, Bob Hlozek, Jerome Vasek, Johnny Wagner and Adolf Migl.

Mr. Barta, son of Frank and Frances Barta, was born at Praha, Fayette County, Texas, April 17, 1909. On October 27, 1933, he was married to Mayme Faltisek in Moulton. The couple settled near Moulton where they farmed for livelihood, an occupation that Mr. Barta was still engaged in at the time of his unexpected death.

He was a member of the St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and the KJT.

At the age of 14 years, he started playing snare drums with the Moulton American Legion Band. Since that time he has been playing drums with different bands in this area, and at the present was playing with Nevlud’s Orchestra of Shiner.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mayme Barta of Moulton; one son, Harvey Barta of Houston; one daughter, Mrs. Robert (Earlene) Cotton of Phoenix, Arizona; one granddaughter, Marcy Cotton of Phoenix, Arizona; two brothers, Frank Barta of Moulton and Albin Barta of Hallettsville; and 5 sisters, Mrs. Marshall (Sophie) Deal of Houston, Mrs. Frank (Hermina) Kubenka, Mrs. Vladik (Janie) Culak, and Mrs. Julius (Agnes) Kalisek, all of Moulton; and Miss Carrie Barta of Mexia.

Mr. Barta was preceded in death by his parents; and three brothers, Alfons Barta of Hallettsville, Bohumil Barta of Moulton, June 3, 1965, and George Barta of Houston, May 25, 1967.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate,Wednesday, December 15, 1976

SHINER -- Tom Barta, 72, of Shiner, died Tuesday at his home after a sudden illness.

Prayer services will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Buffington Funeral Home in Shiner.

Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Thursday at Shiner Brethren Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Surviving are a son, Dennis of Shiner; three brothers, Rudy Barta of East Bernard, Adolph Havel of West, and Martin Havel of San Antonio; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Pesek of Shiner and Mrs. Kathrine Skelkon of Dallas.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, Friday, May 12, 1972

Mrs. Tom Barta

SHINER—Funeral services for Mrs. Tom Barta, 68, of Shiner, who died at 8:45 p.m. Tuesday in a local hospital, were held Thursday afternoon at Shiner Brethren Church.

Burial was in Shiner Brethren Cemetery under the direction of Buffington Funeral Home.

Surviving are her husband, Tom Barta; a son, Dennis Barta of Shiner; three sisters, Mrs. Joe Schovajsa of Shiner, Mrs. Joe Trcalek of Yoakum and Mrs. Joe Vavra of Dime Box and two grandchildren.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, Sunday, April 4, 1976

YOAKUM -- Mrs. Barbara Bartek, 74, of 504 W. Gonzales St., died at 12:45 p.m. Friday in a local hospital.

Mrs. Bartek was born Dec. 1, 1901 in Lavaca County, and had lived most of her life in the Yoakumarea.

Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday at St. Joseph Catholic Church with the Rev. Michael O'Shaughnessy officiating. Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery near Hallettsville.

A Rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Buffington Funeral Home Chapel.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. William Dowling of Yoakum; a step-sister, Mrs. Christine Brown of Corpus Christi, and four grandchildren.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Weimar Mercury, August 31, 1895 pg 2


News Specials: Shiner, Lavaca Co., Tex., Aug. 27—Mackenzie Bartel , a Bohemian farmer about 50 years old, was run over and instantly killed by a freight train one mile west of Shiner at about 8:30 o’clock last night. The body was horribly mangled, the legs, arms, and head being cut off. Mr. Bartel had been in town yesterday and walked home along the track and is supposed to have sat down and gone to sleep, and as the accident occurred on a curve on an upgrade the engineer could not see him until he was right upon him and it was too late to stop.
Transcribed by Sharon Sutton


Shiner Gazette, 29 Aug 1895


Wenz Bartel, Sr., was run over by the local freight Thursday night about nine o’clock and killed. The accident took place in the Kopecky pasture, about three-quarters of a mile south of town. Section Foreman Porter and his men stated that Bartel passed them in the afternoon walking towards town. He left town for home some time after dark. Through the courtesy of Mr. Porter the writer was enabled to visit the scene of the accident early Friday morning. The body was terribly mangled. The head was severed, the left arm was missing and could not be found, the left foot was cut off and part of the right.

Squire Tampke head an inquest about ten o’clock and the remains were taken in charge by the dead man’s son. At the point where the accident occurred there is a very steep grade and trains run at very low rate of speed. It is supposed that the deceased sat down on the track and went to sleep. The deceased was about fifty years old and had married children. He was living with his son, about two and one-half miles south of town.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Unidentified news clipping

Yoakum – Leonard G. Barth, 82, of Yoakum, died Friday, July 21, 1995.

He was born Oct. 17, 1912, in Concrete, to the late Henry John and Claudia Prewett Barth. He was a self-employed dairy farmer and rancher. He was a Lutheran.

Survivors: wife, Wilma Frels Barth; daughters, Faye Barth Mathews of Bedford and JoAnn McDonald of Alvin; brothers, Dr. Walter C. Barth of Corpus Christi and Dr. John Henry Barth of Yorktown and four grandchildren.

Services: 2 p.m. today, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, the Rev. Tim Van Antwerp officiating.

Burial: Nelms Cemetery in Concrete, Buffington Funeral Home, Yoakum, 293-2333.

Pallbearers: Dr. Robert W. Barth, Tom McDonald, Dr. Craig L. McDonald, Ashley Alford, Dwight Alford, Regan John Mathhews and Dr. William H. Barth.

Honorary pallbearers: A.C. Baylor, Joe B. Price, Sr., John Mathews and T.L. McDonald.

Memorials: Lutheran Social Services

Contributed by Rex Moore


unidentified news clipping

Wilma Frels Barth died in Lake Jackson, Texas on May 3, 2004, after a short illness. She was born in DeWitt County to Willie and Bertha Rathkamp Frels on June 26, 1916. She was preceded in death by her loving husband, Leonard G. Barth on July 21, 1995, her parents, her brother, Oscar Frels, who died in childhood, and by her brother, Edmund Frels, on February 26, 2002. She is survived by her sister, Norma Frels Steinmann of Yoakum, her two daughters and their husbands, Faye Barth and John Mathews of Bedford, Texas and JoAnn Barth and Thomas L. McDonald of Alvin, Texas. She is also survived by her grandchildren Dwight and Ashley Mathews Alford of Flower Mound, Texas, Regan and Sarah Mathews of Wichita, Kansas, Tom McDonald of Rosharon, Texas, Craig L. McDonald, M.D. of Lake Jackson, Texas and Darlene Smith of Richwood, Texas. She was the proud and devoted great-grandmother of five great grandchildren, Colin and Brynn Alford, Lauren and Coleman Mathews and Hannah Rose McDonald. She is also survived by many beloved nieces and nephews, cousins and her extended family and life long friends. She was a devoted life long member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Yoakum. Mrs. Barth and her husband were farmers, ranchers and dairymen at Concrete, Texas until Mr. Barth retired at age 72.

Funeral services for Mrs. Barth will be held on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 at 2:30 p.m. at the Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Yoakum, Texas with burial at the Nelms Cemetery at Concrete, Texas. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 4, 2002 at the Buffington Funeral Home in Yoakum, Texas. Pallbearers will be Tom McDonald, Dr. Craig L. McDonald, Darlene Smith, Dwight Alford, Ashley Alford, Reagan John Mathews, Edwin Steinmann, (and) Dr. Robert Barth. Honorary pallbearers are Thomas L. McDonald and John Mathews.

Memorials may be made to the Holy Cross Lutheran Church.
Contributed by Rex Moore


Victoria Advocate, 13 Jan 1966, page 16A

Frank W. Barthels

Advocate News Service

YOAKUM - Funeral will be held Thursday morning for Frank William Barthels, 47, an employe of To'Rel Leather Industries, who died at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in a local hospital.

Services will be at 9 a.m. from Buffington Funeral Home and at 9:15 a.m. from St. Joseph Catholic Church with the Rev. John Matocha officiating.

Burial will be in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery.

A rosary was recited Wednesday night.

Mr. Barthels was born Nov. Nov. 20, 1918, in Yoakum.

Survivors include the wife, Lillian; a son, David of Houston; a daughter, Nancy, of the home; his mother, Mrs. Emil Els, also of Yoakum, and a brother, Eddie, of Gonzales.

Contributed by Matt Cross


[newspaper name and date unknown]

Obit-LaVada Smothers Chappell Bartlett died in Houston on Feb. 17, 2005. She was born to Stepp and Gennieve Smothers in Hallettesville, TX on Feb. 5, 1924. She married Jeter Dee Chappell on March 11, 1945. They had three daughters, Vada Kay, Kem Dee, and Koy Vee Chappell. My mother has left two daughters behind and 6 grandchildren. My sister, Kay, preceded her in death in August, 1968. Her grandchildren are: Heidi Anne Barlow, James Eric Barlow, Joseph Thomas Murphy, Timothy Michael Murphy, Grace Anna Barlow, and Madeline Denise Murphy.

Contributed by Nena Smothers


Victoria Advocate, Wednesday, January 19, 1977

Mrs. Barton

Advocate News Service

YOAKUM – Mrs. William (Mary) Barton, 77, of Rt. 4, Yoakum, died at 7 a.m. Tuesday at her residence.

A life-long resident of the Yoakum area, Mrs. Barton was born March 11, 1899, in Lavaca County.

Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church inKoerthwith the Rev. AlPadaleckiofficiating.Burial will be inKoerthCatholic Cemetery under the direction of Buffington Funeral Home.Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home chapel.

Surviving are her husband, William Barton of Yoakum; three daughters, Mrs. VictorPavliskaof Yoakum and Mrs. SiegfriedGolschand Mrs. JohnJalufkaof Hallettsville; two sons, Benedict Barton of Yoakum and Adolph Barton ofMelborne, Fla.; two sisters, Mrs. CeceliaFikacof Shiner and Mrs. AgnesPesekof Jourdanton; two brothers,Guntranand Florentine Janakof Hallettsville; 20 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

Grandsons will serve as pallbearers.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Houston Chronicle, September 15, 2012

Florian B. Bartos

Florian B. Bartos, age 91, passed away in Sugar Land, Texas on September 13, 2012.

He was born in East Bernard, Texas on May 3, 1921 to John B. and Elenora Bartos and was one of ten children. He lived in East Bernard until he entered the United States Army during World War II in which he served three years and three months. He served about half of the time in Layte, Philippines and Okinawa, Japan. He also received the Purple Heart.

He is survived by his wife Evelyn Bartos of sixty eight plus years, two daughters Elaine Keesee and her husband Bruce, and Barbara Pratt and her husband Glenn, two sons, Thomas Bartos, Allen Bartos and his wife Agnes, also fifteen grandchildren and fourteen great grandchildren.

He is retired from the state department of highways in which he served for almost thirty years. He was a member of St. Theresa Catholic Church in Sugar Land, Texas, Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Bishop Markovsky Assembly #2243.

Visitation will be held Sunday September 16, 2012 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. with a Rosary service at 7:30 p.m. at St. Theresa Catholic, 115 7th Street Sugar Land, Texas 77498. A Funeral Mass will be held 10:00 a.m.,Monday September 17, 2012 at St. Theresa Catholic Church in Sugar Land, Texas with the Rite of Committal to follow 3:00 p.m. at Moulton Catholic Cemetery in Moulton, Texas.

Contributed by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, April 26, 2001


JEDDO—Theo Bartos, 44, of Jeddo, died Monday, April 23, 2001.

He was born Jan. 14, 1957, in Shiner, to Theodor and Dorothy Anders Bartos of Cistern. He was a truck driver at Cal-Maine Egg Plant and a Catholic.

Survivors: wife, Kathy Bartos; daughter, Caitlin Bartos of Jeddo; parents; sisters, Patricia Bartos of Flatonia and Bernadette Swoboda of East Bernard; and grandmother, Mary Anders of Moulton.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. tonight at Smith Funeral Home chapel.

Services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in La Grange, with Msgr. Harry Mazurkiewicz officiating.

Burial will be at Moravia Catholic Cemetery. Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, 361-865-3311.

Memorials: Trust fund for Caitlin Bartos at Fayette Savings in La Grange and Flatonia

Contributed by Rosemary Ermis


Moulton News, 27 Jan 1897


Mrs. Frank Bartsch of Dilworth, died Saturday night at eight o’clock of pneumonia. She had been suffering from an attack of grip and pneumonia followed with fatal results. She was twenty-eight years old and leaves a husband and four children to mourn her loss. Her youngest child is only eight months old. The funeral took place from the Catholic church at Shiner, Monday.

Angelia Bartsch, 29 May 1868 – 27 Jan 1897, is buried in Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Cemetery, Shiner. Contributed by Matt Cross


Moulton News, 10 Feb 1897


Mrs. Karoline Bartsch died Tuesday of last week after about a months illness of the grip. She was born June 21st 1832. She leaves a husband and five children.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate
2 Jul 2007


YOAKUM - George E. Basham Jr., age 75, of Koerth, died on Saturday, June 30, 2007.

He was born on Dec. 21, 1931, in San Antonio, to George E. and Myrtle Thompson Basham.

He was a painter and a member of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church.

Survivors: children, Sharon L. Jemelka of Koerth, Larry Basham and wife Mary of Yoakum, Karen Green and husband Larry of Yoakum, Kathy Hollingsworth and husband Corbert of Forest, Miss., Diana Darilek and husband Donald of Yoakum, Anna Frazer and husband Tim of Koerth, Susan Hermes and husband Butch of Ezzell, Theresa McGee and husband Russell of Lake, Miss., and James Basham of Yoakum; 23 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren; brothers, Glen Thomas Collier of Koerth, Carroll Donald Basham and Charles Basham, both of San Antonio; sisters, Margaret Horejsi and Betty Pollock, both of San Antonio, Darlene Underwood of Sacramento, Calif., and JoAnn Neal of San Antonio; special caregivers, Bernice Sevcik, Audrey Loos, and employees of All Med Sales & Rental.

Preceded in death by: father, George E. Basham Sr; mother, Myrtle Basham Collier and stepfather, Glen Robert Collier; and wife and soulmate, Martha Lee Frazer Basham (they married on Aug. 28, 1952 and she died on March 8, 2004); brothers, Henry "Hank" Basham and Jarrell Basham; sisters, Patsy Engle, Doris Collier; and grandson, Jason Frazer.

Family visitation will be at 5 p.m. on Tuesday at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Koerth. A wake service will be at 7:30 p.m. at the church.

Funeral service will be at 10 a.m. on Wednesday at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church with the Rev. Charles Sonnier officiating. Burial will be at Koerth Catholic Cemetery.

Pallbearers: Shane Jemelka, Brett Hollingsworth, Darrell Frazer, Bruce Collier, John Frazer, Edward Jemelka, Westley Ferry, Michael Guajardo.

Honorary pallbearers: Glen Thomas Collier III, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, Dr. John McNeill, Dr. Juan Llompart, Dr. Joseph E. Burks, Staff of Citizens Medical Center emergency room, Medical ICU, 6 floor north.

Online guestbook may be signed at

Arrangements by Thiele-Cooper Funeral Home, Yoakum, 361-293-5656.

Submitted by Regena Williamson


Shiner Gazette, 26 Jul 1894


Christian Bauderer died at his home, about three miles from Sweet Home, Saturday and was buried Sunday by the Herman Sons, of which order he was a member. Deceased was the father of Mrs Fred Wilks, of this place. Those who attended the funeral from Shiner were L Wagener, Max and Julius Wolters, Albin Hummel, Dick Seydler, Mayor Blohm and August Martens and Mr and Mrs F Wilks. Deceased was forty-seven years old.

Christian F. Bauderer, 2 Jan 1847 – 21 Jul 1894, was buried in the Shiner Sons of Herman Cemetery. Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 13 Jan 1910

Mrs. Richard Baumann.

The sad news reached the city last Friday of the death of Mrs. Richard Baumann at Stockdale. She had been ill but a few days and death was caused by pneumonia. The remains were brought to Shiner by train Friday evening and taken the home of her father Mr. Gerhard Renken near Sunset school house. The funeral took place Saturday evening at 3 o’clock p. m. in the Shiner cemetery, and was attended by numerous relatives and friends. The burial services were conducted by Rev. Wm. Dziewas. Mrs. Baumann was but 28 years of age and leaves a husband and three small children May the kind father above, minister to the bereaved husband and orphaned children.

Shiner Gazette, 13 Jan 1910, Half Moon News column


Mr. Gerhard Renken received the sad news Friday morning of the death of his daughter Mrs. Johana Baumann wife of Mr. Richard Baumann of Stockdale. Friday afternoon her remains were brought to Shiner on the 2:45 p. m. train, and was removed to the residence of her father Mr. Gerhard Renken from where the funeral took place, Saturday at 3 o’clock p. m., interment in the City cemetery. She leaves her husband, three children, her father, six brothers and two sisters.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baumann and mother came here from Loraine, Mitchell county Texas, to attend the funeral of Mr. Paul Baumann’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Richard Baumann.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 21 Nov 1906

-- Two deaths occured [sic] last Wednesday; Mrs. Mary Baumann, wife of Henry Baumann and daughter of Mr. Frank Stock, died at the age of 23 years. The same day Mr. Mathias Grill died, aged 78 years. Both of the deceased were buried in the Catholic cemetery by Rev. Father Hudecek. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of all relatives and friends.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Lavaca County, Texas Obituaries – B (1)

From an unidentified newspaper clipping:

Bess Baumgarten made her entry into heaven on November 20, 2008 after suffering briefly from the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease. Ninety-three years of age at her death, she enjoyed very good health until recent years. Many friends and family were astonished at her vigor and vim. She was born in Flatonia, TX and was one of eight children of Jacob and Otillie Cimrhanzel (Zimrhanzel). Her early life was spent in the rolling hills of Praha, Moulton, Flatonia, and Shiner where she was educated in the public schools. Like many in Fredericksburg who still speak German, Bess was raised in a Czech community where Czech was her first language. She was known for teaching Catholic prayers in the Czech language to her grandchildren.

She was married to William Jennings Baumgarten of Yoakum, TX for 50 years to who both were endeared until death. Her World War II era marriage in Houston, TX produced 4 sons, the oldest, Billie Joe, died in infancy. Other sons include Dr. Thomas Baumgarten, Paul Baumgarten, and David Baumgarten. David was the devoted care giver who gave much of his life to caring and nurturing his parents, in their aged years.

Bess Baumgarten was self motivated and was passionate in her desire for self improvement. She was the prototypical mother of the 1950s and 1960s, active in Church committees and Parent Teacher Organizations. Fueled by the desire to achieve higher education via the best in academia, Bess was proud to see all her sons and grandsons graduate from The University of Texas at Austin and for her sons to complete post graduate degrees.

Bess was born with the proverbial green thumb and was an accomplished gardener. Bess had many interests. She was a gifted chef, enjoyed world travel, collecting antiques and art, and was active in many religious guilds of which two are St. Monica’s Guild and The Catholic Daughters. She always had a loving smile and was loved by many including grandsons Gilbert and Christopher Baumgarten and daughter-in-law Clara Baumgarten and her dear friends, the Walsh family, family members all.

Bess is also survived by her extended loving family of nieces, nephews, brother, and sisters-in-law who she recalled with great affection. The family wishes to thank Guadalupe Contreras, Consuelo Rodriquez, and A-Plus Home Care for their wonderful care given to Bess Baumgarten.

Thomas, David, and Paul invite all to celebrate her life with a viewing at 5:00 pm at Porter Loring Mortuary on McCullough Street Saturday, November 22, 2008. A Rosary will follow at 7:00 pm.

A funeral Mass will be conducted at noon on Sunday, November 23, 2008 at the Porter Loring Mortuary Chapel with burial to follow in at the Catholic Cemetery in Shiner, Texas.
Contributed by Charlotte Moore


Shiner Gazette, 27 Aug 1902

Death of Mr. A. Baur.

Died at his home at Baursville, near Moulton, last Friday, August 22d, Mr. A. Baur, aged 61 years.

Mr. Baur was one of the pioneer citizens of Texas, having lived here since 1953. He was the senior partner in the large mercantile business of Baur & Jaeggli, at Moulton, and was much esteemed by all who knew him.

August Baur, 10 Aug 1841 – 22 Aug 1902, born at "Moskau, Russ.", husband of Emilie Baur, was buried in the Baursville Cemetery. Contributed by Matt Cross


Unidentified news clipping

Ima Baylor, 91, of Yoakum, passed away Sunday, June 22 [2003].

She was born June 20, 1912 in Concrete to Armin Leister and Pearl (Manning) Leister. She was a housewife and a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church. She was also a member of the Yoakum Community Hospital Auxiliary and enjoyed gardening and quilting.

She is survived by: son, James G. Baylor, Kooskia, Idaho; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by: parents; husband Sidney Gail Baylor on June 14, 1937; son Werner D. Baylor.

A rosary was held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 1 at Buffington Funeral Home.

Funeral services were held Wednesday, July 2, at 10 a.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church. Burial followed at Nelms Cemetery in Concrete.

Pallbearers: Anton Stary, Norman Manning, Leon Honc, Johnnie Patek, Shane Martin and Jimmy Martin.

Memorials: St. Joseph Catholic Church or charity of donor’s choice.
Contributed by Rex Moore


7 Jul 1967

Mrs. Phoebe Bazar

Mrs. Phoebe Miller Bazar, 83, died at 6:30 a.m. Saturday in a Houston nursing home.

Mrs. Bazar was born Aug 17, 1883 in Lavaca County. She was a member of the Aldine Baptist Church in Houston.

Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Sunday at Kubena Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Harold Adams of Houston officiating. Burial was in the Pagel Settlement Cemetery near Hallettsville.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Willie Mae Hilton of Simonton and Mrs. Johnnie Mae Rice of Houston; two sons, Jesse Miller of Houston and J. D. Miller of Falls River, Mass.; a sister, Mrs. Henry Pagel of San Antonio; a brother, Henry Einkauf of Bay City; ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Contributed by Rox Ann Johnson.


Thiele-Cooper Funeral Home

SHINER - James Marlin Beard, age 58, passed away on Wednesday, March 12, 2014. He was born December 16, 1955. He was a carpenter, worked in the oil field and served in the U.S. Marines.

Survivors: mother, BeverlyOndreasand husband Joe of Brazoria; wife, PeggyJanotaBeard; daughter, BrittanyKainerand husband Ronnie of Hallettsville; son, Steven Beard of Shiner; 3 grandchildren and brothers, Paul Beard of Yoakum, Michael Beard of Port Lavaca and DannyOndreasof Brazoria.

Preceded in death by a daughter, Jana Beard.

Memorial service will be held March 22, 2014.

On-line guest book may be signed atwww.thielecooper.comArrangements by Thiele-Cooper Funeral Home 361-293-5656

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Shiner Gazette, 9 Jan 1908

Editor Beaumier Killed.

Shot By His Wife in Front of Herald Office.

A terrible tragedy took place in Halletsville about 1 o’clock p. m. last Thursday, when Editor Beaumier of the Halletsville Herald was shot down without warning by his wife on the sidewalk in front of the Herald Office.

The tragedy has terribly shocked the people of Halletsville. Editor Beaumier has been in the employ of Mr. C. F. Lehmann, proprietor of the Herald, for the past six years as editor and manager of the publication. His administration has been marked by unusual success for the paper and popularity for himself. Mrs. Beaumier has at all times had a prominent part in the social life of the city, and with her husband attended an entertainment the night before the tragedy. It has long been surmised by the intimates of the couple that some shadow rested across their domestic life.

On the afternoon of the tragedy Mr. Beaumier, who had met the train, returned to the office. As he stepped to the sidewalk in front of the Herald building two shots rang out from an upper window of the building, and Beaumier fell dead, blood and brains spattering the sidewalk. Mrs. Beaumier descended the stairs with a long barreled pistol of 38-calibre in her hand, and remarked to Mr. Lehman: “There he is, take care of him.” She walked unsupported to her residence a short distance away where a number of friends soon gathered and where bond for her appearance at an examining trial was arranged.

Mr. and Mr. Beaumier were married in Temple about 10 years ago. Three children, the youngest an infant, survive the union.

HALLETSVILLE, Texas, Jan. 3. – There were no new developments today in the matter of the death of W. R. Beaumier. His brother, Lewis Beaumier, arrived here last night on the westbound “Davy Crockett” and left again on the eastbound train about an hour later with the remains, which he took to Brenham for burial.

Mrs. Beaumier was placed under a $2000 bond pending examining trial set for next Tuesday and bond was signed by a number of business men. She is being tenderly cared for by friends.

J. W. and J. D. Leake of Navasota, her relatives, arrived last night, and today, Mrs. Duncan, a sister, who resides in Bartlett, also reached here.

Mrs. Beaumier has said very little, except that her husband had informed her “that he had ceased to love her, and she could not give him up.” Her situation is a most pitiable one and the heartfelt sympathy of every one goes out to her and her three little now fatherless children.

Mr. Beaumier was well and favorably known as a newspaper man, had been engaged in that line of work in Brenham, Temple, Hempstead prior to coming here some six years since. While residing in Temple in 1898 he was married to Miss Nannie Thomas, who yesterday took his life. A more deplorable tragedy was never enacted, and it has cast a shadow over the entire community.

Shiner Gazette, 9 Jan 1908

Mrs. Beaumier’s Bond Fixed.

Only One Witness Testified, the Owner of the Halletsville Herald.

Halletsville, Texas, Jan. 4. – Mrs. W. R. Beaumier was given an examining trial this afternoon and was placed under $2000 bail to await the action of the grand jury, which convenes on March 16. The only material witness placed on the stand was Mr. C. F. Lehman, proprietor of the Herald, of which Mr. Beaumier was editor and manager. Mr. Lehman stated that he was in the office when Mrs. Beaumier entered. He paid no attention to her, however, as it was not unusual for her to come there where her husband was employed and use the telephone. Mrs. Beaumier went upstairs, and soon after Mr. Lehman heard somebody remove the window sashes. He paid no attention to this, being engaged at his desk on the first floor. Some time afterward he saw Mr. Beaumier coming toward the office, and he soon heard the report of a shot. Thinking it was a firecracker, he merely looked through the glass door of the office when he saw Mr. Beaumier look up. He heard another shot instantly and Beaumier fell to the ground. He immediately ran out of the office to the sidewalk where Mr. Beaumier lay to see from where the shot came, when Mrs. Beaumier walked out with pistol in hand and told him to take charge of her husband. Mrs. Beaumier then walked to her home on the next block.

The examing [sic] trial was originally set for next Tuesday, but was changed to this afternoon. Mrs. Beaumier was represented by Gen. A. P. Bagby. She will leave this afternoon with her uncle, Mr. Leak, for Navasota, the home of Mr. Leak.

Weimar Mercury, 11 Jan 1908, page 1

The deplorable tragedy at Hallettsville Thursday afternoon of last week, in which Editor W. R. Beaumier of the Hallettsville Herald was shot and killed by his wife, was a shock to the Mercury editor and to this community where the deceased visited recently on a prospecting trip. The cause of the tragedy is alleged to have been insane jealousy on the part of the wife. She was arrested, admitted the killing (particulars of which are given on another page of this issue), and at her examining trial was released under $2000 bond to await the action of the grand jury. Editor Beaumier was a genial, wholesouled man, a versatile business man and a natural friend-maker. His tragic death is deeply deplored. Considerable sympathy is felt at Hallettsville for Mrs. Beaumier, so we understand, many people feeling that her action was not without cause.

Shiner Gazette, 26 Mar 1908, page 1

Mrs. Beaumier Goes Free

The grand jury last Wednesday failed to find a bill against Mrs. Nannie Beaumier, charged in the murder of her husband.

Mrs. Beaumier came in from Navasota last week with her uncles, Messrs. Pipkin and J. W. LeaKe [sic], and is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller. While it had previously been her earnest wish that a bill might be found so the cause could be settled once and for all, yet she expressed her gratitude at the grand jury’s action, believing that it was on the whole for the best. Mrs. Beaumier is not in the best of health, being quite nervous. She has decided to make her home in Navasota and will return there tomorrow. – Halletsville New Era.

Gazette articles contributed by Matt Cross. Mercury article transcribed by Sharon Sutton


Undated newspaper clipping

Mrs. Fannie Beck Rites Held Here

Funeral sercices for Mrs. Fannie Mae Beck, 62, were held here Friday, Nov. 11, 3 p.m. at Buffington Chapel, the Rev. Wayne G. Smith officiating. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. Beck, widow of the late Frank Beck, former operator of the Beck Funeral Home in Yoakum, died here Nov. 9, 7:40 p.m.

She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Philip Grifno of Yoakum; two brothers, Henry W. Hale of Port O’Conner and Andrew G. Reeves of Glidden; two nephews and three nieces.

Pallbearers were Tom Ridgeway, Monroe Rinn, Sid Lowrance, Harry Thiele, Scott Moore and I.M. Stout.

Contributed by Cara Canik


Undated newspaper clipping

Services for Frank X. Beck to be Held HereAt 3 p.m. Thursday

Well-Known Local Mortician Stricken by Death Tuesday

[Illegible] of Yoakum was shocked by the sudden and unexpected death of one of its best known and [illegible] beloved citizens the passing of Frank Xavier Beck aged 47 years, 10 months and11 days.

Interment will be in Oak Grove Cemetery Thursday with services at 3:00 p.m.

Mr. Beck was stricken with a heart attack five miles from Shiner while conducting a funeral shortly before 4 p.m. Tuesday. The funeral procession had just driven onto the highway off a wet country road and Mr. Beck had stopped his car to remove the mud chains. As he stooped down to unfasten the chains, he was stricken and died immediately. He was rushed to Shiner for medical attention, but was pronounced dead by the examining physician. Father Bily, assistant pastor of the Catholic Church in Shiner was with him at the time of death.

Services for Mr. Beck will be conducted from the Beck Chapel at 3 p.m. Thursday and at the Methodist Church immediately following, Interment will be made in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Mr. Beck came to Texas with his parents in 1909 at the age of 16 years, from Port Clinton, Ohio. The family settled at Rock Island, but moved here to Yoakum one year later. He was married to Miss Fannie Mae Hale at the Methodist Church here on February 18, 1914 by Rev. Joe F. Webb.

Throughout his many years in the undertaking business, Mr. Beck has been well known and beloved for his sympathetic and consoling attitude and straightforward character. He was an active member of the Rotary Club, being president of the organization since last July, after being a former vice president and member of the Board of Directors.

He was a member of the Methodist Church and for many years has been on the board of Stewards of the church. For several years, he served as secretary of the Board.

He has long been a member of the Knights of Pythias and at the time of his death was Chancellor Commander of the organization. He has also long been a member of the local Woodmen of the World and was active in the affairs of that order.

Taking an active interest in civic activities of the city, Mr. Beck has served for some time as a member of the Yoakum Municipal Utilities board of directors.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Fannie Mae Beck, one brother, John Beck of Yoakum; one sister, Mrs. Clara M. Priesmeyer of Garwood; his stepmother, Mrs. A. E. Beck of Hallettsville and many other relatives.

Pall bearers will be: Henry Hale, William Priesmeyer, Edward Priesmeyer, Frederick Priesmeyer, Jack Priesmeyer, Ray Wisdom, Philip Grifno, and Alvia Mudd.

Members of the Rotary Club who will act as honorary pall bearers are: Geo. P. Barron, Rev. Paul Bechter, H.C. Byler, F.O. Crawford, J.K. Elkins, A.E. Evans, Capt. Nick V. Fletcher, Homer Frady, W.J. Gise, Rev. R.K. Heaco*ck, J.C. Hoffman, Dr. E.H. Marek, H.D Meister, E.L. Merrem, M.A. Meyer, Durell Miller, Scott Moore, E.A. Palmer, Henry Paulus, Cliss Pool, Monroe Rinn, Arno Rudolph, L.W. Scheckles, O.C. Wagner, C.C. Welhausen, Herman Witte and George Young.

Board of Stewards, Methodist Church, who will also be honorary pall bearers are: A.V. Williams, C.R. Lawrence, Daniel Smith, M.E. Rinn, J.O. Barnett, F.O. Crawford, F. W., Herder, A.J. House, H.G. Lane, E.R. McCloskey, Joe Machac, E.L. Merrem, C.S. Morgan, J.G. Morrow, H.E. Riemenschneider, E.S. Winfree, Frank Pettit, J.S. Schumacher, Cleo Hagan, J.K. Wlkins, Melvin Brandl, C.L. Shaw, Charles Munson, Yoeman Plum and Monte Miles. Other honorary pall bearers will be Thos. Ridgway and Hugo Buehring.

Contributed by Cara Canik


Victoria Advocate, January 16, 2000


YOAKUM -- Emma Capak Becker, 103, of Yoakum, died Saturday, Jan. 15, 2000.

She was born May 6, 1896, in Lavaca County, to the late Jim Mikulenka and the late Theresa Melnar. She was a member of KJZT, a member of the Catholic Daughters in Hallettsville, worked at Weingartens in Hallettsville, was a care giver in Yoakum, a homemaker and a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church.
Survivors: daughter, Frances Moore of Yoakum; three grandchildren; five great-grandchildren and one step-great-great grandchild.

Preceded in death by: parents; husbands, Adolph Capak and Ben Becker;daughter, Genevieve Capak; brothers, Leon Mikulenka, Louis Mikulenka and Bill Mikulenka.

A rosary will be recited 7 p.m. tonight at Buffington Funeral Home Chapel.

Services will be 10 a.m. Monday at St. Joseph Catholic Church, the Rev. Matthew Huehlefeld officiating.

Burial will be at Sacred Heart Cemetery in Hallettsville. Buffington Funeral Home, Yoakum, (361) 293-2333.

Contributed by Rosemary Ermis


Colorado Citizen, February 12, 1885


Died at his residence, two miles west of Oakland, at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 4th, 1885, Mr. L. C. Beckman, aged 89 years. He was a good citizen, a kind neighbor, an affectionate father, and an upright Christian gentleman, whose death will be sadly regretted by all who knew him. He leaves a son, two daughters and a host of friends to mourn his loss. He was interred in the Simons’ burial ground near county line Thursday evening.

Transcribed by Dorothy Albrecht


Weimar Mercury, 4 March 1927

Death of a Mighty Good Man Friday

We were surely sorry to learn a few days ago of the death of our old time friend and former fellow citizen, Mr. John Behlen, Sr., which occcurred at his residence in Shiner last Friday, at the age of 77 years. The funeral took place at Shiner Saturday, and was attneded by a very large crowd of mourning relatives and friends from various points. This section was represented by Chas. Rahlewes and wife, Emil and August Beken and their wives, Dick Beken, D. Schroeder, wife and son, Charles, Otto Koehn, and possibly others.

Mr. Behlen lived in this section for many years, removing to Shiner from here. He was a good, useful citizen, an honest, straightforward man in every way, a man in whom the public and friends placed implicit confidence, a devoted husband and father, and his death has caused genuine regret in the hearts of all who knew him. Many old time friends in this section join with us in expressions of sympathy to his bereaved family.


Weimar Mercury, 31 Jul 1897, page 8

Shiner Gazette: Frank Gallia received a sentence of five years in the "pen" in district court at Gonzales last week for killing Albert Beier at a dance west of here a couple of years ago. He was satisfied with his sentence and announced that he would not appeal, but would go and serve out his time. If Frank behaves himself he will be a free man again in 1901.


Victoria Advocate, 5 Jul 2009


HALLETTSVILLE - Edward "Eddie" Belcik, 88, of Hallettsville, passed away July 2, 2009. He was born on July 7, 1920 to John J. and Mary Schindler Belcik in Hallettsville. He married Isabel Huehlefeld Belcik on Jan. 3, 1950 at Queen of Peace Catholic Church of Sweet Home.

Eddie served in the U.S. Army Air Force during WWII, he received the American Theater Campaign Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, Good Conduct Medal, Victory Medal - WWII, 1 Service Strip, and one Overseas Service Bar. He was a member of The American Legion in Sweet Home with 45 year pin, V.F.W., and St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Koerth.

Eddie is survived by his wife, Isabel; son, Patrick Belcik and wife Patricia of Hallettsville; brother, Paul Belcik of Victoria; two grandsons, Chris and David Belcik.

Eddie was preceded in death by his parents; brother, John Henry Belcik Sr.; and sister, Eileen Denson.

Service will be at 10 a.m., Monday, July 6, 2009 at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Koerth with Rev. Matthew Huehlefeld. Visitation will be at 3 p.m. with a rosary at 6 p.m., Sunday, at Kubena Funeral Home. Burial will be at Koerth Catholic Cemetery.

Words of comfort maybe shared with the family at

Contributed by Roland Beausoleil


Victoria Advocate, July 13, 2000


HALLETTSVILLE—Vivian Rose Belicek, 67, of Hallettsville, died Wednesday, July 12, 2000.

She was born Nov. 14, 1932, in Lavaca County, to the late August and Rosie Konarik Holly. She was a member of the Czech Moravian Brethren Church in Vsetin and a member of the Christian Sisters.

Survivors: husband, Willie W. Belicek; daughter, Bonnie Manno of Bastrop; sons, Jimmie Belicek of Hallettsville and Ethan Belicek of Bastrop; brothers, Alfonse Holly of Hallettsville, James August Holly of Houston and Jerome Holly of Victoria; and four grandchildren.

Preceded in death by: parents.

Visitation will be 11:30 a.m. Friday at Kubena Funeral Home chapel.

Prayer services will be 7 p.m. Friday at the funeral home chapel.

Services will be 3 p.m. Saturday at the Czech Moravian Brethren Church in Vsetin, the Revs. Henry Beseda and Albert Flathmann officiating.

Burial will be at Vsetin Cemetery. Kubena Funeral Home, Hallettsville, (361) 798-3271.

Memorials: American Cancer Society.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Brethren Journal, May 2006

William Woodrow Belicek, age 80 and a lifelong member of the Vsetin CMB Church, died on September 19, 2005 in Austin, Texas.

He was born on December 24, 1924 in Lavaca County, Texas, and married Vivian Rose Holly on November 11, 1953.

Mr. Belicek is survived by three children, two sisters, and four grandchildren.

Services were on September 22, 2005 at the Vsetin CMB Church with burial in that church's cemetery. Ministers: Henry Beseda and Albert Flathmann.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Hallettsville Herald, 16 May 1907, page 2


Frances Bell, aged 90 years; died April 27 at Halletsville; cause heart failure.


Shiner Gazette, 8 Jan 1902, page 1

In Memoriam.

On Wednesday morning, December 18, 1901, at 7 o’clock the shadows of death hung over our little village and with icy hands removed from our midst our friend and loved one, Mr. W. E. Bellamy, who for many years, has been an honored citizen of this county. He was taken with pneumonia on Thursday previous to his death and in less than a week had passed away.

Mr. Bellamy was born in Franklin Co., Ga., on December 4, 1871, and at the age of 10 with his parents moved to Texas and settled in the neighborhood of Concrete in 1881, where he remained for several years. Then they removed to this community, where they have since resided.

He was married to Miss Tennie Schweitzer of Hochheim, Texas, December 9, 1896 and at once brought his bride to Dreyer, Texas, their present home.

He leaves a wife and two children, father, mother, three sisters and four brothers and a host of friends to mourn his untimely departure.

Being of a bright and jovial disposition, yet kind and indulgent, he made many friends and few enemies. It has been said by his friends that his “big-heartedness” was his greatest failing. He was every ready to grant a favor or to extend a helping hand.

By his death the sorrowing family have lost a tender and loving husband, a kind and indulgent father, an obedient son and sympathizing brother, the community an upright citizen and useful friend.


Contributed by Matt Cross


Houston Chronicle, November 17, 2005

Veronita Baca Bellow


June 4, 1922 - November 14, 2005

Veronita Baca Bellow, went to be with the Lord and her husband on November 14, 2005. Her spirit will be with her friends and family for an eternity.

She is survived by her sisters; Aurelee Boehl and Iris Oswalt and brother-in-law, Bill Oswalt. Daughter, Cherrie Bellow Ziese and husband Delroy; son, Thomas James Bellow and wife Dana; son, Dennis Charles Bellow and wife, Terri. She was dearly loved by her seven grandchildren, Brian and Jason Ziese, August and Allie Bellow, Annabelle, Charles and Daniel Bellow and many nieces and nephews. Veronita was preceded in death by her loving husband Felix Bellow; two brothers and her parents.

She worked at Standard Oil of Indiana-Amoco BP for many years as a draftsperson.

The family will receive friends from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Thursday, November 17, 2005 at Waltrip Funeral Directors, 1415 Campbell Road where funeral services will be held at 10:00 a.m., Friday, November 18, 2005 with Dr. William Oswalt and Rev. Leonard Navarre officiating. Graveside services and interment will be held at 3:30 p.m., in the Shiner Cemetery, Shiner, Texas.

For those desiring, memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association.

Contributed by Rosemary Ermis


El Campo Leader-News, Sep 26, 2004

Julius A. Bender, 77, of El Campo, died Friday, Sept. 17, 2004.

He was born Sept. 10, 1927 in Lavaca County to Jim Joseph and Frances Neuvar Bender. Mr. Bender was a member of St. Philip Catholic Church.

Survivors include his wife, Helen Pavliska Bender of El Campo, whom he married Nov. 23, 1956 at St. John The Baptist Catholic Church in Koerth; daughter, Sharon Marie Brosch of El Campo; and sister, Beatrice Marburger of San Antonio.

He was preceded in death by his parents; and sister, Margie Stelzig.

Funeral services were held Monday, Sept. 20 at 10 a.m. at Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Sweet Home with the Rev. Charles Sonnier officiating. Burial followed at Koerth Catholic Cemetery in Koerth. A Wake service was held Sunday at Kubena Funeral Home at 6 p.m.
Pallbearers were Francis Pavliska, Temothy Pavliska, Harvey Pavliska Jr., John Pavliska III, Michael Zamora, Marvin Holik, David Zomek and Donald Harbin.

Honorary pallbearers were his nephews and nieces.
Memorials can be made to St. John The Baptist Catholic Church in Koerth.

Contributed by Rosemary Ermis


Shiner Gazette, 4 Apr 1900

Mrs. Albin Bender died last Wednesday of measles complicated with other sickness. Deceased was the daughter of Mr. F. Bunjes, a prominent farmer, and was buried at the family burial grounds, at the home place. The husband and parents have the sympathy of their many friends.

Minna Bender, 11 Jan 1876 – 27 Mar 1900, was buried in the Bunjes Cemetery. Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 27 Jun 1907

A Sad Accident.

A horrible accident occured [sic] on the farm of Mr. Frank Benes last Monday when both feet of his little four year old son were cut off by a moving machine, and the little boy died before medical aid could reach him. It seems that Mr. Benes was cutting sorghum and called to his little son to bring him a drink of water, which he did, Mr. Benes told the child to go back to the house, but the little fellow did not do so, but remained in the patch. The horses suddenly came upon him and became frightened tried to run and the mower running upon the little fellow severed both feet, from the shock of which he died. The funeral took place in Shiner on Tuesday.

Mr. Benes has the sympathy of his friends and neighbors in his time of trouble and sorrow.

This child may have an unmarked grave. Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, February 2, 2003

Alfred J. Benes

HOUSTON - Alfred Joe "Sonny" Benes, 72, of Houston, died Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2003.

He was born Nov. 13, 1930, in Shiner, to the late Joe and Eva Kaberna Benes. He was a veteran of the U.S. Marines, serving in the Korean War and receiving the Purple Heart. He was an operator for Crown Oil and Refinery Company and was a Catholic.

Survivors: sister, Della Dolezal of Seabrook.

Preceded in death by: parents; sisters, Marie Haychuck and Rosie Rothmund; and two infant brothers.

Graveside services will be 10 a.m. Monday at SPJST Cemetery in Shiner. Buffington Funeral Home, Shiner, 361-594-3352.

Contributed by Rosemary Ermis


Shiner Gazette, 3 Jan 1900

Two Farmers Assaulted and Robbed.


Last Wednesday night about 7 o’clock as Gustave Schmidt and Joe Benes were returning to their homes in the country, driving a two horse wagon, they were assaulted and badly beaten by some unknown party or parties, about one and a half miles from town. The whole affair is shrouded in mystery and no clew [sic] to the perpetrators can be had. Both men were knocked insensible by blows on the head. Mr. Schmidt recovered sufficiently to drive or lead the team home, while Mr. Benes lay insensible in the wagon, his head in a pool of blood. Mr. Benes never recovered consciousness and died Saturday morning from the injuries inflicted. Mr. Schmidt is also in a precarious condition and has only partially recovered his mind. During his lucid intervals he made the following statement: He says that he and Mr. Benes left town together about 7 or 7.30 o’clock and when about one and one-half miles from town, a party whom they took to be a negro hailed them and asked permission to ride and he climbed into the back part of the wagon. Shortly after this something went wrong with some part of the harness and Mr. Schmidt stopped the team and got out to fix it. While doing this he heard Mr. Benes holler and fall back in the wagon. Some one then struck him a severe blow on the head from behind and he fell to the ground unconscious. When he recovered consciousness, he immediately started to get back into the wagon and found Mr. Benes lying in the bottom of the wagon with his head in a pool of blood. He tried to revive him, but could not do so, and he then attempted to drive the team home, but found the lines cut or broken. He then got out of the wagon and lead [led] the horses home. Upon reaching home Mr. Benes was taken from the wagon still unconscious.

An examination disclosed six or seven bad wounds on the head, made by some heavy, blunt instrument, apparently a sixshooter. Mr. Schmidt has also several bad wounds in the head, one of which, it is feared, will prove fatal, as the scull [sic] is partially fractured. Nothing whatever is known of the affair, except what Mr. Schmidt tells. The officers are on the hunt for some clew [sic], but thus far none has been obtained. The negro who was riding in the wagon at the time has disappeared and nothing has been seen or heard of him.

[same page]

The funeral of Mr. Joe Benes, who died last Saturday, from the effects of the assault committed Wednesday night, took place last Monday from the Catholic church.

Jozef Benes, 28 Feb 1848-30 Dec 1899, was buried in SS. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Cemetery, Shiner. Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, November 1, 2012


PORT LAVACA - Ladislav "Laddie" Benes, 85, of Port Lavaca, passed away October 20, 2012. He was born June 28, 1927 to the late Bendrick and Mary Stary Benes in Shiner, Texas. Laddie was a business owner of Texaco Gas Station for many years and a catholic.

In Volume Two/1978 in The Texaco Marketer Magazine a section called "Earning Their Trust", a woman submitted a small paragraph praising Laddie and his Texaco Station. ….."I just wanted to write a word of praise to you about Laddie B. Benes' Texaco station in Port Lavaca, Tex. He is always courteous and helpful. He washes the windshield and checks under the hood and the tires without being asked. And he tells you if he sees anything wrong, which really means a lot to a woman. I think you should be proud to have him for a 'Texaco man.'"

Laddie is survived by his wife of 67 years, Grace Trevino Benes, son; Randy Patrick Benes, daughter-in-law; Judy Benes, grandchildren; Carrie Benes Blanton and husband Craig, John Benes and wife Sarah and Steven Franco, great-grandchildren; Amanda, Tyler, Hayley and Bryce Blanton and Sierra Bradley.

He was preceded in death by his parents, son; Ronald David Benes and daughter; Judy Ann Benes Franco.

Honorary pallbearers will be David Smith, Craig Blanton, Tyler Blanton, John Benes, John Durham, Mark Barefoot, Bill Swope and Terry Blevins.

Visitation for family and friends will be held, November 2, 2012, from 5-6 PM., at Richardson Colonial Funeral Home with a rosary to be recited at 6 PM. Graveside services will be held at the Shiner Catholic Cemetery in Shiner, Texas Saturday, November 3, 2012 at 11:00 AM.

Words of comfort may be shared with the family at

Contributed by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, 12 Oct 1967, page 1

Two Teen-Age Girls Die in Shiner Crash

SHINER - Two teen-age girls from Shiner and Yoakum died in a Shiner hospital after a car and pickup truck crashed at an intersection near the top of a hill at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday.

The dead are Jeannette Dornak, 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dornak of Yoakum, and Marjorie Ann Benes, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benes of Shiner.

They were passengers in a car driven by Robert T. Wendel, 17, a Yoakum High School student.

Highway Patrolman R. L. Whitcomb said Wendel was driving south on State Highway 95 a mile south of Shiner when the car crashed into a pickup truck driven by Walter H. Paul Sr., 68, of Shiner.

Whitcomb said Paul, who had been headed north on Highway 95, was attempting a left turn onto a country road when he drove into the path of the car. Whitcomb said both cars were demolished.

He said Wendel was in critical condition in Wagner Memorial Hospital in Shiner with a brain concussion and fracture of the right leg. Paul was in satisfactory condition with minor lacerations and fractures.

Wendel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Travis Wendel of Yoakum.

Whitcomb said Miss Benes died at 1:45 p.m. and Miss Dornak at 3 p.m.

Services for Miss Benes will be conducted at Buffington Funeral Home in Shiner at 9:15 a.m. Friday and at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church at 9:30. Burial will be in Shiner Catholic Cemetery.

Besides the parents, Miss Benes is also survived by a brother, Patrick Benes; three sisters, Helen, Dorothy and Dolores Benes, and grandparents, Mike Benes and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kramitbarer, all of Shiner.

Services for Miss Dornak are pending at Smith Funeral Home in Flatonia. Miss Dornak and her parents moved from Flatonia to Yoakum several months ago.
See a second article about the accident in which Jeannette Dornak was also killed. Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, May 17, 2001


PORT LAVACA—Mary Stary Benes, 94, of Port Lavaca, and formerly of Gonzales, died Tuesday, May 15, 2001.

She was born April 21, 1907, in Mount Olive Community, to the late Kasper and Mary Berkovsky Stary. She was a nurse's aid and a Catholic. She was a member of Our Lady of the Gulf Church Altar Guild in Port Lavaca and St. James Church Altar Guild in Gonzales.

Survivors: son, Laddie Benes of Port Lavaca; three grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; two step-great-great-grandchildren; and three great-great-great-grandchildren.

Preceded in death by: husband, Bedrick ''Ben'' Benes; parents; sisters, Angeline Cordes and Matilda Norris; brothers, William Stary, Otto Stary and Victor Stary.

A KJZT rosary will be recited at 9:30 a.m. Friday at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church.

Services will be 10 a.m. Friday at the church, the Rev. Gerry Cernoch officiating.

Burial will be at Shiner Catholic Cemetery. Buffington Funeral Home, Shiner.

Contributed by Rosemary Ermis


Shiner Gazette, 20 Oct 1897

Cut to Pieces.

Saturday night Anton Binkowsky, a Bohemian farmer living one mile east of Halletsville, was run over by a freight train and both feet cut off. He was still alive when found but soon died. He was on his way home when the accident occurred.

Weimar Mercury, 23 Oct 1897, page 8

News Specil: Halletsville, Tex., October 17.—Last night A. Binkowsky, a farmer, who resides near the railroad track, one mile east of town, failed to get home, and at an early hour this morning his little son went to look for him. At the place where he crossed the track in going to town he found the body of his father, with both feet cut off between the ankles and knees and with a bruise on the head. Binkowsky lived several hours after being found.

Gazette obituary contributed by Matt Cross


Colorado Citizen, 19 Nov 1885, page 2

Died, at the residence of J. C. Benthall in Lavaca county, Texas, on November 4th, 1885, Mr. L. Benthall, after an illness of two days, at the advanced age of 85 years and 23 days. His remains were interred in Odd Fellows cemetery at Schulenburg with masonic honors. —Argus.


Victoria Advocate, Wednesday, April 1, 1964

MOULTON -- Funeral services were held here Monday morning for Adolph Beran, 72, retired Moulton farmer, who died Friday at his residence here.

Services were at the Smith Funeral Home Chapel and St. Joseph's Catholic Church, where a Requiem High Mass was sung. Burial was in the Moulton Catholic Cemetery. Rosary was recited Sunday night.

Mr. Beran is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Beran of Moulton; four daughters, Mrs. Lucy Kalisek of Victoria, and Mrs. Alphonse Kalisek, Mrs. Georgia Kalisek and Mrs. Leslie Hanzel, all of Moulton; a son, Adolph Beran Jr. of El Campo; a sister, Mrs. Frank Darilek of Moulton; eight grandchildren, and one great grandchild.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, April 13, 1976

Mrs. Julie Beran

Advocate News Service
MOULTON—Mrs. Julie Beran, 84, of Moulton died Sunday in a Shiner hospital.

Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday at St. Joseph Catholic Church, with burial in Moulton City Cemetery under the direction of Smith Funeral Home.

Rosary was recited Monday night at the funeral home chapel.

Mrs. Beran is survived by three sons, Edward of San Antonio and Victor and Charles Beran, both of Houston; two daughters, Mrs. Walter Schalhab of Jackson, Miss., and Mrs. Charles Meehan of Dallas; a sister, Mrs. Rudolph Beran of California; two brothers, Eddie Krametbauer of Nevada and Frank Krametbauer of Shiner; 15 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

Submitted by Rosemary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, December 27, 2000


MOULTON—Justine Beran, 78, of Moulton, died Monday, Dec. 25, 2000.

She was born July 5, 1922, in Wesley, to the late Roy and Estella Warnasch Fincher. She was a homemaker and a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church.

Survivors: half sister, Gertrude Braun of Brenham.

Preceded in death by: husband, Emil Beran; parents.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. tonight at Smith Funeral Home chapel.

Services will be 10 a.m. Thursday at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Moulton, the Revs. Gabriel Maison and Michael O'Shaughnessy officiating.

Burial will be at Moulton City Cemetery. Smith Funeral Home, Moulton

Contributed by Rosermary Ermis


Victoria Advocate, Thursday, September 4, 2014

SHINER - Victor JuliusBeran, 90, died August 28 2014 in Fort Smith, Arkansas. He was born January 14, 1924 in Moulton, Texas.

Victor's higher education at Texas A & M was interrupted when he served in the United States Army during World War II. He returned to Texas A & M University to complete a bachelor of science degree in Industrial Education. While at Texas A & M he and his wife, Doris, were married in Shiner, Texas. He spent his career working in the insurance business in loss control as a safety engineer in Houston, Texas.

Victor was preceded in death by his wife of over 50 years, DorisRaabBeran.

He is survived by two sons, Paul B.Beranand his wife Janice of Fort Smith, Arkansas, and CallenBeranand his wife Shelley of Kingwood, Texas; four grandchildren, Jeffrey Drake and his wifeAnhof Shanghai, China, Timothy Drake of Cleveland, Ohio, David Pavel and his wife Lizzie of Kingwood, Texas, and AustinBeranof Park City, Utah; four great grandchildren Julie and Joshua Drake of Shanghai, China and Caleb and Levi Pavel of Kingwood, Texas; and one sister HelenBeranMeehan of Dallas, Texas.

He was preceded in death by his mother JuliaKrummetbauerBeran, his father Charles E.Beran, two brothers EdwardBeranand DanielBeran, and older sister StellaSchilhab.

Memorial mass service will be held Saturday, September 6, 2014, at 2 p.m. in the St. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church in Shiner, Texas. Interment service will immediately follow at the Catholic Cemetery in Shiner, Texas.

Memorials may be made to the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Foundation, 5210 Grand Avenue, P.O. Box 3649, Fort Smith, AR 72913 or charity of one's choice.

Arrangements by Thiele-Cooper Funeral Home, 361-293-5656.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 16 Oct 1980

Mrs. Emil Berckenhoff, nee Agnes Sofka, of Moulton died Thursday, October 2, 1980 in the Shady Oak Nursing Home in Moulton at the age of 80 years and 18 days.

Rosary was recited at 7:30 p.m. Friday, October 3, at Smith Funeral Home Chapel in Moulton where the body lay in state.

Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 4 at St. Joseph Catholic Church with the Rev. Patrick Fidgeon officiating. Burial followed in the Moulton Catholic Cemetery.

Mrs. Berckenhoff was born Sept. 14, 1900 near Moulton, Lavaca County, Texas, daughter of Vince and Anna (Dudik) Sofka.

In 1922, she was married to Emil Berckenhoff in the St. Joseph Catholic Church with the Rev. Joseph Kopp performing the ceremony. They made their home on a farm west of Moulton.

She is survived by two sons, Eugene and Alvin Berckenhoff, both of Moulton; a sister, Mrs. Frank (Sophia) Rosenauer; and two grandchildren.

Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Apr. 3, 1957; a son, Daniel Berckenhoff, Nov. 14, 1975; half brother, Vince "James" Sofka in 1927; one brother, Frank Sofka; two sisters, Mrs. Joe (Mary) Papovsky and Mrs. Frank (Annie) Nagelmueller.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 29 Nov 1945, page 1


Shiner paid silent tribute to a representative citizen Saturday morning when funeral services were held for Albert Joseph Berckenhoff. When death closed the eyes of A. J. Berckenhoff there passed into the Eternal City an early settler of this community.

His health had been failing for some time, but still his passing was a shock to his immediate family as well as to a wide circle of friends. He passed away Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 1:30 p. m. at the local hospital where his life hung by a slender thread for days.

Mr. Berckenhoff was born February 14, 1871, in the Mulberry community in Lavaca County and with the exception of a few years spent in Praha all of his 74 years, 9 months and 8 days was lived in Lavaca County. A half century and one year totaled his residence in Shiner.

He was married to Augusta Eschenburg, June 5, 1900. To this union three children were born and they with their heart broken mother survive. The children are Mrs. Leon (Cora) Maeker, his twin daughters, Misses Earline and Florine Berckenhoff, members of the Richmond High School faculty.

Mr. Berckenhoff's parents were Bernhard and Theresia Hajek Berckenhoff. He was one of 13 children of the family. Only three now survive, his sisters Mrs. Matilda Dolejsi, Mrs. Annie Bleier of Shiner and Mrs. Eleonora Brosch of Yoakum.

Funeral services were held from the family residence Saturday morning at 9 o'clock thence to St. Cyril and Methodius Church for Requiem High Mass. The Reverends E. C. Hoffman, E. J. Bily and Leo Moczygemba officiating. Burial was in the Shiner Catholic Cemetery. Rosary was recited at the family home Friday at 8 p. m.

Bearers of the casket were his nephews, Ben and Victor Janecek of Yoakum, Victor and Joe Janecek of Charco, August Dolejsi of Victoria, Ben and Francis Berckenhoff of Shiner.
Encircling the flowerbanked casket, scores of sorrowing friends paid their last respects to a pioneer business man of this vicinity. The myriad floral tributes bore eloquent tribute to his memory both from friends and business associates of days gone by. Mr. Berckenhoff held memberships in the S.P.J.S.T. and O.D.H.S. Lodge.

A loving husband, devoted and indulgent father, who was a benediction to his family has crossed over to rest in the shade of the trees.

He will ever be remembered as a very likable man and a man of splendid merit.

May his loved ones find consolation in the tribute of affection and esteem which was evidenced in his last sad rites, and in the grief that saps the heart, may God give them peace and cheerful resignation.

Shiner Gazette


The following out of town relatives and friends attended the last sad rites of A. J. Berckenhoff Saturday morning: Charco: Miss Teresa Janecek, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Janecek, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Janecek, H. F. Janecek, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Janecek, Billie Hoffer; Runge: Mr. and Mrs. John Janecek; Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. August Dolejsi; Flatonia: Miss Hattie Koch, Mrs. Dora McCall, Patricia McCall, W. C. Koch, Eddie Greive; Yoakum: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baros, Mrs. Englehart Baros, Richard Baros, Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Janecek, Lorene Kuck, Mrs. Alf. Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brosch, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Suhr, Peter Raska; Weimar: Mrs. Hilda Watson, Mrs. Hy. Birkman, Mrs. J. S. Rypple; Denton: Mrs. Geo. G. Welch; Sweetwater, Mrs. J. J. Schultz; Hallettsville: Mrs. Julia Nesrsta, Edward Berckenhoff; San Antonio: Mrs. Richard Baird and Gayle, Mrs. C. M. Wright, Glenda Lee and Buddy, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Petras; Yorktown: Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Berckenhoff and daughters; El Campo: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Derrich; Sugarland: Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ulrich; Gonzales: Wm. Zappe Jr., Mrs. Tellman Weid, Mrs. Paul Templin, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Eschenburg, Mrs. Gus Eschenburg, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bouldin, Mrs. Ella Lester; Goose Creek: Carmel Boudreaux, Alvera Griffin; Karnes City: Mrs. Ervin Henkhaus; Moulton: Pfc. John Holbu, Mrs. Elexca Holub; Schulenburg: Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Keuper, Mr. and Mrs. Lloid Henderson, Otto Brauner, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Keuper, Mrs. Gus Vivial, Mrs. Hy. Babylon; Floresville: R. L. Eschenburg, Carl, Herbert and Arthur Eschenburg, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Mitchell.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 20 Oct 1927

In Loving Remembrance Of Alvin Frank Berckenhoff

The sudden death of Alvin Berckenhoff was the occasion of much sorrow, not only to his household, but to numerous friends throughout this section.

He was born in Shiner and with the exception of seven years spent in Goliad county, lived all of his 24 years in this community. He was married April 17th, 1923 to Miss Ella Jahn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Jahn, and the young couple made their home with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berckenhoff, until his death.

Surviving him are his beloved wife and little daughter, Viola. His grief stricken parents, two sisters, Mrs. Frank Derrick of Moulton and Mrs. Fred Frieda of Poth. Three brothers, Henry of Runge, Edmund and Rudolph of Shiner.

One sister preceded him to the grave in infancy.

For some time deceased had been suffering from heart trouble, though his robust physical condition did not indicate ill health. In his efforts for relief he had gone to the La Grange hospital where he passed away Tuesday night.

The remains were brought at once to the family home, where funeral services were conducted Thursday morning, thence to the Catholic Church.

Father Netardus conducting the funeral services, with interment in Catholic cemetery. The pall bearers were Gus Flessner, Willie Aschenback, Frahk [Frank] Derrick, Harry Wagner, John Koehler and Otto Jahn, all brothers-in-law of deceased.

To those who are so greatly bereaved over his death, the Gazette extends sincere and heart felt sympathy.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Lavaca County Tribune, 14 Oct 1947

Funeral Held for Mrs. Berckenhoff

Funeral services were held in Shiner Friday October 10 for Mrs. Ben Berckenhoff who died Wednesday October 8th at 3:45 PM in the Shiner hospital. Her death came suddenly at the age of 54 years, four months and seven days. Services were held at the family residence and at the Shiner Catholic Church where a Requiem High Mass was offered at 9:00 AM. Internment was in the Catholic Cemetery there.

The deceased was born in Fayette County and was married in 1915 to Ben Berckenhoff. She lived most of her life near Shiner.

Survivors include the husband; children, Mary and Frank; sisters, Mrs. John Zissa of Shiner and Mrs. Rudolph Zissa of California; half- sisters, Mrs. John Matula, Mrs. Julius Zissa of Shiner; brothers, John, Herman, and Jim Caka of Shiner: half-brothers Ludwig, Joe and Albert Caka of Shiner; step-mother Mrs. Mary Caka of Shiner and five grandchildren.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 24 Mar 1983

Anne Berckenhoff Rites Sunday

Miss Anne Berckenhoff, age 71 years, 11 months and 3 days, passed away in the Shiner Hospital Friday, March 16, 1983 at 11:15 a.m. after a short illness.

The body lay in state at the Buffington Funeral Home, Shiner, until 12 noon, Sunday, March 20, when it was taken to the Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church. Holy Mass was concelebrated by the Rev. Patrick Fidgeon of Shiner, and former pastor, the Rev. Msgr. John J. Hanacek of La Grange. Serving as organist was Mrs. Elvera Jaks.

Burial followed in the Shiner Catholic Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were Marvin Adamek, Melvin Roeder, Raymond Kloesel, all of Shiner, Michael McKinney of Van Vleck, David McKinney of Bay City, and Paul Rod of El Campo.

Rosary was recited at the Buffington Chapel Saturday, March 19 at 7:30 p.m. led by Sisters George and Anastasia.

Impressive ritual ceremonies were conducted by the members of the Shiner VFW Ladies Auxiliary during the graveside services and also attended the church services in a body.

Chaplain Sadie Erdelt gave the opening of the burial tribute which was continued by Joyce Mikes, president. Betty Tauras, senior vice president, placed a flower upon the casket as a symbol of purity and token of love for the life departed. Standing at attention and serving as honor guards were conductress Ella Muenich and auxiliary members.

Miss Berckenhoff, one of seven children, was born April 15, 1911 near Shiner, Lavaca County, Texas, daughter of Felix C. and Antonia (Karasek) Berckenhoff, natives respectively of Praha and Fayetteville, Texas. She was reared in Shiner, attended St. Ludmila Academy, and Shiner High School graduating with the class of 1930.

After graduation she worked at the Shiner Clinic for several years before moving to San Antonio where she was employed as a receptionist in a dentist's office, then worked for an employment agency and later in the offices of the Burrough's firm, both in San Antonio and Austin.

Due to a long illness, she retired and later returned to Shiner to make her home with her immediate family.

She was a lifelong member of the Shiner Catholic Church, member of the Altar Society, Catholic Daughters of the Americas and the Shiner VFW Ladies Auxiliary.

Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Isolde Dreyer of Shiner; and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Koncaba Berckenhoff of Shiner.

She was preceded in death by her father, June 3, 1936; her mother, Feb. 12, 1966; a sister, Milada Berckenhoff, Aug. 5, 1927; four brothers, Dr. Fred Berckenhoff, June 5, 1964; Edward "Bacon" Berckenhoff, Oct. 24, 1964; Francis F. "Breezy" Berckenhoff, Sept. 24, 1969; Paul C. Berckenhoff, June 21, 1977.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Lavaca County, Texas Obituaries – B (2)

Shiner Gazette, 21 Dec 1939


A former citizen of the Shiner community, Mrs. Wm. Berckenhoff, passed away suddenly at her home at Yorktown Saturday at 7 p.m.

Mrs. Berckenhoff, nee Annie Agatha Brosch, had lived at Wied until 6 years ago, and at the time of her death had reached the age of 72 years. The remains were brought to Shiner and Requiem Mass was held Monday morning in the Catholic church at 10 o'clock. Interment was made in the Shiner Catholic cemetery. Rev. E. Bily officiated and also delivered a Czech sermon.

Mrs. Berckenhoff had made many friends while living in our community and her death was the cause of sincere sorrow.

Surviving this good lady are husband and 5 children, as follows: Mrs. Frank Derrich of Wharton; Mrs. Fred Frieda of San Antonio, Henry and Eddie of Yorktown and Rudy of Shiner. One son, Alvin, died about 12 years ago. Other survivors are: three brothers, Joe Brosch of Yoakum, Adolph Brosch of Yoakum, and Frank Brosch of Novohrad; two sisters, Mrs. Frank Mares of Yoakum, and Mrs. Ludmilla Bleier of Shiner; one step-brother, Henry Bohman of Floresville, 24 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.

Our sincere sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones.

Yorktown News, 21 Dec 1939


The sudden death of Grandmother Wm. Berckenhoff was the causion of much sorrow, not only to her household but to her numerous friends throughout this section.

Mrs. Berckenhoff died suddenly Saturday evening, Dec. 16, 1939, at the home of her son, Ed Berckenhoff, where she and her husband had been making their home.

She attained the age of 71 years, six months and eight days.

Surviving are her beloved husband; two daughters, Mrs. Frank (Stasia) Derrich of Wharton and Mrs. F. E. (Alma) Frieda of San Antonio; three sons, Ed and Henry of Yorktown and Rudy of Shiner.

One son and a daughter had preceded her in death.

She is also survived by 22 grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, two sisters, four brothers and one half-brother.

The remains were laid to rest in the Shiner Catholic cemetery on Dec. 18, 1939 at 10 o'clock a.m. Ed Mollenhauer, Yorktown undertaker, has charge of funeral arrangements.

Pallbearers were six of her grandsons: Walter Berckenhoff of Yorktown, Edwin Derrich of Damon, Albert Baumann of Floresville, Raymond Machart of El Campo, Laddie Stavinoha of Lane Cit5y and Charles Kindred of San Antonio.

Grandmother Berckenhoff was a devoted wife and loving mother, and was near and dear to a legion of friends. Her loved ones say that a precious one has gone from them, a place is vacant in their home which will never be filled, but will find solace in the thought that God in His wisdom has called a kindly old soul, one who lived a useful life and whose career is filled with good deeds, to her home.

May she rest in peace!

Contributed by Matt Cross


Hallettsville New Era Herald, 18 Feb 1966

Mrs. A. Berckenhoff

Funeral services for Mrs. Antonie Berckenhoff of Shiner were held Tuesday, February 15, 1966 from Buffington Funeral Chapel at 9:15 a.m. and the Shiner Catholic Church at 9:30 the Rev. John Hanacek officiating. Burial was in Shiner Catholic Cemetery.

Mrs. Berckenhoff, who was 83 years, four months and 18 days of age, died in the Wagner Hospital February 12, 1966.

Rosary was recited at the Funeral home chapel Sunday at 7:30p.m. by the Catholic Daughters, Monday at 7:45 by the Altar Society and 8 p.m. by the parish.

Born in Fayette County September 24, 1882 the daughter of the late Cyril and Anna Holchak Karasek, she was married to Felix Berckenhoff who died in 1936.

She was preceded in death by two sons, Dr. Fred Berckenhoff of Yoakum and Edward Berckenhoff of Shiner and one daughter Milada Berckenhoff.

She is survived by two sons, Paulie Berckenhoff of Shiner and Francis Berckenhoff of Austin, two daughters, Mrs. Isolde Dreyer and Miss Anne Berckenhoff, both of Shiner.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Hallettsville New Era Herald, 7 May 1965

Mrs. A. Berckenhoff of Shiner Dies

Funeral services were held from the Buffington Funeral Chapel and the Shiner Catholic Church for Mrs. Augusta Berckenhoff Monday, May 3 starting at the chapel at 9 a.m. and continuing at the church at 9:30 a.m. Burial was in Shiner Catholic Cemetery.

Born December 19, 1877, Mrs. Berckenhoff died May 1, 1965 at the age of 87 years, four months and 12 days.

She was born in Middlecreek in Fayette County the daughter of Charles and Annie Herder Eschenburg. She was married to A. J. Berckenhoff, who preceded her in death.

Mrs. Berckenhoff is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Leon (Cora) Maker, and Miss Florine Berckenhoff of Shiner, Mrs. Ewald (Earline) Effenberger of Edna and three grandchildren.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 15 Sep 1988

Church Rites For Ben Berckenhoff, 95

Ben Berckenhoff of Shiner died at 6:50 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 8, 1988 in the Yoakum Community Hospital at the age of 95 years, 6 months and 17 days. He was a resident at Trinity Lutheran Home in Shiner since Dec. 8, 1980.

He was born Feb. 21, 1893 in the Praha-Novohrad community, son of the late Fritz and Anna (Kobza) Berckenhoff, both natives of Praha. He was baptized in St. Mary's Catholic Church at Praha. He spent all of his adult life in the Shiner area and was a retired farmer.

He was a life-long member of the Catholic Church and was a member of the St. Isidore Society.

On October 26, 1915, he was married to Anna Caka in Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church with the Rev. Francis R. Machan officiating. His wife died Oct. 8, 1947. After her death he made his home for a short time with his son and then went to live with his daughter and her family.

A rosary was recited at 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 9 at Buffington Funeral Home chapel in Shiner, led by Father Donohue.

The body was taken to Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church at 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 10 where a rosary, led by Tom Hajek, was recited at 2:30 p.m.

The funeral Mass followed at 3:00 p.m. celebrated by the Rev. Sean Donohue. Altar attendants were Jeffrey Dierschke and Corey Vana of Shiner.

Gwendolyn Dierschke of Shiner served as lector and the offertory participants were Marion Pustka and Brian Kutach, both of Shiner.

Mrs. Elvera Jaks presented the organ prelude and postlude and accompanied members of the adult church choir as they sang several selected hymns.

Graveside services and burial took place in the Shiner Catholic Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were his grandsons, George Bujnoch of Luling, Frankie Berckenhoff of Tomball, Ronnie Berckenhoff of Shiner; great-grandsons, Jason Bujnoch of Bay City, Roger Lee Sralla of Shiner and Eugene Kremling Jr. of Hallettsville.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Anton (Mary) Bujnoch of Shiner; a son, Frank Berckenhoff of Shiner; two sisters, Mrs. Toby (Flora) Kracner of West, Mrs. Joe (Alexa) Holub of Moulton; 16 grandchildren; 37 great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandchild.

In addition to his wife and parents, he was preceded in death by five brothers, Ewald Berckenhoff, Aug. 28, 1987; Liberat Berckenhoff, Mar. 29, 1987; Fred Berckenhoff, Feb. 26, 1956; Emil Berckenhoff, Apr. 3, 1957; Pius Berckenhoff, Jan. 23, 1969; four sisters, Mrs. Anton (Angelina) Koncaba, Sept. 23, 1984; Mrs. Adolph A. (Jaromila) Nesrsta, Jan. 23, 1976; Mrs. Charlie (Julia) Nesrsta, Jan. 19, 1978; Mrs. Vaclav (Emma) Welfl, Aug. 7, 1979; and an infant granddaughter, Delores Berckenhoff.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Lavaca County, Texas Obituaries – B (3)

Shiner Gazette
29 May 1901

Death of B. Berckenhoff

It becomes the sad duty of the Gazette to chronicle the death of another one of Lavaca county's old citizens, Mr. Bernhard Berckenhoff, who died very suddenly last Thursday morning, at about eleven o'clock.

Mr. Berckenhoff had been sick for some time but was recovering and was thought to be out of danger. He was up and was walking about the tard apparently in the best of spirits, when the hand of death was laid upon him and he fell to the ground and breathed his last.

The immediate cause of death was said to be dropsy of the heart. Mr. Berckenhoff was 67 years old, was born in Germany and came to this country at the age of 19 years. He settled first at Frelsburg in Colorado county, moved from hence to Praha in Fayette county, where he resided for thirty years. Came to Shiner in 1893 and settled on a farm about 5 miles south of town where he resided up to the time of his death.

He leaves a wife and eight children, four boys and four girls, to mourn his demise. The universal verdict of all who knew him is: Another good man has gone.

The funeral took place Friday evening from the Catholic church and was very largely attended.

The bereaved wife and children have the fullest sympathy of all relatives and friends.

"May he rest in peace."

Contributed by Matt Cross


Hallettsville New Era Herald, 16 Jul 1954

Mrs. F. Berckenhoff Expires

Funeral services were held for Mrs. F. Berckenhoff, Moulton, Wednesday morning, July 14th at 8:30 at the Smith Funeral home and continuing at St. Joseph's Catholic Church with Rev. John Matchoda officiating. Internment was in the Catholic Cemetery, Moulton. Mrs. Berckenhoff died at Shiner Hospital Monday July 12. At the time of her death she had reached the age of 53 years, one month and two days. Rosary was recited Monday and Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 27 Nov 1975

D. Berckenhoff

Daniel Berckenhoff, a lifelong resident of Moulton, passed away early Friday morning, November 14, 1975 at the age of 52 years and 10 days. He became suddenly ill at his home and died of an apparent heart attack.

Funeral services were held Saturday, November 15 at 10:00 a.m. at the St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Moulton with Father Robert E. Schmidt officiating. Graveside services, under the auspices of the Moulton American Legion and the VFW Posts, were conducted at the Moulton Catholic Cemetery.

Serving as pallbearers were members of the two veterans organizations. Taps were sounded by Michael Meyer.

Rosary was recited at 7:30 p.m. Friday at the Smith Funeral Home Chapel led by Willie Novosad.

He was born in Moulton November 4, 1923, the son of Mrs. Agnes Sofka Berckenhoff and the late Emil Berckenhoff. He grew up in this community and on October 27, 1956 was married to Miss Mary Surovec in Gonzales. The couple settled in Moulton, where Mr. Berckenhoff had employment as mechanic at the Ford Motor Co., Ad. Petrek Garage and for the past six years at Beran Garage.

He was a veteran of World War II, having entered the U.S. Army March 4, 1943 and July 26, 1944 he left for overseas duty on foreign land for one year and seven days. He received his honorable discharge March 18, 1946.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Berckenhoff; his mother, Mrs. Agnes Berckenhoff; and two brothers, Alvin and Eugene Berckenhoff, all of Moulton.

He was preceded in death by his father April 3, 1957.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, 18 Oct 2003

Delores Berckenhoff

SHINER - Delores Berckenhoff, 70, of Shiner, died Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003.

She was born April 3, 1933, in Shiner, to Della Berger of Shiner and the late Edwin Berger Sr. She was a homemaker and a Catholic.

Survivors: husband, Jimmie E. Berckenhoff; daughter, Barbara J. Mattiza of Houston; sons, Randy J Berckenhoff and David Berckenhoff, both of Waller; sisters, Joyce Kram and Darlene Pokluda, both of Shiner, and Shirley Phillips of Waller; five grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Preceded in death by: brother, Edwin Berger Jr.

Services will be 10 a.m. today at Sts. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church, the Rev. Robert Knippenberg officiating.

Burial will be Shiner Catholic Cemetery. Buffington Funeral Home, Shiner, 361-594-3352.

Pallbearers: Jake Berckenhoff, Jim Phillips, John Phillips Jr., Mark Kram, Keith Kram, and Michael Bujnoch.

Honorary pallbearers: Ryan Mattiza, Jayson Gouldman, and Jerame Redden.

Memorials: Sts. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church or donor's choice.
Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, 3 Apr 2003

Donald O. Berckenhoff

MOULTON - Donald Otto Berckenhoff, 50, of Moulton, died Wednesday, April 2, 2003.

He was born March 25, 1953, in Houston, to Otto A. and Margaret Satsky Berckenhoff of Moulton. He was a loader for Central Freight Lines in Houston and a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Moulton.

Survivors: daughter, Brenda Sue Berckenhoff of Jacksonville, Fla.; parents; and brother, Greg Berckenhoff of Moulton.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. tonight at Smith Funeral Home chapel in Moulton.

Services will be 10 a.m. Friday at the funeral home chapel, the Rev. Gabriel Maison officiating.

Burial will be at Moulton Catholic Cemetery. Smith Funeral Home, Moulton, 361-596-4631.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Hallettsville New Era Herald, 30 Oct 1964

E. F. Berckenhoff Buried at Shiner Monday Morning

Funeral services for Edward F. (Bacon) Berckenhoff of Shiner wee held Monday October 26, 1964 from Buffington Funeral Chapel at 9 a.m. and at Shiner Catholic Church at 9:30 with Rev. John J. Hanacek officiating. Burial in Shiner Catholic Cemetery

Born in Shiner March 18, 1903, he died at Wagner Hospital October 24, 1964 where he had been a patient for five days. He was 61 years 7 months and 6 days.

Berckenhoff was a veteran of World War II and a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion and Knights of Columbus. A pharmacist by trade, he was an employee of Kahanek and Renger drug store in Halletsville after the war, later moving back to Shiner. He was brother of the late Dr. Fred Berckenhoff an optometrist at Yoakum.

He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Felix Berckenhoff of Shiner, two brothers, Paulie Berckenhoff of Shiner and Francis Berckenhoff of Austin, two sisters, Mrs. Isolde Dreyer and Miss Anne Berckenhoff, both of Shiner.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Lavaca County Tribune, 12 Apr 1957

Emil Berckenhoff Dies Suddenly

Moulton, TX, Apr 10

While attempting to pull a tractor out of the Lavaca River bed with a county maintainer, Emil Berckenhoff, 62, of here died suddenly as a result of heart failure. The incident occurred on the Victor Buzek farm seven miles southeast of here Wednesday evening April 3 around 6:10 o'clock. Dr. Robert Wagner of Shiner was summoned to the scene.

Mr. Berckenhoff was born here on October 27, 1894 the son of the late Fritz and Annie Berckenhoff. He attended Bauersville and Moulton schools and in 1922 married Miss Annie Sofka in St. Joseph's Catholic Church with Rev Joseph Kopp performing the ceremony. They were making their home on a farm west of here.

For the last 17 years Mr. Berckenhoff was employed by the county as a tractor maintainer. He was a member of the VFW and American Legion, having served in World War I for two years.

Funeral services were held Friday morning, April 5 at 9:15 at Smith funeral chapel and continued at St. Joseph's Catholic Church at 9:30 with Rev Bernard Goebel officiating

Graveside services were under the auspices of the VFW and American Legion posts.

Survivors are his wife, of Moulton, three sons, Daniel, Alvin and Eugene Berckenhoff of Moulton, six sisters, Julia Nesrsta of Shiner, Jaromila Nesrsta of Shiner, Emma Welfl, Lexie Holub and Angeline Koncaba of Moulton and Flora Kracmer of West, four brothers Pius and Ben Berckenhoff of Shiner, Ewald and Liberat Berckenhoff of Moulton, one brother, Fred Berckenhoff, preceded him in death 13 months ago.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 9 Jan 1992

Gene Berckenhoff, 58 years, 4 months and 3 days, of Moulton, died Tuesday, Dec. 31, 1991, following a sudden illness.

Rosary was recited at 7 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 2, at Smith Funeral Home Chapel in Moulton.

Services were conducted at 9 a.m., Friday, Jan. 3 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Moulton, with the Rev. Gabriel Maison officiating.

Burial followed in the Moulton Catholic Cemetery, under the direction of Smith Funeral Home, Moulton.

Pallbearers will be James Neskora, Larry Joe and Leon Berckenhoff, Kubicek, Jimmie Ray Hairell Jr., Darrin Foster and Gerald Fisbeck.

Mr. Berckenhoff was born Aug. 28, 1933, in Moulton, son of Emil and Agnes (Sofka) Berckenhoff. He was a Korean War veteran, a self-employed carpenter and a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Moulton.

Surviving him are his wife, Georgia (Dlouhy) Berckenhoff; two daughters, Carla Meitsetschlaeger and Carol Dvorak, both of Moulton; a brother, Alvin Berckenhoff of Moulton; and three grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his father, Aug. 3, 1957; his mother, Oct. 2, 1980; and a brother, Daniel Berckenhoff, Nov. 14, 1975.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 3 Sep 1987

Evald Berckenhoff Rites Sunday

MOULTON - Evald J. Berckenhoff of Moulton died at 2:20 p.m. Friday, Aug. 28, 1987 in Shady Oak Nursing Home in Moulton at the age of 81 years, 3 months and 8 days.

He was born May 20, 1906, at Novohrad, Lavaca County, son of Fred and Anna (Kobza) Berckenhoff. He attended Baursville School. A retired farmer and employee of Southern Pacific Railroad, he was a member of the St. Joseph Catholic Church.

In October, 1930, he was married to Frances Firasek at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Praha with the Rev. Marcus Valenta officiating. The couple first farmed near Moulton. He then worked for the railroad and later moved to the present residence in Moulton.

Funeral services were held at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 30 at the St. Joseph Catholic Church, the Rev. Monsignor Robert Schmidt officiated.

Burial followed in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery. Smith Funeral Home of Moulton was in charge of arrangements.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Frances Berckenhoff of Moulton; two sons, Raymond Berckenhoff of Moulton and Jimmie Berckenhoff of Houston; a brother, Ben Berckenhoff of Shiner; two sisters, Mrs. Joe (Alexa) Holub of Moulton, Mrs. Toby Kratchmar of West; and three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by four brothers, Liberat Berckenhoff, Mar. 29, 1987; Fred Berckenhoff, Feb. 26, 1956; Emil Berckenhoff, Apr. 3, 1957; Pius Berckenhoff, Jan. 23, 1969; four sisters, Mrs. Anton (Angelina) Koncaba, Sept. 23, 1984; Mrs. Adolph A. (Jaromila) Nesrsta, Jan. 23, 1976; Mrs. Charlie (Julie) Nesrsta, Jan. 19, 1978; Mrs. Vaclav (Emma) Welfl, Aug. 7, 1979.
Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 11 Jun 1936

Shiner Loses Pioneer and Representative Citizen

Following an illness extending over a period of three years, Felix Berckenhoff passed away at his home in Shiner Thursday night June 3d, about 11 o'clock.

He had been given constant care by his devoted wife and children and was given every attention that medical science could provide. He was born at Praha November 7, 1877. He came to this section in 1893, farming in the Midway community four years, then he purchased and operated a gin at Dreyer. On June 10, 1902 he was married to Miss Antonia Karasek, who survives him. About 1903 they moved to Shiner. Mr. Berckenhoff first worked for August Schramm, later accepted a position with J.C. Blohm, which he held for 31 years. The last 10 years he had been with C. B. Welhausen & Co.

He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. E. A. Dreyer and Miss Anne Berckenhoff and four sons Edward, Paul, Fred and Francis and one grand daughter Patricia Ann Dreyer, all of Shiner. Preceding him to the grave was a daughter, Milada, who passed away in her young girlhood.

Surviving are two brothers A. J. Berckenhoff of Shiner and Wm. Berckenhoff of Yorktown and three sisters Mrs. Joe Brosch of Yoakum, Mrs. Anton Bleir and Mrs. Frank Dolejsi of Shiner. He was a member of the O.D.H.S. and S.P.J.S.T. orders.

Funeral services were held from the family home Friday morning at 9 o'clock, thence to the Shiner Catholic Church for Requiem High Mass, all religious rites being conducted by Rt. Rev. Monsgr Netardus. The pallbearers were Chas. Longorio, Joe Koncaba, Frank Jaks Sr., A. L. Valek, J. M. Canon and W. C. Schmidt.

The funeral was one of the largest ever held in Shiner and myriads of gorgeous flowers attested the affectionate esteem in which he was held.

For more than 40 years Felix Berckenhoff had merited the confidence and esteem of a large circle of friends. In various business associations he was ever faithful to the trust imposed in him by his employers. Their interests always came first. Of a quiet, unassuming disposition, he attracted many to him through his just dealings, unimpeachable honesty and integrity. The firm of C. B. Welhausen & Co. closed at the hour of the funeral and Elkin's, of which store his son Paul is manager, was closed all Friday forenoon.

The O.D.H.S. Lodge gave their ritualistic service at the conclusion of all religious rites. As the shadow of his years lengthened slowly to the West, he was most patient in his affliction. To his devoted grief stricken wife and children we can but point to the noble heritage he left them. In life, sorrows ever come, we feel at times we would like to stay their approach, and yet, we bow in humble submission and cherish the thought that our dear ones are granted a new lease, a lease on immortal life, in that Great Beyond and they now see Him face to face. May those left to mourn his loss, when waiting for the boatman's call to go, in the hushed silences, be as prepared as was this good man, to meet their Creator. Peace and rest to his soul.

Among out of town relatives attending the funeral of Felix Berckenhoff Friday were Emil Karasek of Lockhart, Frances Dolejsi, Mr. and Mrs. J. Moran, Mrs. S. Long of San Antonio; Mrs. and Mrs. Aug. Dolejsi of Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. John Janecek and Miss Theresa Janecek of Runge; Mrs. Julia Nesrsta, Mrs. Mary Berckenhoff and Pius Berckenhoff of Hallettsville; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holub, Jr., Emil, Fred, Ewald and Lee Berckenhoff, Jim Welfl, Anton Koncaba, Adolf Nesrsta and their families of Moulton; Felix Janecek and wife, Ben Janecek and family, Henry and Victor Janecek of Charco; Wm. Koch, Misses Hattie and Emma Koch of Flatonia, Mrs. Wm. Kutac, Poth; Norbert Kalich, Floresville; Wm. Berckenhoff, Mrs. Ed Berckenhoff, Yorktown; Geo. Suhr, Adam Wendel, Edwin Regner, Joe Erdelt and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brosch, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baros of Yoakum.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, 18 Aug 1999


SHINER -- Florine Berckenhoff, 86, of Shiner, died Monday, Aug. 16, 1999. She was born Oct. 9, 1912, in Shiner, to the late Albert J. and Augusta Eschenburg Berckenhoff. She was a teacher and taught school at Rosenberg, Menger School, Moulton Elementary, Victoria and Shiner. She was Catholic and was a member of Catholic Daughters, Altar Society, Delta Kappa Gamma and taught CCD and was a former church council member. Survivors: sister, Earline B. Effenberger of Edna; nieces, Sara Doerning of Alexandria, Va., and Cynthia Mosley of San Antonio; and nephew, Michael Effenberger of Houston.

Preceded in death by: sister, Cora Maker. A memorial service will be 5 p.m. today at Buffington Funeral Home chapel by Shiner Alpha Phi Chapter members of Delta Kappa Gamma. A rosary/wake will be 7:30 p.m. today at the funeral home. A Catholic Daughter and Altar Society rosary will be recited at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at Sts. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church. Services will be 10 a.m. Thursday, at the church, the Rev. Gerry Cernoch officiating. Burial will be at Catholic Cemetery. Buffington Funeral Home, Shiner, (361) 594-3352. Memorials: Hospice and Sts. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 31 Dec 1992

Frances F. Berckenhoff, age 84 years, 7 months and 10 days, of Moulton passed away Sunday, Dec. 27, 1992.

A rosary was held at Smith Funeral Home, Moulton, Tuesday, Dec. 29.

Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 30 at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Moulton with the Rev. Gabriel Maison officiating.

Burial was in the Moulton Catholic Cemetery under the direction of Smith Funeral Home, Moulton.

Mrs. Berckenhoff was born May 17, 1908 in Praha, Texas to the late Ludwig and Bertha (Simecek) Firasek.

She was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, the SPJST and KJZT. She was a clerk at a dry goods store in Moulton.

In October, 1930, she married Evald Berckenhoff in St. Mary's Catholic Church at Praha, Texas with the Rev. Marcus Valenta officiating.

The couple first farmed near Moulton. Her husband then worked for the railroad.

She is survived by two sons, Raymond Berckenhoff of Moulton and Jimmie Berckenhoff of Houston; one sister, Agnes Heyer of Moulton; three grandchidlren [sic] and five great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Aug. 28, 1987; her father in 1937; her mother, July 23, 1962; and two brothers, one of whom was Joe Firasek, Nov. 14, 1968.
Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 2 Oct 1969

Military Rites For WW II Veteran, F.F. Berckenhoff

Francis "Breezy" Berckenhoff, 47 years, 2 months and 27 days, died at 9:15 p.m. Wednesday, September 24, 1969 at his home in Shiner after several months illness.

Funeral services were held from the Buffington Funeral Home, Shiner, Friday, September 26, at 3:15 p.m. and continued at 3:30 p.m. in Saints Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church with Requiem Mass offered by the Rev. Patrick Maron.

Burial was in the Shiner Catholic Cemetery. Serving as pallbeares were his cousins, Marvin Adamek, Raymond Kloesel and Melvin Roeder of Shiner, James Morin of San Antonio, Harvey Du Priest of Dallas, Ewald Effenberger of Edna.

Military honors were accorded the World War II veteran by Shiner Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion Posts, a large number of whom attended in a body.

Participating were Adolph Seidenberger, Laddie Stluka, Herman Krause, Adolph Pesek and Raymond Kocian, who served as color-bearers and color guards. Chaplain Curt Messer read the graveside ritual and presented the flag to Paul Berckenhoff, brother of the deceased. Ed Jaks folded the flag and "Taps" were sounded by recording.

Rosary services were held Thursday evening at the Buffington Chapel where the body lay in state. The parish rosary at 7:30 p.m. was led by the Rev. Emmett Kolodzie, pastor of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church at Koerth and Grand Knight Louis Dusek led the Knights of Columbus rosary at 7:45 p.m.

Frank Felix Berckenhoff, one of seven children was born June 27, 1922, at Shiner, Lavaca County, Texas, son of Felix C. and Antonia (Karasek) Berckenhoff, natives respectively of Praha and Fayetteville in Fayette County, Texas. He was reared in Shiner, attended St. Ludmila's Academy, and graduated from Shiner High School, May 17, 1940.

He entered the armed forces August 24, 1942 and served with the US Navy until October 15, 1945 when he was honorably discharged at the USN Personnel Separation Center, Camp Wallace, Texas. He attained the rank of Aviation Storekeeper First Class and his foreign duty took him to the Southwest Pacific Theatre of Operations.

He attended Southwest Texas State College, San Marcos; Trinity University, San Antonio; and received his Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Houston on August 29, 1953. He taught in the Yoakum Public Schools for five years.

In 1957, he entered Curlee's Barber College in Austin and worked for a short time in New Braunfels and Seguin. Since September 15, 1957, he was associated with the Sulphur Wells Barber Shop in Austin. He received his Masters License in 1967 and became manager of the shop when the owner, Earl Smith, retired.

He was a lifelong member of the Catholic Church and was a member of the Knights of Columbus and Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Survivors include his brother, Paul C. Berckenhoff; two sisters, Mrs. Isolde Dreyer and Miss Anne Berckenhoff, all of Shiner; two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Paul C. (Mary Koncaba) Berckenhoff of Shiner and Mrs. Fred (Martha Taylor) Berckenhoff of Yoakum.

Preceding him in death were his father on June 3, 1936; his mother on February 12, 1966; a sister, Milada Berckenhoff, August 5, 1927; two brothers, Dr. Fred Berckenhoff, June 5, 1964; Edward "Bacon" Berckenhoff, October 24, 1964; brother-in-law and niece, Emmett and Patricia Dreyer, died June 7, 1946 in a plane crash.

Those who were touched and benefited by his kindly deeds and influence will always revere his memory. His untimely departure is lamented, not only by his immediate family, but by a host of friends. There is a vacancy in the home and hearts of his loved ones, to all of whom, the Gazette joins with countless friends in extending sympathy.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 17 Feb 1994

Frank Jim Berckenhoff, age 77 years, four months and 22 days of Shiner, died Wednesday, Feb. 9, 1994.

Rosary was recited at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 11 at Buffington Funeral Home Chapel.

Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Saturday Feb. 12 in Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church with the Rev. Jerry Caponi officiating. Organist Elvera Jaks played a prelude of sacred hymns and accompanied the special occasion choir in family selected hymns, including two Czech hymns.

Burial was in the Shiner Catholic Cemetery under the direction of Buffington Funeral Home, Shiner.

Pallbearers were: Eugene Kremling Jr., Andrew Marcak, David Boedeker, Rodney Spann, R. B. Patterson and Cliff Horton.

Honorary pallbearer was Tim Bruns.

He was born Sept. 17, 1916, in Lavaca County to the late Ben and Anne Caka Berckenhoff. He was a farmer and rancher and was a member of the Catholic Church and St. Isidor Society.

He is survived by four daughters, Betty Pustka, Erline Kutach, Paula Pekar, and Patricia Kremling, all of Shiner; three sons, Frank Berckenhoff Jr. of Tomball and Ronnie Berckenhoff and Larry Berckenhoff, both of Shiner; one sister, Mary Bujnoch of Shiner; 15 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Pauline Berckenhoff on May 11, 1982, his mother, Oct. 8, 1947; his father, Dec. 8, 1980 and a daughter, Delores Berckenhoff.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Lavaca County Tribune, 2 Mar 1956

F. Berckenhoff Dies

A native and life long resident of Moulton, Fred Berckenhoff, 55, is dead. He passed away in the Shiner Hospital Sunday. Tuesday was his funeral from the Catholic Church. The Rev Bernard Goebel officiated while the Rev Victor Raska delivered the sermon. His wife passed away in July of last year. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Alfred (Sophie) Barta and Miss Rosemary of Moulton, Mrs. Edwin (Ida) Hemmi and Mrs. Dorothy Meazle of Houston; sons Rudy, Dennis, and Billy Ray of Moulton and Otto of Old Kinkler, six sisters, Mrs. Joe Holub, Mrs. Ad. Nesrsta, Mrs. Anton Koncaba and Mrs. Jim Welfl of Moulton; Mrs Julie Nesrsta of Shiner and Mrs. Toby Kracmer of West; brothers Ewald, Liberat, and Emil of Moulton; Pius and Ben of Shiner; also nine grandchildren. Nephews of the deceased served as pallbearers, Robert and Raymond Beck, Gus Welfl, Jim Holub, George Migl and Eddie Koudelka.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Hallettsville New Era Herald, 9 Jun 1964

Rites held for Dr. Berckenhoff

Dr. Fred Berckenhoff, 51 a Yoakum optometrist, died following a sudden illness at 2:30 p.m. Friday in a Yoakum hospital.

Funeral services were held at 2:45 Saturday from Buffington Funeral Chapel and at 3 p.m. from St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Yoakum with the Rev John Matocha officiating. Burial was in Shiner Catholic Cemetery. Rosary was recited at 8 p.m. on Wednesday.

Dr. Berckenhoff was born in Shiner September 14, 1912, he had an office there before moving to Yoakum.

Survivors include his wife Martha, his mother, Mrs. Fred Berckenhoff of Shiner, two sisters, Mrs. Isolde Dreyer and Miss Anne Berckenhoff, both of Shiner and three brothers, Edward and Paul, both of Shiner and Francis of Austin.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 9 Apr 1987

Rites For Liberat Berckenhoff, 76

MOULTON - Liberat Berckenhoff of Moulton, died Sunday morning, March 19, 1987 in the Oak Manor Nursing Center in Flatonia at the age of 76 years, 10 months and 4 days.

Mr. Berckenhoff, one of 12 children, was born May 25, 1910 in the Novohrad community, son of Fritz and Anna (Kobza) Berckenhoff. He was reared on the family farm and attended the nearby rural school.

On October 6, 1931, he was married to Lillie Svetlik, daughter of Adolph A. and Agnes (Tobola) Svetlik, of Hallettsville. The Rev. D.A. Sykora officiated at the wedding ceremony in St. Mary's Catholic Church.

The couple made their home on a farm at Baursville where they resided continuously and reared their family of six children. His wife died Dec. 2, 1981, just three months after the couple celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary.

A rosary was recited at 7 p.m. Monday, Mar. 30, at Smith Funeral Home in Moulton where the body lay in state.

Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Tuesdy (sic), Mar. 31 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Moulton, with the Rev. Msgr. Robert Schmidt officiating at the Holy Mass and graveside services.

Burial followed in the Moulton Catholic Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were his grandsons, Bobby Berckenhoff, Alan Berckenhoff, Kenneth Netardus, Patrick Rerich, Wesley Berckenhoff and Stephen Berckenhoff.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Ted (Edith) Rerich of Weimar, Mrs. Vaclav (Victoria) Netardus of Rosenberg; four sons, Robert Berckenhoff of Sealy, Adolph "Pete" Berckenhoff, Leroy Berckenhoff, both of Houston; two sisters, Mrs. Joe (Alexa) Holub of Moulton, Mrs. Toby (Flora) Kretchner of West; two brothers, Ewald Berckenhoff of Moulton, Ben Berckenhoff of Shiner; 21 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

In addition to his wife and parents, he was preceded in death by four sisters, Mrs. Anton (Angelina) Koncaba, Sept. 23, 1984; Mrs. Adolph A. (Jaromila) Nesrsta, Jan. 23, 1976; Mrs. Charlie (Julia) Nesrsta, Jan. 19, 1978; Mrs. Vaclav (Emma) Welfl, Aug. 7, 1979; three brothers, Fred Berckenhoff, Feb. 26, 1956; Emil Berckenhoff, Apr. 3, 1957; Pius Berckenhoff, Jan. 23, 1969.
Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 10 Dec 1981

MOULTON - Mrs. Liberat Berckenhoff, nee Lillie Svetlik, of Moulton, died at 8:45 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 2, 1981 in Citizen's Memorial Hospital, Victoria at the age of 68 years, 3 months and 12 days.

Funeral services were held Friday, Dec. 4 at 10 a.m. at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Moulton with the Rev. Robert Schmidt officiating. Burial followed in the Moulton Catholic Cemetery.

A rosary was recited Thursday, Dec. 3 at 7:30 p.m. at Smith Funeral Home chapel in Moulton where the body lay in state.

Mrs. Berckenhoff, one of a family of seven children, was born Aug. 20, 1913 in Lavaca County, daughter of Adolph A. and Agnes (Tobola) Svetlik. She was reared on the family farm and on Dec. 6, 1931 was married to Liberat Berckenhoff in St. Mary's Catholic Church with the Rev. D.A. Sykora officiating. They made their home at Baursville and resided their continuously. Six children blessed this marriage union and three months ago the couple celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

Surviving are her husband, Liberat Berckenhoff of Moulton; two daughters, Mrs. Ted (Edith) Rerich of Weimar and Mrs. Vaclav (Victoria) Netardus of Rosenberg; four sons, Robert Berckenhoff of Moulton, George Berckenhoff of Sealy, Adolph and Leroy Berckenhoff, both of Houston; two sisters, Mrs. Marcella Kalisek of Moulton and Mrs. Frank (Mary) Matula of Hallettsville; three brothers Jaro Svetlik of Victoria; Alfonse Svetlik of Shiner, Frank Svetlik of Moulton; 20 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her mother, Jan. 20, 1961; her father, Jan. 12, 1976; and her twin sister, Mrs. B.L. "Theo" (Cecilia) Janak, Dec. 4, 1975.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, 6 Apr 2008


SHINER—Mary Lillian Berckenhoff of Shiner passed away on April 4, 2008. She was 97 years old.

She was the daughter of the late Joseph Koncaba and Mary Bican. She was married to the late Paul Cyril Berckenhoff.

She is survived by her nieces, Mary Ann McKenney of Van Vleck and Barbara Rod of El Campo; and numerous great-nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; and sister, Ann Baker.

Visitation will be from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. today, with a rosary recited at 7 p.m., at Buffington Funeral Home Chapel. Services will be at 10 a.m., Monday, April 7, 2008 at SS Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church with the Rev. Bob Knippenberg presiding. Interment will follow at Shiner Catholic Cemetery.

Buffington Funeral Home, Shiner, 361-594-3352.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, 16 Mar 1994, page 10A

Mary P. Berckenhoff

MOULTON - Mary P. Berckenhoff, 71, of Rusk and formerly of Moulton, died Monday, March 14, 1994.

She was born Nov. 15, 1922, in Shiner to the late Paul and Mary "Mikes" Surovec. She was a homemaker and a member of the Catholic church.

Survivors: sisters, Adella Hughes, Hattie Siegel and Rose Sunday, all of Houston; and brothers, Paul Surovec and Emil Surovec, both of Houston.

Preceded in death by: Daniel Berckenhoff.

Graveside and burial services: 1 p.m. today, St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery in Moulton, the Rev. Gabriel Maison officiating.

Arrangements by Smith Funeral Home, Moulton, 596-4631.

Memorials: donor's choice.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 11 Aug 1927

Milada Alva Berckenhoff

Aged 18 years, 7 months, 20 days

Last Friday morning, shortly after the dawn of day, the patient gentle, trusting soul of Milada Alva Berckenhoff passed quietly into the "Sweet Beyond" where their is neither pain, sorrow nor suffering. Everything that sympathetic doctors, kind nurses and devoted loved ones could do was tried in an effort to stay the hand of disease and death.

The hearts and homes in our little community are sad because of her passing and the great out pour of friends from this entire section to attend the last sad rites, showed how deeply and sincerely everyone sympathized with her loved ones in their great bereavement.

Milada first saw the light of day in this little village where all of her happy childhood had been spent. She was born Dec. 19th, 1908.

Throughout her school years, she showed exceptional scholarship and when she graduated from Shiner High School with the class of 1926 it was as valedictorian of her class. Entering the State University in the early fall she soon became a favorite with all with whom she came in contact. She was selected from her dormitory, Kirby Hall, as a candidate for the beauty page of the University annual. Her ambition was to make her two years state certificate in teaching and when her credentials came she had won the four year certificate, due to her exceptional averages. She was delightfully happy in having secured her position for this term, being very anxious to compensate her parents for the privileges and opportunities they had given her. Resigned to go -- yet throughout her illness the desire to live to show appreciation to those who had made sacrifices to afford her intellectual advancement was always manifested. It was to the Catholic church, where since babyhood she had been a regular attendant, that her body was carried Saturday morning for Requiem High Mass, with Rev. L. P. Netardus as Celebrant. Rev. A. Mathis of Hallettsville Deacon and Rev. D. A. Sykora of St. Mary's as Subdeacon.

Father Netardus extolled her virtues, especially her piety and obedience. She was likened unto a lily in purity and to a rose in the beauty of her life and as a flower she was transplanted by God from an earthly garden into the Garden of Paradise, being taken out of this world of sorrow before she had tasted any bitterness. Father Mathis commented on her life as that of a model Catholic maiden and admonished her loved ones to imitate her in the observance of the commandments. The convent sisters rendered impressive funeral music. Her handsome white casket was borne by her cousins Joe Janecek, Chas. Brosch, of Yoakum, Libert and Ewalt Berckenhoff of Moulton, Rudy Berckenhoff and Albert Bleier of Shiner.

To those who loved her and to whom her beauty was always a sweet benediction, it seemed in death she was even more lovely. At rest- seemingly asleep, shrouded in her filmy white graduation costume of only a year ago, her beloved rosary clasped in daintily tapering, waxen fingers. It seemed impossible to realize that the light of day was closed from my eyes that were so recently laughing, bright with happiness and youth. Friends came from far and near, classmates from State University. Never before has there been such an outpouring of young people. The funeral procession was one of the longest that ever wended its way to the silent city of the dead. The floral tributes were exquisite and so numerous that more than two rooms of the home was given over to their placing. Her last resting place was a magnificent mantle of fragrant blossoms, showing the depth of love and esteem in which she was held and breathing to her loved ones messages of tenderest sympathy. Among these are numbered her heart broken parents, her brothers Edward, Paul, Alfred, and Francis. Her sisters Mrs. Emmett Dreyer and Miss Annie, to all of whom the Gazette extends its tender and heartfelt sympathy in their sorrowful visitation.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, 1 Apr 2006


MOULTON - Otto Anton Berckenhoff, 75, of Moulton, died Thursday, March 30, 2006.

He was born Dec. 10, 1930, in Moulton, to the late Fred and Christina Koudelka Berckenhoff. He retired from Moulton Co-Op after 40 years of service and was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church and Knight's of Columbus.

Survivors: wife, Margaret Satsky Berckenhoff; son, Gregory Berckenhoff of Moulton; sisters, Rose Selzer and Sophie Barta, both of Moulton, and Dorothy Ulbrecht of Houston; brother, Dennis Berckenhoff of Moulton; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Preceded in death by: son, Donald Berckenhoff; sister, Ida Graham; and brothers, Rudy Berckenhoff and Billy Ray Berckenhoff.

Visitation will be noon today at Smith Funeral Home chapel.

A rosary will be recited 6:30 p.m. Sunday at the chapel.

Services will be 10 a.m. Monday at St. Joseph Catholic Church, the Rev. Gabriel Maison officiating.

Burial will be at Moulton Catholic Cemetery. Smith Funeral Home, Moulton, 361-596-4631.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 30 Jun 1977

Paul C. Berckenhoff, lifelong resident of Shiner, passed away in the Shiner Hospital Tuesday, June 21, 1977 at 11:20 p.m. at the age of 72 years, 9 months and 7 days.

The body lay in state at the Buffington Funeral Home, Shiner, until 1:00 p.m. Thursday, June 23 when it was conveyed to the Shiner Catholic Church where Holy Mass was offered at 2:00 p.m. by the Rev. Patrick Fidgeon.

Burial was in the Shiner Catholic Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were Ewald Effenberger of Edna, Jerry J. Siegel, Raymond Kloesel, Melvin Roeder, Victor Kneifel and Marvin Adamek.

Rosary was recited at the Buffington Chapel Wednesday, June 22 at 7:45 p.m. by the Knights of Columbus and at 8:00 p.m. by the Parish.

Mr. Berckenhoff was a longtime employee of Wolters Brothers Clothing Store and C.B. Welhausen and Co. clothing store, both in Shiner. He was semi-retired.

He was a member of the Shiner Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus. In addition to that, he was active for many years in local civic affairs.

Paul Cyril Berckenhoff, one of seven children, was born Sept. 14, 1903 at Shiner, Lavaca County, Texas, son of Felix C. and Antonia (Karasek) Berckenhoff, natives respectively of Praha and Fayetteville in Texas. He was reared in Shiner and attended St. Ludmila's Academy.

On May 31, 1937, he was married in the Shiner Catholic Church by the Rev. Edmund Bily. The couple made their home in Shiner and resided here continuously.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mary Berckenhoff of Shiner; and two sisters, Mrs. Isolde Dreyer and Miss Anne Berckenhoff, both of Shiner.

Preceding him in death were his father, June 3, 1936; his mother, Feb. 12, 1966; a sister, Milada Berckenhoff, Aug. 5, 1927; three brothers, Dr. Fred Berckenhoff, June 5, 1964; Edward "Bacon" Berckenhoff, Oct. 24, 1964; Francis F. "Breezy" Berckenhoff, Sept. 24, 1969.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 20 May 1982

Mrs. Frank J. Berckenhoff, nee Pauline Kurtz, of Shiner, entered rest at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, May 11, 1982 at John Sealy Hospital in Galveston after a prolonged illness. She reached the age of 59 years, 6 months and 19 days.

The body was brought to Shiner and lay in state at the Buffington Funeral Home until 9:30 a.m. Thursday, May 13, when it was taken to the Shiner Catholic Church where Holy Mass was offered at 10:30 a.m. by the Rev. Patrick Fidgeon.

Burial took place in the Shiner Catholic Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were George Bujnoch of Round Rock, Larry Dierschke and Paul Winkenwerder, both of Shiner, Doug Ressler of Yoakum, Larry and Richard Kurtz, both of Port Lavaca.

Rosary was recited at the Buffington Chapel Wednesday, May 12 at 7:30 p.m. led by the Rev. Eugene Janson.

Mrs. Berckenhoff was born Oct. 10, 1922 at Shiner, daughter of Charlie J. and Pauline (Hrncirik) Kurtz.

She attended school at St. Ludmila's Academy.

On June 24, 1941, she was married to Frank J. Berckenhoff. The couple farmed in the Midway community where they resided continuously. The couple celebrated their 40th anniversary last year.

Survivors include her husband of Shiner; three sons, Frank J. Jr., of Houston, and Ronnie and Larry Berckenhoff, both of Shiner; four daughters, Mrs. Eugene (Pat) Kremling, Mrs. Gene (Betty) Pustka, Mrs. George (Earline) Kutach, Mrs. Calvin (Paula) Pekar, all of Shiner, a brother, Alfonse S. Kurtz, of El Campo, a sister, Mrs. Martin (Helen) Vinklarek of Yoakum; a half sister, Mrs. Alphonse (Elizabeth "Betty" Havel) Kurtz of Shiner; and 11 grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her mother, Feb. 28, 1946; her father Jan. 9, 1967; and a brother, Edwin F. Kurtz, Aug. 30, 1970.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 30 Jan 1969

Services Held For Pius Berckenhoff

Funeral services for Pius J. Berckenhoff, aged 77 years, 8 months and 18 days, were held at Buffington Chapel, Yoakum, Saturday, January 25 at 1:45 p.m., continuing at 2:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, with the Rt. Rev. John Matocha officiating. Rosary was recited at 7:30 p.m. Friday. Interment was in the Shiner Catholic Cemetery.

Born May 5, 1891 in Praha, Texas, Mr. Berckenhoff had been a resident of Yoakum for 12 years. Prior to that he lived at Moulton, Hallettsville and Shiner. He was married to Annie Beyer. He resided at 109 Schrimscher St. He passed away at Huth Hospital at 7:23 p.m. Thursday, January 23, 1969.

He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Henry (Margaret) Zacharias of Shiner, Mrs. John (Elizabeth) Kalisek of Needville; two sons, John Louis and Raymond Kalisek of Needville; six sisters, Mrs. Charles (Julie) Nesrsta of Yoakum, Mrs. Joe (Elexa) Holub, Mrs. Jim (Emma) Welfl, both of Moulton, Mrs. Adolph A. (Jaromila) Nesrsta of Shiner, Mrs. Anton (Angela) Koncaba of Hallettsville, Mrs. Flora Kramer of West; three brothers, Ben Berckenhoff of Shiner, Ewald and Liberat Berckenhoff of Moulton; and two grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berckenhoff and a brother, Fred Berckenhoff Jr.

Notes: On my copy, in the phrase "two sons, John Louis and Raymond Kalisek of Needville," Kalisek is crossed out and Berckenhoff written beside it; Kramer is crossed out and Kracmer written beside it.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Victoria Advocate, 3 Apr 2002

Raymond Berckenhoff

MOULTON -- Raymond Berckenhoff, 68, of Moulton, died Tuesday, April 2, 2002.

He was born March 9, 1934, in Shiner, to the late Evald and Frances Firasek Berckenhoff. He was a dozer operator for the Railroad and member of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Moulton. He served in the U. S. Army during the Korean Conflict and had worked for Southern Pacific.

Survivors: brother, Jimmie Berckenhoff of Shiner.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. tonight at Smith Funeral Home chapel.

Services will be 10 a.m. Thursday at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Moulton, the Rev. Gabriel Maison officiating.

Burial will be at Catholic Cemetery Moulton. Smith Funeral Home, Moulton, 361-596-4631.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 27 Jun 1985

MOULTON - Rudy J. Berckenhoff of Moulton, died at 11:45 a.m. Tuesday, June 18, 1985 in a San Antonio hospital at the age of 61 years, 2 months and 5 days.

Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Friday, June 21 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Moulton with the Rev. Msgr. Robert Schmidt officiating. Burial followed in the St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery.

A rosary was recited at 8 p.m. Thursday at Smith Funeral Home in Moulton where the body lay in state. He was born April 13, 1924, at Moulton, Lavaca County, Texas, son of Fred and Christina (Koudelka) Berckenhoff and was an Army veteran of World War II, and owner of Rudy's Welding Shop in Moulton.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Vera Roznovsky Berckenhoff; a daughter, Mrs. Ronald (Helen) Kosler of Houston; two sons, Larry Berckenhoff of Houston, Leon Berckenhoff of Katy; two brothers, Otto Berckenhoff of Moulton, Dennis Berckenhoff of Houston; four sisters, Mrs. Alfred (Sophie) Barta and Mrs. Gene (Rose) Selzer, both of Moulton, and Mrs. Ida Graham and Mrs. Dorothy Ulbrich, both of Houston; and five grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his father, Feb. 26. 1956; his mother, July 12, 1954; one brother, Willie Ray "Billy" Berckenhoff, May 18, 1978.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Lavaca County, Texas Obituaries – B (4)

Shiner Gazette
7 Aug 1919

Death of Mrs. Terezie Berckenhoff

Terezie Berckenhoff died after a short illness at Charco in Goliad County, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Janecek aged 77 years and 11 months. The deceased was brought to Shiner and the funeral took place on Monday August 4th with interment in the Catholic Cemetery.

She is survived by 8 children 4 sons and 4 daughters as follows Messrs. A. J. Berckenhoff, Wm. Fritz and Felix. The daughters are Mrs. Mary Janecek, Ellie Brosch, Matilda Dolejsi and Annie Bleier. There are also 57 grand children and 35 great grand children.

Mrs. Berckenhoff was born in Bohemia in 1841, came to America in 1853 when she was 12 years old. The family first settled at Catt Springs, moved from there to Frelsburg where she was married to Mr. B. Berckenhoff. They then moved to Praha in Fayette County and in 1893 to Lavaca Co. a few miles south of Shiner. At the death of her husband in 1901 she sold her farm and went to live with her daughter in Goliad Co. where she remained until her death. She was a devoted member of the Catholic Church and enjoyed the respect and esteem of all who knew her. The Gazette extends sympathy to all of the bereaved.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Lavaca County, Texas Obituaries – B (5)

Yorktown News
4 Mar 1944

Last Rites Held Saturday For William Berckenhoff

Funeral services were held Saturday morning for William Bernard Berckenhoff, 74, who died Thursday, Feb. 24, 1944 at nine o'clock p.m. at the home of his son, Henry, in this city.

The funeral procession left the Molenhauer Mortuary for Holy Cross Catholic church where requiem high mass was held by Rev. E. C. Kaminski. The remains were taken to Shiner for interment and were laid to rest beside those of his loving wife.

Pallbeaers were: Frank Derrick, Fred Frieda, Albert Baumann, Herbert Frieda, A. J. Kalinek, and Walter Berckenhoff.

Ed Molenhauer, Yorktown undertaker, had charge of funeral arrangements.

William B. Berckenhoff was born on May 13, 1869, at Praha, Texas. On August 5, 1890, he was united in marriage with Miss Annie Brosch, who preceded him to the grave on Dec. 16, 1939. Since the death of his beloved wife, he made his home with his children and at the time of his death resided with his son, Henry.

He lived at Shiner the greater part of his life, and for the past eight years lived at Yorktown and Floresville. He was recognized as a useful and honorable citizen.

Surviving are two daughters and three sons: Mrs. Frank Derrick of El Campo; Mrs. Fred Frieda of Floresville, Henry of Yorktown, Ed of Floresville and Rud. of Moulton. Two children, Ida and Alvin, preceded him in death.

He is also survived by a brother, A. J. Berckenhoff of Shiner, three sisters, Mrs. Joe Brosch of Yoakum, Mrs. Frank Dolipsi of Shiner and Mrs. Anton Blier of Shiner; 28 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

The News extends sympathy to the bereaved family.

Shiner Gazette, 2 Mar 1944

William Bernard Berckenhoff Passes Away Feb. 24

William Bernard Berckenhoff, son of the late Bernard and Teresa (nee Hajek) Berckenhoff, was born May 13, 1869 at Mulberry, Texas, and died Feb. 24, 1944 at the home of his son, Henry in Yorktown, Texas.

He spent his early years in Praha and it was here that he married Annie Brosch. The young couple moved to Lavaca county. Seven children blessed their union, two preceding him in death, one in infancy, and Alvin in 1928.

He formerly lived in the Shiner community, but for the last fifteen years he had made his home near and in Yorktown, and it was here that his wife died in 1939.

He is survived by the following: two daughters, Mrs. Frank Derrich of El Campo; Mrs. Fred Friedel, Poth; three sons, Henry of Yorktown; Edmund of Poth; and Rudolph of Moulton; twenty-six grandchildren; thirteen great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Joe Brosch, Yoakum; Mrs. Anton Bleier, Shiner; Mrs. Frank Dolejsi, Shiner; and one brother, Albert Berckenhoff, Shiner.

Funeral services were held in the Yorktown Catholic church Saturday morning. The funeral cortege arrived in Shiner at 11 o'clock and burial took place in the Shiner Catholic cemetery. Rev. B. J. Kaminski officiated.

The Gazette extends sincere sympathy to those who mourn his passing.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Houston Post, 19 May 1978

WILLIE RAY "BILLY" BERCKENHOFF, 39, of Houston, passed away Thursday, May 18. Native of Moulton; Employee Maintenance Dept., H.I.S.D., member Church, Knights of Columbus Council No. 4550. Survivors: Wife, Martha Berckenhoff, Houston; daughter, Kathryn Jane Berckenhoff; son, Kevin Duane Berckenhoff, Houston; sisters, Ida Graham, Dorothy Ulbrick, Houston, Houston; Sophie Barta, Moulton; Rose Selzer, Gonzales; brothers, Otto and Rudy Berckenhoff, Moulton; Dennis Berckenhoff, Houston. Services 11:00 am Saturday, St. Leo The Great Catholic Church, Rev. Terry Ryan and Rev. C. L. Dees, officiating. Rosary 7:00 pm Friday Brookside Chapel. Interment Brookside Memorial Park. Pallbearers: Charles Campbell, Glenn Lewis, Dodd Carpenter, Paul Naskrent, Francis Kennedy, Olie Gebhard.

Contributed by Matt Cross
Part of this family spells the name as Berkenhoff. See more obituaries below.


The Weimar Mercury, Thursday, March 18, 1971, Page 7

Adolf Berger, 95, Dies at Hallettsville

Funeral services were held Wednesday, March 10, at Hallettsville for Adolf Berger, 95, who died Tuesday.

Mr. Berger was a native of Ammannsville, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Berger. He and his wife, the former Mrs. Ida Pohl, lived in Hallettsville after their marriage. She died in 1923.

Surviving are two daughters, Miss Rosie Berger and Mrs. Mary Heck, and two sons, John and Willie, all of Hallettsville or the nearby rural area. Several grandchildren also survive.

Among those attending the funeral were these nephews and nieces from Weimar: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Banse, Mr. and Mrs. Emil E. Ulrich, Mrs. Alvina Matzke, Mrs. John Hauser Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barta, Mrs. Rosetta Rabel and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Gebauer, Mrs. Henry Stos.

Transcribed by Sandra Long Anders


Weimar Mercury
1 February 1918


The body of Edward Berger, 25 years old, a private of the Eighth Company of coast artillery at Fort Crockett, who died at the post hospital at 2:45 o'clock Friday afternoon, was sent to Schulenburg last night for burial by J. Levy & Bro., undertakers. Mr. Berger was one of the recruits sent recently here and is survived by a wife, parents, eight brothers and two sisters. The funeral services will be held in Schulenburg today, with Rev. Father Raska officiating. Interment will be made in St. John's Cemetery. — Galveston News


Vestnik, April 1, 1992

We, the members of Lodge No. 23,Moravia express our deepest and sincere sympathy to our Vice President and her daughters of the loss of her husband and father; also a loyal and devoted member EDWARD J. BERGER, who passed away on February 26,1992 in Colorado-Fayette Medical Center in Weimar.

E.J., as we have known him, was born in Moravia on December 15,1925 to Ed J. and CeciliaHrncirBerger. He attended Moravia School and finished his education at Schulenburg High School in 1942. He was a veteran of World War II, a member of Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Church at Moravia, Lavaca County Farm Bureau for 30 years serving on the board until 1990. He was a member of the Flatonia American Legion, Schulenburg VFW, and our SPJST Lodge No. 23. On July 15, 1946 he married MillieVranain Ascension Church at Moravia and settled at Moravia and was a farmer for all these years until sickness made him quit just a few months before his death.

He is survived by his wife, Millie Berger; three daughters, MarilynPalmquistof Conroe, JaniceChovanecof Houston and Linda Hamblin of Austin; also seven grandchildren.

A veterans memorial service was held at 6:30 p.m. and rosary was recited at 7:00 p.m. inSchwenke-BaumgartenFuneraiHome in Schulenburg on Thursday, February 27th. Funeral services were held at Moravia Catholic Church on Friday, February 28, with Father Brian Crooks officiating, assisted by MatthewRoznovsky, a grandson, as acolyte. Members of Flatonia American Legion Post 94 served as pallbearers. Interment followed in Ascension Cemetery at Moravia with military honors.Schwenke-BaumgartenFuneral Home was in charge of arrangements.

May our departed brother rest in eternal peace.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Weimar Mercury
April 23, 1920, page 3


Former Citizen of Oakland Section Dies at St. John.

Another old and respected citizen of Lavaca county has gone to his eternal reward. Mr. Frank Berger, Sr., died Sunday at his home in the St. John neighborhood, after being sick the last few months, aged 76 years, 8 months and 2 days. The funeral occurred on Tuesday in the St. John cemetery, pallbearers being: H. J. Berger, Fr. Berger, Fred Berger, Joseph Berger, John Woellert and Ad. Sokol.

The deceased were born in the year 1843 in Bohlten, Maehren, Austria. In 1871 he was married to Miss Annie Ferch. This couple came to this country, landing in Galveston 46 years ago from where they went to Schulenburg, living there two years, then to Oakland, where they resided five years. For the past 39 years they have made their home at St. John. Besides his widow Mr. Berger is survived by the following children: Joseph, Frank, Fred and Anton Berger, Mrs. Ludmilla Winkler, Mrs. Mary Pargac, Louis, Aug., Adolph and Emil Berger. Also 36 grand children and a brother, Fred Berger of High Hill.

Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. —Halletsville New Era.


Shiner Gazette, 21 Jan 1982

Services For Gene Berger, 39

Eugene James Berger, 39, of 10019 Larston, Houston resident for 18 years died at 9:30 a.m. Jan. 10, 1982 in Memorial City Hospital in Houston. He was hospitalized for almost a month before his death due of pneumonia. He was a victim of cancer for 18 months. In five more days he would have reached his 40th birthday.

The body was brought to Shiner and lay in state at the Buffington Funeral Home, until 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 12, when it was taken to Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church for services and Holy Mass offered at 11:00 a.m. Concelebrants were the Rev. Fathers Patrick Fidgeon and Eugene Janson.

Serving as altar boys were his nephews, Darryl and Dwight Pesek, and Ernie Berger. Henry and Patsy Pesek served as lectors at the services for their brother-in-law.

Burial took place in the Shiner Catholic Cemetry [sic]. Serving as pallbeaers were Bill Hoffart of Magnolia, Mike Terrell of Spring, Henry Svec of Katy, Frank Baranowski, Jacob Abed el Fatah, John Cernoch, Wayne Hewitt and Barney H. Gaston, all of Houston, fellow employees of General Welding Works, Inc. in Houston. All other employees of General Welding were named as honorary pallbearers.

Rosary was recited at the Buffington Chapel Monday, Jan. 11 at 7:30 p.m. by the parish and KJT, led by Father Janson.

Mr. Berger, one of a family of six sons, was born Jan. 15, 1942 at Shiner, Lavaca County, Texas, son of Ferdinand "Fred" and Annie (Kalisek) Berger, both natives of the Shiner area.
He was reared on the family farm east of Shiner. He attended Bunjes School and St. Ludmila's Academy, graduating with the Class of 1960. He was baptized and confirmed in the Shiner Catholic Church.

On April 22, 1967, he was married to Joan Henkhaus in the Shiner Catholic Church and the couple established their home in Houston where he was employed at General Welding Works, Inc. He was a welder and assistant foreman and had been with the firm for 16 1/2 years.

He was a member of St. Cecelia's Catholic Church in Houston and the KJT Society. He was a baseball coach for Spring Branch and was a member of Memorial Sports Association.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Joan Berger of Houston; a son and three daughters, Mike, 11, Lisa, 13, Lara, 9, and Gina, 4; his mother, Mrs. Annie Berger of Shiner; two brothers, Denis and Ernest Berger, both of Shiner.

He was preceded in death by his father, Apr. 15, 1969; three brothers, Alvin Berger, 23, drowning victim in the Brazos River, Apr. 21, 1960; Fred Berger, Jr., 21, who died of apparent electrocution, Jan. 28, 1966; Benedict Fred Berger, was shot to death in an was killed by a gunman in an attempted holdup, July 31, 1979, at a convenience store in Houston.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Unidentified news clipping

Yoakum – Homer Lee Berger, 91, of Yoakum, died Friday, Oct. 12, 2001.

He was born Dec. 1, 1909, in DeWitt County, to the late Fred and Ida Rollin Berger. He was a retired shipping department supervisor at Tex Tan Leather Co. and a Methodist.

Survivors: wife, Bernice Dickinson Berger; daughters, Doris Jean Schlenkler of Victoria and Linda Berger of Eagle Lake; sons, Homer F. Berger, Clayton Berger and Jimmy Berger, all of Yoakum, and Bobby Berger of Palacios: sister, Maudie Christian of Conroe; brothers, Roland Berger of Victoria and Douglas Berger of Nacogdoches; 15 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild.

Preceded in death by: parents; three sisters; four brothers; and one grandson, Blain Berger.

Services will be 2 p.m. Monday at Buffington Funeral Home chapel, the Revs. Jeff Berger and Buck Ritchea officiating.

Burial will be at County Line Cemetery. Buffington Funeral Home, Yoakum, 361-293-2333.

Memorials: Donor’s choice.
Contributed by Rex Moore


Lavaca County Tribune, December 28, 1984

Rosie Berger

Rosie Berger, 83, of Hallettsville, died Tuesday afternoon, December 25, 1984, in the Stevens’ Convalescent Center in Hallettsville.

She was born in Lavaca County August 1, 1901, the daughter of Joseph and Pauline Olsovsky Kresta. She married John A. Berger October 26, 1920, in Hallettsville. He died March 20, 1980.

She was a member of the Sacred Hearth Catholic Church and the KJZT Society.

Rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, December 27, at Kubena Funeral Home.

The body will lie in state at the funeral home until 9 a.m., Friday, December 28, when it will be taken to Sacred Hearth Catholic Church where a rosary will be recited at 9:30 a.m.

Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. with the Rev. Ed Kelly officiating. Burial will be in Sacred Heart Cemetery.

She is survived by four sisters, Mrs. Pauline Havel of Wharton, Miss Annie Mae Kresta of Rockport, Mrs. Mary Ulcak of Hallettsville and Mrs. Frances Klekar of Hallettsville; two brothers, Robert Kresta of San Antonio and Victor Kresta of Hallettsville.

Transcribed by Sandra Long Anders


Hallettsville New Era Herald, 16 Jun 1950

Mrs. Berckenhoff [sic.] Expires at Koerth Tuesday

Funeral services and a Requiem High Mass were held at Koerth Catholic Church and cemetery Wednesday at 9 AM for Mrs. Emil Berckenhoff, 47 who died unexpectedly at her home near Koerth at 4:00 AM Tuesday, June 13th. A long illness had proceeded her death. Rev Ignathis Kopczynski officiated in the mass and at graveside rites where the pallbearers were Freddie and Billy Hoffer, Jack Nolen, Kenneth Ray Hoffer, Roland Tuttle and Leonard Matejek.

Born near Koerth, Mrs. Berckenhoff was baptized at the church where she was married some 30 years ago, the same church was the scene of the funeral rites. Nee Agnes Hoffer, she was the daughter of Fred Hoffer of Koerth and the late Mrs. Fred Hoffer who died four years ago.

Surviving are her father, husband, Emil Berckenhoff, of Koerth and their four sons, Wesley and Thomas of the home, Emil Andrew and Charles Berckenhoff of Houston; four sisters, Mrs. John Matejek and Mrs. George Tuttle of Halletsville, Mrs. Henry Young of the community and Mrs. Harry Carpenter of Salem; three brothers, Alfred Hoffer of Koerth, Fred Hoffer of Pettus and Thomas Hoffer of Corpus Christi; four half- brothers, Leo Hoffer of Sweet Home, Eugene of Falfurias, Alfonse Hoffer of El Paso and Andrew Nolen of Cuero.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Lavaca County, Texas Obituaries – B (6)

Hallettsville Semi-Weekly New Era, 30 Jan 1920

Jan 2, Antoinette Berckenhoff, aged 87 years, 9 months and 13 days, senility, Halletsville

Mrs. Antonette Berckenhoff, one of the oldest residents of this section died, Friday, January 2nd, 1920 at 5:15 o'clock a.m. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L Hemmi of near our city.

Mrs. Berckenhoff was aged 87 years, 10 months, and 14 days, have been born in Westphalen, Germany, in 1832 [1833? or 1838?], a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Moeller, with whom she came to Texas, in 1846 when 14 years of age, the family landing at Houston after a stormy voyage of several weeks across the ocean. From Houston they went to Cummings Creek, now Frelsburg, Colorado county, making this trip in an ox wagon. At that time the country was very sparsely settled and these pioneer people underwent many hardships incident to those times. Indians were plentiful and it was necessary to keep a constant watch that they did not lose homes and lives from the raidings of hostile Indians. Mrs. Berckenhoff oft-times spoke interestingly to friends and relatives of these early days and marveled at the many changes she had witnessed in the development of this section from a practical wilderness to a modern, thickly peopled community, with fine farms, other homesteads, and growing cities.

She lived at Frelsburg for 45 years, moving in 1890 to Hallettsville where she made . . . [incomplete]

Obituary contributed by Matt Cross. Photo contributed by Cullis Holub


Lavaca County Tribune-New Era Herald, 31 May 1974

Emil Berkenhoff, 86 years, of Houston, formerly of Koerth, Texas, died Sunday, May 26 in Houston, Texas.

Interment was in Koerth Catholic Cemetery, Tuesday, May 28.

Survivors include two sons, E. A. Berkenhoff of Houston and C. E. Berkenhoff of Arlington.

Pallbearers were Luther Parr, John Edward Carpenter, Henry Young, Kenneth Hoffer and Fred W. Hoffer.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Hallettsville Tribune-Herald, 30 Oct 1996

Emily Berkenhoff

Emily Berkenhoff, 91, of San Antonio, died Wednesday, Oct. 16, 1996.

She was born June 21, 1905 in Lavaca County.

She was united in marriage to William V. Berkenhoff. He preceded her in death on Nov. 22, 1971.

Survivors include a daughter, Mary K. Nelson and son-in-law, Thomas Nelson of San Antonio; a sister, Lena Bolom of Yoakum; eight grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

Besides her husband, she was preceded in death by her parents, two sisters and four brothers.

Graveside services were conducted at 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 18 at St. John the Baptist Cemetery in Koerth. Rev. Charles Sonnier officiated.

Memorials may be made to St. John the Baptist Cemetery Association.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Hallettsville Tribune, 31 Aug 1937

Mrs. Fritz W. Berkenhoff

Mrs. Fritz W. Berkenhoff of Koerth passed away in a San Antonio hospital Sunday p.m. at 6:30 at the age of 40 years, three months and two days. The body was brought here and prepared for burial by Kubena Funeral Home. Funeral services will be conducted this Tuesday a.m. at 9:00 with a Requiem Mass celebrated by father G. Kuratko of the Koerth Catholic Church. Burial Catholic Cemetery at Koerth.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Hallettsville Tribune, 22 Jan 1937

Fritz W. Berkenhoff

Fritz W. Berkenhoff, prominent farmer of Koerth, passed away at his late home there at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday after an illness of only a week's duration.

Funeral services were held at Koerth Catholic Church Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. Rev. G. Kuratko officiating. Burial was made in Koerth Catholic Cemetery. The son of a blacksmith, Mr. Berkenhoff was born and raised at Koerth, Lavaca County. During the World War he entered the services of the Army on December 20, 1917 and within a month was on his way overseas where he remained for a year returning in January of 1919. Upon his return he married and resumed farming at Koerth.

He leaves to mourn his going his wife, two brothers, Willie Berkenhoff and Gus of near Halletsville and one sister Mrs. Laura Ponton of Koerth.
Contributed by Matt Cross


Lavaca County, Texas Obituaries – B (7)

Shiner Gazette, 11 Jan 1934


Our entire community was grieved and shocked Friday afternoon when the announcement was made that Fritz W. Berkenhoff had died at his home at 4:20 PM. He had been at his post of duty during the day on the CWA work. On returning home he told his wife he did not feel so well and retired to his room where the good companion administered to his wants but death soon relieved him of his sufferings and he passed on to his eternal reward.

The funeral was held at the home at 2:45 PM Sunday with services at the Sacred Heart church. Internment was made in the Catholic cemetery. Impressive services were held at the home and church by the Rev Victor Raska of El Campo (nephew of the deceased) with the Rev E. B. Kolodzie of Saint Mary's assisting. A very impressive and appropriate sermon in German was preached by his pastor Rev A. Mathis. Pallbearers were Frank Matula, Frank Grafe, H. C. Randow, Henry Muenster, H. J. Strauss and N. A. Moreland.

Deceased was a member of the Catholic Knights of America, Sohns of Hermann, and the fire department. He was president of the fire department for 16 years, having been elected each year by acclamation due to service and the confidence of the boys of his department.

Mr. Berckenhoff was born in Frelsburg, Colorado County. He came to our county with his mother and sister 40 years ago where he lived up to the time of his death. He was in the general merchandise business here for 21 years. He was married 36 years ago to Miss Mary Koenig in the Sacred Heart Parish of our city by the Rev Neubert.

He leaves to mourn his death his wife, three sisters, Mrs E. H. Mitchell of San Antonio, Mrs. Adolph Pechacek of Houston, and Mrs Peter Raska of Yoakum, besides other relatives and a host of friends.

The members of the organizations of which he was a member attended in a body. The many pretty flowers that mark his last resting-place gave evidence of the love and esteem in which he was held by his many friends.

Mr Berckenhoff at the time of his death had reached the age of 65 years, 10 months and 6 days.

He is gone but as a husband friend and citizen his memory shall ever live with us all. Peace to his ashes.

Among those from Shiner attending the Fritz Berckenhoff funeral in Halletsville were Mr and Mrs A. J. Berckenhoff and family, Mr and Mrs Felix Berckenhoff and family, Wm Wendtland Jr and wife, Ed Koenig, C. Koerner and wife, M. Vogelsang and wife, C J Garbade and wife, Max, Edwin, Elo and Edgar Wolters, R J Strauss and Wm Zappe.

Obituary contributed by Matt Cross. Photo contributed by Cullis Holub


Hallettsville Tribune, 3 Dec 1940

Gus Berkenhoff Succumbs Saturday

Gus Berkenhoff Sr., well known Lavaca County rural resident of Halletsville route one, died at his home Saturday November 29 at 12:10 p.m. after a serious illness of about a year.

The deceased had lived in this county all of his life, making a living through farming. About 25 years ago he married Mrs. Lula Rice at Koerth.

Besides the widow, the deceased is survived by one son, Gus, the only child born to the union. Two brothers, Emil of Koerth and William of San Antonio and one sister Mrs. Ponton of Ezzell also survive.

Funeral services were held Sunday morning at the Koerth Catholic church. Rev E.B. Kolodzie conducting the services. Internment was in Koerth Catholic Cemetery. The Geiger-Beck Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Lavaca County Tribune, 16 Sep 1975

Mr. Berkenhoff

Gus Berkenhoff, 56, of Port Lavaca, died at 9:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 11, 1975 in a Victoria hospital.

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Saturday at Kubena Funeral Home Chapel Hallettsville with the Rev. Robert Holbrook officiating. Interment was in Willow Creek Cemetery.

Mr. Berkenhoff was born July 2, 1919 in Lavaca County.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Joyce Judd Berkenhoff of Port Lavaca; two daughters, Miss Tammy Berkenhoff of Port Lavaca, and Mrs. Weldon Briscoe of Robstown; three sons, Larry and Gary Berkenhoff of Port Lavaca and Gus Berkenhoff, Jr., of Hallettsville; a step-daughter, Mrs. Larry Meyer of Cuero; a step-son, Franklin Filla of Bryan and a half-sister, Mrs. Marie Sieber of Baytown.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Hallettsville Semi-weekly Herald, 23 Oct 1925

Henry Berkenhoff, a highly respected citizen of Koerth, died at the home of his son Fritz Berckenhoff Thursday evening at 6:30 aged 72 years.

The funeral will be held from his late residence this Friday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, internment in the Koerth Catholic Cemetery Father G. Kuratko officiating.

Deceased leaves to mourn his death four sons, Gus of Branon, Willie of San Antonio, Emil of Yoakum, and Fritz of Koerth, one daughter Mrs. Grover Ponton of Koerth, one brother F.W. Berckenhoff of Halletsville, three sisters, Mrs. E. H. Mitchell of San Antonio, Mrs. Peter Raska of Yoakum, Mrs. Adolph Pechacek of Halletsville other relatives and a large circle of friends.

Mr. Berkenhoff was a native of Colorado County but came to this county 25 years ago and settled at Koerth where he resided up to the time of his death. He was a man mindful of his own affairs, thereby making many friends who will be saddened to learn of his death. May his soul rest in peace.

Hallettsville Herald, 27 Oct 1925

Funeral of Henry Berkenhoff

The funeral of Henry Berkenhoff, who died at the home of his son Fritz at Koerth Thursday evening, was held from his late residence Friday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock at the Koerth Catholic Church where services were conducted by Father G. Kuratko of Koerth and father V. Raska of El Campo. The funeral service was preached in English by Father Kuratko. Interment was in the Koerth Catholic Cemetery.

Pallbearers were J. R. Mladenka, Louis Kupka, Andrew Nolan, Freddie Hoffer, John Belcik and John Wick.

The flowers brought and placed on the grave were pretty and gave evidence of love and esteem in which he was held by them.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Lavaca County Tribune, 24 Nov 1950

Death took Mrs. Lula Berkenhoff from our midst at the age of 68 Wednesday, November 22nd at 12:40 p.m., passing away at the Dufner Hospital following a lingering illness.

Funeral services were at the Kubena funeral home at 2:00 p.m. November 23rd and continuing at Salem Cemetery, where internment took place. Rev. M.C. Porche conducted the last rites.

The deceased was born at Koerth, June 15, 1882, where she grew up. As a young woman she married Gus Berkenhoff in 1915 at Koerth. He died 10 years ago.

Surviving are sons Tom O'Neal of Lissie, Emmett Rice and Gus Jr. of Halletsville, one daughter Mrs. Marie Sieber of Baytown, two brothers David Parr and Tom Parr of Halletsville, three sisters, Mrs. Will Evans, Mrs. Albert Evans and Mrs. Robert Leggett of Halletsville, six grandchildren and one great grandchild also survive.

Married first to Mark Evans, second to Emmett Rice, and third to Gus Berkenhoff, who died in 1940. Contributed by Matt Cross


Hallettsville Semi-weekly New Era Herald, 28 Jun 1912


June 24. Our community received a great shock this morning, the Death Angel having entered the home of Henry Berkenhoff about 5 o'clock a.m. and demanded the departure of his beloved wife. Mrs. Berkenhoff leaves behind a husband, five grown children and a host of sorrowing relatives and friends to mourn her demise.

The ice cream supper which was scheduled for tonight (Monday) will be postponed until Friday night June 28. This was done owing to the respect we owe our deceased friend Mrs. Berkenhoff.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Lavaca County, Texas Obituaries – B (8)

Lavaca County Tribune, 5 Sep 1946

Mrs. Mary Berkenhoff Dies in Shiner

Mrs. Mary Berkenhoff, 76 years of age died at the home of her sister in Shiner Saturday morning at 11:15. Her health had been failing the last few years. The deceased was born in Germany in 1870 and had been a resident of our city for many years. Her husband Fritz Berkenhoff preceeded her in death about 12 years ago.

Survivors are three sisters, Mrs. Laura Koehrner and Mrs. Hattie Vogelsang of Shiner and Mrs Hilda Schlavack of Round Top, two brothers, Edwin Koenig and Paul Koenig of Round Top.

Rev. Victor Raska of Flatonia officiated at Requiem Mass at Sacred Heart Church here, Monday, September 2 at 9:30 AM. Rev Alois Markovsky preached the sermon. Pallbearers were Christian Hemmi, Lutzie Hemmi, Forrest Mitchel of Victoria, Emil Berkenhoff, Adolph Pechacek and Elo Raska of Yoakum.

Obituary contributed by Matt Cross. Photo contributed by Cullis Holub


Lavaca County Tribune, 10 Aug 1956

Billy Berckenhoff Buried at Koerth

Tommy (Billy) Berckenhoff, 22, whose home is at Koerth died in a sanitarium in Wichita Falls, Monday, August 6th following a lingering illness.

Everyone in the Koerth community knew him as Billy, He was born there where he grew up on his father's farm. Billy attended Gephart school and St. Joseph's school in Yoakum.

His mother died some time ago. Surviving are his father, Emil Berkenhoff of Koerth: two brothers Emil Jr. Berckenhoff of Houston and Charles Berckenhoff, whereabouts unknown. Funeral services were held Wednesday, August 8th at 10:00 at the Koerth Catholic Church. Rev E. B. Kolodzie offering a Requiem High Mass. Burial was in the Catholic Cemetery.

Contributed by Matt Cross


Hallettsville New Era Herald, 17 Nov 1950

Rites Held for W. J. Berckenhoff at Koerth CemeterY

Funeral Services for Wesley Jerome Berckenhoff, 28, were held at the Koerth Catholic Church and Cemetery with the Rev. I. S., Kopczynski officiating. Pallbearers were Leo Hoffer, George Tuttle, Thomas Hoffer, Henry Young, John Matejek and Harry Carpenter.

Berckenhoff died unexpectedly at his home on Nov. 8. Born in this county he is survived by his father Emil Berckenhoff of San Angelo: three brothers, Thomas Berckenhoff of Halletsville, Charles and Emil Berckenhoff Jr. of Houston. His mother preceded him in death recently at Koerth.
Contributed by Matt Cross


San Antonio Express, 24 Nov 1970

William V. Berkenhoff

Funeral Mass for William V. Berkenhoff, 76 of 319 E. Woodlawn Ave. will be offered at 10 a.m. Tuesday in Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church. Burial will be in the Koerth, Tex. cemetery.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Emily A. Berkenhoff, a daughter and a brother. Arrangements by Zizik-Kearns-Downing-McClaugherty Funeral Home.

Lavaca County Tribune, 4 Dec 1970

Wm. Berkenhoff

Mr. William V. Berkenhoff of 319 East Woodlawn, San Antonio, Texas died Sunday, November 22 at a local hospital after a long illness. He was a former resident of Koerth, Texas and married the former Miss Emily Matjek on February 17, 1925 and had lived in San Antonio since 1945.

He is survived by his wife, one brother Emil Berckenhoff of Houston and one daughter, Mrs. Mary Katherine Nelson of Dallas; 8 grandchildren and several nephews.

Rosary was recited by Father Andrews at Zizik-Kearns-Downing-McClaugherty Chapel on November 23 and funeral services were held at the Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in San Antonio on November 24. Interment was in Koerth Catholic Cemetery.

Contributed by Matt Cross


The Shiner Gazette, Thursday, October 8, 1970, page 1

Berkovsky Infant Buried In Shiner

Donna Berkovsky, infant daughter of Laddie and Evelyn (Hahn) Berkovsky of Shiner, was dead at birth at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 30, 1970. The 8-pound baby was born at the Shiner Hospital.

Funeral services were held at the Buffington Funeral Home, Shiner, at 3 p.m. Thursday with the Rev. John J. Hanacek officiating. Burial was in the Shiner Catholic Cemetery.

Besides her parents, she is survived by two brothers and two sisters, Patrick, Timothy, Bernadette and Nanette Berkovsky; grandparents, Mrs. Godfrey Berkovsky, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hahn, all of Shiner; great-grandparents, Mrs. Jim Zissa and Mrs. Frances Berkovsky of Shiner, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hahn of Wadsworth.

Contributed by Nancy Schmidt


Victoria Advocate, March7,2012


SHINER - Patrick "Pat" Berkovsky, age 46, of Shiner passed away on Monday, March 5, 2012.

He was born on June 2, 1965, in Shiner to Laddie and Evelyn Hahn Berkovsky.

He was a Store Manager at Beas Convenience Store in Shiner.

Survivors: parents, Laddie and Evelyn Hahn Berkovsky of Shiner; sisters, Bernadette Passmore (Morris) of Port Lavaca and Nanette Hoffer (Donald) of El Campo; brothers Tim Berkovsky (Kim) of Yoakum, Jody Berkovsky (Kristan) of Fort Worth and Chad Berkovsky (Angela) of Inez.

Preceded in death by a sister, Donna Berkovsky.

Rosary at 7 p.m. on Wednesday at Thiele-Cooper Funeral Home. Funeral services at 10 a.m. on Thursday at Sts Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church with Rev. Kirby Hlavaty officiating.

Memorial contributions may be given to help defray funeral expenses.
Online guest book may be signed at

Arrangements by Thiele-Cooper Funeral Home in Yoakum, 361-293-5656.

Contributed by Rosemary Ermis


Hallettsville Herald, 24 Jul 1925

Ara Best died Sunday afternoon at the home of her parents in the southern part of town, aged 24 years. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, interment was made in the colored cemetery south of town.


Shiner Gazette, 25 Jan 1899, page 1

A Suicide at Witting.

Mrs. Gustave Best Cuts Her Own Throat With a Razor. No Cause Assigned.

Witting, Texas, January 20, 1899. – We are very sorry to report the untimely death of Mrs. Gustave Best, who committed suicide yesterday evening about 8 o’clock, by cutting her throat with her husband’s razor. There is no cause known for the rash act. Mr. and Mrs. Best were married only three years ago and were doing well; lived peaceably and have money on interest. Her mind must have left her all at once. She leaves a husband and a little baby girl one month old.

Mr. Best went to Halletsville yesterday morning with his father and mother, returning at about sundown, having his fathers’ wagon team; he gave his wife some few things at the gate, that he had brought from town. His wife told him that the baby was sick, as it had cried nearly all day. He said, well, I will go and take the team home and come back and see about it in a few minutes. He did so, but to his surprise, when he returned to the house, he found everything dark and when he entered, he found his wife in the room, lying on her back with her throat cut from ear to ear, and the baby on the bed crying. Justice Townsend and Sheriff Bennett were sent for and they came at once, and held the inquest. She was buried today at three o’clock at the cemetery at Witting.

[On a subsequent page]

The suicide of Mrs. G. Best, as reported by our Witting correspondent this week, is a sad, and deplorable affair. The bereaved husband has our deepest sympathy.

Burial place unknown. Contributed by Matt Cross


Shiner Gazette, 15 Aug 1895


A dance at the home of Paul Vaclavick, a Bohemian farmer living on Wm Green’s land, about 5 miles west of town, terminated with a fatal stabbing affray at two o’clock Sunday morning. John Beyer was slashed across the abdomen and mortally wounded by Frank Galia. The knife, either a dirk or a long keen-bladed pocket knife, penetrated and nearly severed the descending colon known as the large intestine. Dr. Eidson was called to attend the wounded man and pronounced the wound a moral one. Galia [sic.] died Sunday eve and was buried Monday. It was hard to obtain a correct version of the affair, but Beyer stated that Galia and another man were quarreling outside the door when he approached and said “don’t have any fuss here, boys,” and tried to separate them when Galia turned on him savagely and thrust the knife into his abdomen. Galia was arrested by Constable Scharnberg Sunday and lodged in the caliboose [sic]. He was taken to Gonzales Monday and lodged in jail. Galia still has his head bandaged from a wound received in a stabbing affray with Will Zeits some weeks ago. As Vaclavick lives in Gonzales county the present case will come up in the Gonzales courts.

Contributed by Matt Cross

There are over 4,000 obituaries of Central Texans with Czech roots at Steve Alvarez's TXBHS web site. These include many people from Lavaca County and some with German surnames.

Lavaca County, Texas Obituaries – B (2024)
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